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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Coutts's Island

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Coutts's Island.

Coutts's Island extends from White's Bridge on the North Road to the end of the island, a distance of about five miles. The public school of the district is known by the name of Kaiapoi Island school. There is also a post office. The district is in the Eyreton riding of the Ashley county, and at the census of 1901 it had a population of seventy-one souls. The land is good agricultural and pastoral country.

Public School, Coutts's Island . This school was established in the early seventies. It stands on an acre and a half of ground, contains a class room and porch, and has accommodation for thirty-six children. Adjoining the school there is a four-roomed residence for the teacher. The section is well planted with ornamental shelter trees.

Mr. John McGillivray, Headmaster of the Coutts's Island School, was born at Sydenham, Christchurch, in 1865. He was educated at the West Oxford school, where he served a pupil-teachership of five years. After a year at the Normal Training College, Mr. McGillivray was appointed to the charge of the Russell's Flat school, and after three years' service, was transferred, in 1889, to his present position. Mr McGillivray was married, in 1901, to the daughter of the late Mr W. Henry, of Russell's Flat.

Belcher Brothers (Arthur Clements, Robert James, and Herbert Reginald Belcher), Farmers, Coutts's Island, Kaiapoi. The property farmed by this firm, consists of 400 acres, leased from Mr. Richard Belcher, of Papanui, father of the partners.

Mr. Herbert Reginald Belcher, Junior Partner in the firm, was born in 1881, at Coutts's Island, and was educated at the local school. He gained his experience of country life on his father's estate, and became a member of the firm in 1900.

Belcher, John Richard, Farmer, Springfield Farm, Coutts's Island, Kaiapoi Mr. Belcher is a son of Mr. Richard Belcher, of Papanui, and was born at Kaiapoi in 1865. He was educated locally, and was brought up to agriculture by his father. Since 1885 he has farmed on his own account, and has an estate of 700 acres of freehold land. Mr. Belcher has served in the Kaiapoi Rifles, and is a member of the Kaiapoi Lodge of Oddfellows. He was married, in 1896, to the daughter of the late Mr. J. S. Theobald, librarian of the Christchurch library, and has one daughter.

Grant, Dominick Valentine, Farmer, Riverbank Farm, Coutts's Island. Mr. Grant was born in 1871 at Swannanoa, where he was educated and gained his early experience of country life. In 1900 he leased ten acres of land at Ohoka, and grew a large crop of potatoes, and in August, 1901, he purchased his present farm, which consists of fifty acres of fine land. Mr. Grant was married, in June, 1901, to a daughter of Mr. W. Lake, of Ohoka.

Wright, James, Farmer, “Willow Bank,” White's Bridge; Postal address, Coutts's Island, Kaiapoi. Mr. Wright was born at Cropwell Bishop, Nottinghamshire. England, in 1854, and arrived with his parents at Lyttelton by the ship “Zealandia,” in September, 1858. His father settled in the Kaiapoi district, and about eight years later bought land at White's Bridge, where the old homestead is now part of Mr. Wright's estate. Mr. Wright has always been engaged in outdoor work, and has successfully carried on mixed farming on his own account, since 1880. He now holds 433 acres of freehold land, of which 308 acres are at Fernside. Mr. Wright has held a seat on the Eyreton Road Board since 1896, and was chairman in 1899. He has been a member of the Waimakariri Harbour Board since 1898, and of the Kaiapoi Island school committee since 1896, and chairman of the committee since 1897. Mr. Wright was married, in 1884, to a daughter of the late Mr. W. Patterson, of Swannanoa, and has six sons and one daughter.

Mr. and Mrs J. Wright.

Mr. and Mrs J. Wright.