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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]


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Rangiora, in the county of Ashley, is one of the chief towns of North Canterbury, and is twenty miles from Christchurch by rail. It is also connected with the city by a good road. The district consists of fine farming land, suitable for crops and pasturage. There are flour mills and flax mills and other industries in the town, which has a post, telegraph and money order office, a Government Savings Bank, two branch banks, two newspapers, and several schools and churches. Large stock sales are held every Tuesday, when the town is crowded with settlers, and other visitors, and a large amount of business is done by buyers and sellers. The Ashley river, about a mile distant, abounds in trout. The first settlers in the district began to make their homes on the site of Rangiora in the fifties. According to men learned in the Maori language, Rangiora means place of rest, or freedom from care; and this interpretation is fully sustained by the climate, the pleasant aspect and the richness of the land, and the cordiality and prosperity of the inhabitants. At the census of April, 1901, Rangiora had a population of 1768; 793 males, and 975 females.

High Street, Rangiora.

High Street, Rangiora.

The Borough Of Rangiora consists of 1040 acres, and is bounded on all sides by the Mandeville and Rangiora road district, out of which it was taken on the 14th of May, 1878, when the municipality was constituted. Geographically, Rangiora is within the county of Ashley, within which, however, the Counties Act has never been brought into force. The total capital value of the district in April, 1902, was £185,066, on which a rate of 3/4d in the £ is struck; the revenue for the previous year was £1905, and the expenditure £1851. There are 404 dwellings, exclusive of shops in the borough, and these are owned by 349 ratepayers, representing in all 567 ratable properties. At the census of April, 1901, the population of the borough was 1768. There are fully three miles and a half of asphalt footpathts in the borough, and about five miles of concrete kerbing and channelling. The borough is lighted by forty-seven kerosene lamps; and water is obtained from wells and artesian bores. A central fire brigade station adjoins the municipal office, and a bell-tower and bell have been erected at a cost of over £100; there is also a second bell in another part of the borough. The volunteer fire brigade consists of twenty-five members. The Council Chambers, built of wood, consist of a large chamber for the meetings of the Council, and the clerk's office; and behind the building there is a comfortable cottage for the caretaker. A recreation reserve of two acres and a half, named Victoria Square, adjoins the Council office. Besides this, there is a section of thirty acres, the gift of Mr. S. H. Andrews, now of Exeter, England, which is situated in the Mandeville and Raugiora road district, and has been planted with shrubs and ornamental trees. This property is leased for grazing purposes, subject to the rights of the public, and is a favourite page 461 spot for sports and picnics. The borough has an endowment of 800 acres in the Mount Hutt district, Ashburton county, which is leased for fourteen years at £280 per year. Members of the Council in 1902: Mr. J. Carmichael, Mayor, and Messrs E. R. Good, C. I. Jennings, J. W. Foster, E. W. Relph, C. W. Bell, W. T. Wilson, A. W. Hills, and T. Keir, Mr. G. H. N. Heimore is borough solicitor, Mr. M. Amy town clerk and borough surveyor, and Mr. F. Gulliver inspector.

His Worship The Mayor, Mr J. Carmichael, who had been a Member of the Borough Council since 1895, was elected Mayor of Rangiora without opposition in 1902. He is an engineer by trade, and was born in Dundee, Scotland, in 1855. Mr. Carmichael arrived in New Zealand in 1880, and worked as an engineer for the Iron and Woodware Co., in Dunedin, and for the Union Steamship Company, till 1886. In that year he started a woodware factory and cooperage in Rangiora, which he conducted for about four years. In 1897, in conjunction with Mr. H. Martin, he commenced cycle-engineering under the style of Carmichael and Martin, the “Star” and “Swift” machines being their specialties. The first locomotive built in Scotland was constructed by Mr. Carmichael's grandfather, the late Mr. J. Carmichael, of Dundee, who is said to have built also the first iron ship constructed in that country.

Tolputt and Clarke, photo. Mr. J. Carmichael.

Tolputt and Clarke, photo.
Mr. J. Carmichael.

Councillor Charles William Bell, who has held a seat in the Rangiora Borough Council since 1901, was born in 1871 in Rangiora, where he was educated, and also served his apprenticeship as a tailor. He afterwards went to Wellington, where he gained additional experience at Messrs Veitch and Allan's, and then returned to Rangiora, where he entered into business on his own account in 1894. Mr. Bell has been a member of the local school committee since 1900. As an Oddfellow he is a member of the Loyal Rangiora Lodge, has been through all the chairs in the Juvenile Lodge, and on two occasions in the Adult Lodge, and holds office as District Grand Master. He served for seven years in the Rangiora Rifles and retired with the rank of sergeant; keenly interested in shooting matters, he is captain of the Morris Tube Club. Mr. Bell was married, in 1893, to a daughter of Mr. J. Patterson, of Rangiora, and has one son and one daughter.

Tolputt and Clarke, photo. Councillor C. W. Bell.

Tolputt and Clarke, photo.
Councillor C. W. Bell.

Councillor John Wilkinson Foster has been a Member of the Rangiora Borough Council since 1893. He was born in London, in 1855, was brought out to the colony in the year following in the ship “Philip Laing,” and was educated at the Rangiora Church school, where he was a pupil of the late Mr. Charles Merton. Mr. Foster has been engaged in farming on his own account in the Rangiora district since 1882. He owns 200 acres of land altogether in the district, and resides on Bush Farm, King Street South. Mr. Foster takes a general interest in local affairs, and has for two years been president of the North Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association, and also of the Rangiora Atheltic Club for a similar period. He is also a member of the Rangiora Domain Board, and was for three years a member of the licensing committee. Mr. Foster is also a director of the North Canterbury Co-operative Association. He was married, in 1884, to a daughter of the late Mr. Williams, of Bush Farm, Rangiora, and has three daughters and two sons.

Standish and Preece photo. Councillor J. W. Foster.

Standish and Preece photo.
Councillor J. W. Foster.

Councillor Edward Richard Good, J.P., is one of the oldest Members of the Rangiora Borough Council, over which he presided as Mayor in the years 1899, 1890, and 1891. He was born in Shropshire, England, in 1850, and was brought to Lyttelton by his parents in the ship “Royal Stuart” in 1855. His father, the late Mr. Edward Good, settled in Rangiora in 1856. The subject of this notice was educated in Rangiora and at the old High School, Christchurch, and learned his trade as draper in the township, where he entered into business on his own account in 1881. Mr. Good was first returned to the Borough Council in 1878, and has continuously held a seat at the Council board since that time. During his visit to the Colonial Exhibition in England in 1886, he had leave of absence from the Council. Mr. Good has long been prominently connected with the Rangiora Literary Society, of which be was
Standish and Preece photo. Councillor E. R. Good.

Standish and Preece photo.
Councillor E. R. Good.

page 462 secretary and treasurer for many years, and is now (1902) its president. He is also president of the Rangiora Tennis Club. For a quarter of a century he took an active interest in cricket, holding various positions in the local club and playing in the Senior Eleven. He has been a member of the Bangiora High School Board for six years, during three of which he was its chairman. Mr. Good was married, in 1888, to a daughter of the late Mr J. Lissaman, of Rangiora, and has two sons and two daughters.

Councillor Arthur William Hills, who has held a seat on the Rangiora Borough Council since 1899, was born in Rangiora in 1863. He was educated at Ernley Academy, Rangiora, and was brought up by his father to the brick-making trade. Mr. Hills is manager of the large brick works established by his father, and now owned by Messrs Wigram Bros. He is a member of the local Masonic and Druid Lodges, and has always shown interest in the Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Association, and in athletic and outdoor games. Mr. Hills was married, in 1884, to a daughter of the late Mr. S. Stephens.

Councillor C. J. Jennings.

Councillor C. J. Jennings.

Councillor Charles Ivory Jennings, J.P., who has occupied a seat on the Rangiora Borough Council since 1886, and was Mayor for two years, in 1896 and 1897, was born in Rangiora in 1860. He was educated in the district, where he was also brought up to mercantile life. In 1884 he became representative in North Canterbury for the “Lyttelton Times,” and has acted continuously as its correspondent and business manager for the district since that time. Since 1885 he has acted as secretary of the Rangiora Literary Institute, which controls the local library and reading room. As an Oddfellow, of the Manchester Unity, he is a past officer of the Loyal Rangiora Lodge, and has been Provincial Corresponding Secretary for the Ashley District since 1885. Mr. Jennings has served on the Rangiora school committee for about seventeen years; and has for eighteen years been secretary of the Presbyterian Church and for a long period superintendent of the Sunday school. He was married in 1886, to a daughter of Mr. W. Stapleforth, of Rangiora, and has two daughters. In 1891 he was appointed a Justice of the Peace.

Councillor Thomas Keir, who has been a Member of the Rangiora Borough Council since 1892, and was mayor for 1896–7, was born in Perthshire, Scotland, in 1837. Mr. Keir is a carpenter by trade, and came to Lyttelton by the ship “Mermaid” in 1864. After working for two years in Christchurch, he settled in Rangiora, as a builder and contractor, and afterwards joined Mr. Hugh Boyd, under the style of Boyd and Keir, a partnership which still exists. Mr. Keir has been for about thirty years a member of the committee of the Rangiora Institute, and served on the school committee for many years in the early days. He is one of the oldest members of the Sons of Temperance. Mr. Keir was married, in 1863, to a daughter of the late Mr. D. Niven, of Forfarshire, Scotland, and has two daughters surviving.

Councillor Edward William Relph, who was elected to a seat on the Rangiora Borough Council in 1901, was born in 1858 in Wicklin, Kent, England. He was brought up to commerical life in London, and served for five years in the office of the East and West India Dock Company. Subsequently Mr. Relph visited China and the Straits Settlements on business. He returned to the Old Country, and after a short stay came to Lyttelton in the ship “Hurunui,” and settled in Christchurch. After temporary employment in the office of the New Zealand Shipping Company, he entered the service of Mr. C. W. Turner, whom he subsequently left, to gain country experience with a firm of merchants in North Canterbury. On returning to Christchurch some years later he was again employed by Mr. Turner until November, 1892, when he became manager of the North Canterbury Co-operative Society. Mr. Relph takes an interest in all local matters, and holds office as treasurer to the Northern Agricultural and Pastoral Society. He was married in 1883, to a daughter of Mr. J. Jackson, of Papanui; this lady died in 1896, leaving three daughters. In 1899 Mr. Relph was married to a daughter of Mr. Edward Mulcock, of Flaxton, and has two sons by this union.

Councillor William Thomas Wilson, of the Rangiora Borough Council, was born in the township in 1864, and educated and brought up to the printing business in his native place. Mr. Wilson worked at the office of the “Rangiora Standard,” prior to entering into business, in conjunction with his brother, Mr. J. J. Wilson, in June, 1896. He was returned as a member of the Rangiora Borough Council in 1901. Mr. Wilson has been an active member of the Rangiora Fire Brigade, since 1887, and has held various offices. For years he has competed in fire brigade competitions, and has been a winner of several events personally, as well as being a member of winning teams. In January, 1897, Mr. Wilson won the one-man manual event in 32 3-5th seconds. He has also taken a great interest in Oddfellowship, having passed through the chairs of the local Lodge twice, and through the chairs of the Ashley District Lodge; he is a Past Provincial Grand Master, and at present (1902) is secretary of the Juvenile Lodge. Athletic sports also receive Mr. Wilson's support and encouragement.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo. Councillor W. T. Wilson.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Councillor W. T. Wilson.

Mr. Moreau Amy, Town Clerk and Borough Surveyor for the Borough of Rangiora, was born in the Channel Islands. He was educated partly in his native place and partly in France, and came to New Zealand in 1867. For more than fourteen years Mr. Amy was a school teacher in Canterbury. He settled in Rangiora in 1882, and has held his present positions since 1885. Mr. Amy has also been secretary of the Rangiora Investment and Building Society since 1882.

Mr. George Henry Noble Helmore, Borough Solicitor for Rangiora, was born in Christchurch in 1862. He was educated at Christ's College, and after serving his articles in Christchurch, was admitted as a barrister and solicitor in 1883. His appointment as borough solicitor at Rangiora dates from December, 1884. For a number of years previous to 1901 Mr. Helmore was captain of the Rangiora Rifles. He was married, in 1893, to a daughter of the Hon. Ernest Gray, of Hoon Hay, Christchurch, and has two sons and one daughter.

The Mandeville and Rangiora River Board has jurisdiction over a district with a ratable value of £218,820, on which a rate of 1/4d in the £ is levied; revenue in 1902, £228. This board has the care of the Main Drain, which is about five miles in length and one chain wide, besides thirteen side-drains, varying from 6 feet to 10 feet wide. The Southbrook and Ohoka creeks and page 463 the Cam river are also under its jurisdiction. Members for 1902: Messrs E. J. Palmer (chairman), A. Wallace, H. Clark, W. Kelcher, and E. T. Mulcock. Mr. R. M. Wright is clerk and treasurer. The board has been in existence since the early seventies, prior to which the Main Drain was constructed by the Provincial Government to make the land saleable.

The Mandeville And Rangiora Road District was originally constituted in April, 1864, when it included part of the Eyreton road district and the borough of Rangiora, in addition to the country now under its jurisdiction. The first board, which was elected on the 26th of January, 1864, at a meeting held at Hinge's Hotel, Woodend, consisted of the Rev. John Raven (chairman), and Messrs Lee, Jagoe, Dixon, and Beswick. A grant of £1200 was supplied by the Provincial Council. The district is bounded on the north by the Ashley river; on the south by the Main Drain; on the west by the Cust road district; and on the east by the Pacific Ocean; the borough of Rangiora, of course, being excepted. Till June, 1867, meetings of the board were held at Woodend, but since then the offices have been in High Street, Rangiora. In 1902 the capital value of the district was £623,287, and the unimproved value, £494,674. The rate, which had usually been 1/2d in the £, was raised to 5/8d for that year. The revenue was £1606, exclusive of a subsidy of £401 10s 0d, and £150 from other sources. The expenditure was fully equal to the receipts. There are 131 miles of formed and metalled roads, besides many miles of unformed highways. The members of the board in 1902 were: Messrs F. Horrell (chairman), J. Stacker, C. Leech, G. Dalziel, and J. Stevenson, with Mr. J. Marshall as clerk and surveyor.

Mr. James Marshall, Clerk and Surveyor to the Mandeville and Rangiora Road Board, was born in the parish of Urney, Strabane, County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1859. He came to Lyttelton in 1877 by the ship “Rakaia,” and was for about ten years employed by Mr. W. J. Crothers, storekeeper, of Rangiora. Mr. Marshall was one of the promoters of the North Canterbury Farmers' Co-operative Association. He has held office as Secretary of the Loyal Rangiora Lodge of Oddfellows, since his appointment in June, 1885, and has been clerk and surveyor for the Mandeville and Rangiora Road Board since 1895. Mr. Marshall served for seven years as a member of the Rangiora borough school committee, and was chairman for four years. As a member of the Loyal Orange Lodge since 1882, he has passed all the chairs in both lodge and district. Mr. Marshall was married, in 1888, to a daughter of the late Mr C. G. T. Alfred, of Balcairn, and has one son and three daughters.

The Post And Telegraph Office, Rangiora, is a prominent building at the corner of Percival and High Streets, and was taken possession of by the department in 1887. The building is of brick with concrete facing, and has a clock tower. It contains a public office, scrting and operating room, and postmaster's office, besides a lobby for the private boxes, which number thirty-six. There is also a telephone exchange, with ten subscribers and a public bureau. Three mails are exchanged with Christchurch daily, besides local mails; and two letter-carriers, besides a telegraphist and messenger, with the postmaster, constitute the staff. The first post office in Rangiora was conducted by Mr. J. B. Wilton in a store near the railway crossing in High Street. The building in use before the one now occupied was of wood and shingle, and was in High Street, adjoining the present premises.

The Rangiora Railway Station was opened about the year 1875. It is situated on the main line through North Canterbury, and at the junction of the Oxford branch. The building is of wood and iron, and includes a public lobby, ladies' waiting room, luggage room, stationmaster's room, and an office for the inspector of permanent way. The extensive asphalt platforms have proved insufficient for the traffic, and are shortly (1902) to be extended. Nine passenger trains and six goods trains pass through the station daily, besides specials and extras. There is a large goods shed, and a considerable amount of grain is railed from the town. The stationmaster has a staff of five assistants.

Mr. Alexander Donaldson, Station-master at Rangiora, was born in Stirlingshire. Scotland, in 1846. After coming to New Zealand in 1874, Mr. Donaldson joined the railway service, and was stationed as clerk at Ashburton, traffic inspector at Timaru, and stationmaster at Waimate, Temuka, Sefton, Hornby, Studholme, and traffic inspector at Wanganui and Wellington, before being transferred in 1900 to his present position at Rangiora. Mr. Donaldson was married, in 1981, to a daughter of the late Mr. W. Hooper, of Dunedin, and has one son and two daughters.

Mr. Sydney Sanders, Inspector of Permanent Way for the Rangiora District, was appointed to his present position in November, 1898. The district extends from Belfast to Culverden, on the main line, and from Rangiora to Sheffield, on the Eyreton-Bennetts line. Mr. Sanders was born in Torquay, Devonshire, England, in 1859, and was brought to the colony by his father, Mr. W. Sanders, of Riccarton, who came out under engagement to the contractor for the Lyttelton tunnel, by the ship “Robert Small,” in 1859. Mr. Sanders commenced his experience in connection with railways in 1874, under the contractor for the Southbridge section. He was afterwards employed on construction works, by the railway department, till 1880, when he went to Australia, and in the same year enlisted under the Colonial Government of South Africa to fight the Basutos in that country. In this expedition he was engaged for nine months, and returned to New Zealand about the end of 1881. On rejoining the railway service he was for nine years stationed successively at Addington, Timaru, and other parts of Canterbury. Mr. Sanders then became ganger at Addington, and held that position for about seven years. Subsequently he gained experience during fifteen months in the Addington workshops, before being appointed to his present position. He was married, in 1889, to a daughter of the late Mr. Joseph Williscroft, of Ohoka, and has four daughters and two sons surviving.

Tolputt and Clark, photo. Mr. S. Sanders.

Tolputt and Clark, photo.
Mr. S. Sanders.

The High School, Rangiora was established in 1878, under an Act of Parliament, which provided various endowments. Its establishment was largely due to the energy of the late Mr. A. H. Cunningham. The school is under the control of a Board of Governors, consisting of Messrs J. Johnson (chairman), J. Sansom, R. Ball, M. Macfarlane, H. Boyd, R. Whiteside, and W. Harrison, who are elected by various local bodies. Boys and girls to the number of about forty, fairly equally divided, are in attendance at the school which stands on a section of about five acres of land on the East Belt, and has extensive play fields. The building is of wood, and contains two class rooms, with accommodation for about seventy scholars. There is a twelve-roomed house on the property for the headmaster, who is assisted by Miss Howard, M.A.

Mr. Thomas Richard Cresswell, M.A., Headmaster of the Rangiora High School, was born in Christchurch in 1868, and was educated at the West Christchurch Public School, the Beys' High School, and at Canterbury College. He graduated B.A. in 1889, and M.A., with honours in Latin and English, in the following year. Mr. Cresswell was also successful in gaining two Board of Education scholarships, besides a Junior University scholarship. For three years he was assistant at the Wanganui Boys' School, and for one year at the Wanganui Technical School. Mr. Cresswell was appointed to his present position in May, 1899. He was married, in 1896, to a daughter of the late Mr. John Reese, of Papanui, Christchurch, and has one son and two daughters.

The District School, Rangiora, was established about the year 1872. It is situtaed in King Street, on a site about two acres in extent. The school buildings are of wood and iron, and contain six class rooms and three porches. There is accommodation for 450 pupils. The number on the roll for the first page 464 quarter in 1902 was 380, and the average attendance is 326. There is a good playground surrounding the school, partly in grass and partly in asphalt, and there is one covered shed. A comfortable residence for the headmaster also stands on the section. The staff consists of seven teachers, besides the headmaster.

Mr. Thomas William Ambrose, B.A. (New Zealand University), Headmaster of the Rangiora District School, was born in 1855, in Glasgow, Scotland. He came to Lyttelton with his parents by the ship “William Miles” in 1860, and was educated in Christchurch at the Wesleyan school, Durham Street, and the old Boys' High school in Lincoln Road. In 1872 Mr. Ambrose entered the service of the Provincial Government, in the Provincial Secretary's office, where he continued till the abolition of the provinces. For two years subsequently he was second master at Burnham, but resigned that position and engaged in farming at Greendale for three years. Mr. Ambrose then joined the staff of the West Christchurch School, where he served for fifteen years and a half, rose to the position of second master, and obtained his degree at Canterbury College. He has been in charge at Rangiora since January, 1898. Mr. Ambrose was married, in 1886, to a daughter of Mr. A. Lusk, of Ashburton, and has one daughter and one son.

St. John Baptist Anglican Church, Rangiora, was founded in 1860. A small wooden church was originally built on a portion of the present site, which consists of four acres and a half of land in High Street. The old building was removed about 1875, and the foundations of the present church were laid in solid concrete. The superstructure is composite, and a tower has still to be added to the building, which has accommodation for 500 persons. There are two Sunday schools adjoining the church, one in wood, and the other in concrete. About 200 children attend the schools, and there are twenty teachers in charge. The small churches at Fernside, Southbrook, Flaxton, Ohoka, and Eyreton, respectively, are supplied from Rangiora.

The Rev. Frederic Philip Fendall, B.A., Incumbent of the Parish of Rangiora, was born in Christchurch, in 1860. He was educated at Christ's College and at Canterbury College, and graduated B.A. in 1886. In the same year Mr. Fendall was ordained deacon, and priest in 1888. In 1886 he was appointed to Ross, Westland, where he was stationed for five years, and was after-wards a year at Cust, before being appointed to Rangiora in November, 1892. Mr. Fendall was married, in 1893, to a daughter of Mr. T. York, of Nelson, and has two sons and two daughters.

The Rev. Arthur Beaven, Curate of Rangiora, was born at Teignmouth, Devon, England, in 1868. He was educated at Blundell School, Tiverton, Devon, and became a student at St. Angustine's College, Canterbury, England. Mr. Beaven arrived in New Zealand in 1899, and was ordained deacon in the same year in Christchurch Cathedral. Before entering upon his duties at Rangiora in 1902, he had been stationed at Methven as curate.

John Knox Presbyterian Church, Rangiora, was built in 1872, while the congregation was joined to Kaiapoi, under one charge, but the Rangiora congregation became a separate charge in 1880. The building is constructed of wood, with a shingle roof, and has accommodation for 200 worshippers. It occupies a prominent position in High Street. A Sunday school is held in the church, and is attended by eighty-five children with seven children. The manse is situated in Church Street, and is a convenient two-storey building of eight rooms.

The Rev. Alexander Doull, M.A., Presbyterian Minister in charge of Rangiora, was born in the Island of Fetlar, Shetlands, in 1871. He is the son of the Rev. James Doull, of Bulls, Rangitikei, and received his education in the colony at the Otago University College, and at the New College, Edinburgh. During his studies in Dunedin he graduated B.A. in 1892, and M.A., with honours in mathematics, in the following year. Mr. Doull was ordained in May, 1897, when he was inducted to the church of Rangiora. He was married, in the following year, to a daughter of Mr. J. W. Robinson, chemist, of Parnell, Auckland, and has two daughters.

The Catholic Parish of Rangiora includes the Kaiapoi, Oxford, and Loburn districts. In the early days the spiritual wants of the settlement were attended from Christchurch, and afterwards from Shand's Track, but in 1877 the present parish was formed. At that time the Rangiora parish extended from the Waimakariri to the Conway river, but at the advent of Bishop Grimes, the districts of Amberley, Hawarden, Waiau and Cheviot were organised into a separate parish. The Church property in Rangiora is situated in Victoria Street, and the princpal building is the church, which is of wood and shingle, and has accommodation for from 350 to 400 worshippers. It was completed in October, 1886, at a cost of £1400, including the price of the land. The original church, erected about 1870, is also of wood and shingle; it has accommodation for about 200 persons, cost £550, and is at present used as a school. The presbytery, which is a fine two-storey building, stands between the old and new churches, and was erected in 1878, at a cost of £970. The Sisters of the mission are in charge of the educational work, and have about fifty children in attendance. There is a residence for the Sisters on the opposite side of Victoria Street. It was purchased in 1885. The present parish priest, the Rev. W. Hyland, has for an assistant the Rev. J. P. O'Connor.

The Wesleyan Methodist Church, Rangiora. This church was established in 1864, in a small building erected in Ashley Street, and was subsequently removed to Southbrook. The present church, situated in King Street, was built in 1874. It is of wood, finished with lath and plaster, and was enlarged in 1896, at the time of the union, to provide accommodation for the increased congregation. The church will seat about 250 persons, and there are vestries at the back. A convenient Sunday school, with accommodation for 150 adults, adjoins the church; it has about 100 scholars and thirteen teachers. There is fully half an acre of land in connection with the church. The parsonage is within a few minutes' walk of the church, and was built in 1877. It is a two storey building of wood and iron, with eight rooms, besides bathroom and washhouse. The site, an acre and a half in extent, carries also a stable and coach-house.

The Rev. Alfred Peters, Minister at Rangiora, formerly belonged to the United Methodist Free Church, in which he held the office of district chairman, and was also connexional secretary for two years, and treasurer for five years. After the union of the Wesleyan and Methodist churches he was in charge of the Ponsonby Circuit, Auckland, until March, 1899, when he was transferred to Rangiora, and succeeded at Ponsonby by the Rev. W. Ready. Mr. Peters was born at Probus, Truro, Cornwall, England, in 1851, and educated at Probus Grammar School. He arrived in Nelson in 1876. and in 1877 was ordained to the ministry of the United Methodist Church, for which he officiated successively at Reefton, Christchurch, Oxford, Rangiora, Wellington, and Auckland. Mr. Peters was married to Miss Watson, youngest daughter of the late William Morgan Watson, of Fendalton, Christchurch. Mrs Peters died in 1897. Whilst originally residing in Rangiora, Mr. Peters was a member of the school committee and of the Oxford licensing committee. He was appointed a deputation to wait upon all the United Free Methodist Churches, throughout New Zealand, in connection with the Loan on Buildings Fund scheme, and was very successful in his work in that respect. Mr. Peters has always taken an active part in the cause of education and temperance.

The Baptist Church, Rangiora, is situated in Victoria Street. It was one of the earliest churches in the district. In the first instance it was a Calvinistic Baptist Church, and has had a somewhat eventful history, having been two or three times closed, and again reopened; at last the New Zealand Baptist Union took the church over, and a minister has since been resident in the district. The building is of wood, iron, and shingle, and has accommodation for 120 persons. There is a Sunday school connected with the church, which is attended by about forty children and six teachers.

The Rev Walter Barry, Minister in Charge, was appointed to the position in March, 1901. Mr. Barry was born in Belfast, Ireland, in 1871, and educated in Auckland. He studied for the ministry in Dunedin with a view to foreign mission work, and was ordained in Ponsonby, Auckland, in 1896. The four succeeding years were spent in mission work in Bengal and India, but at the end of 1900 Mr. Barry was compelled, through ill-health, to return to New Zealand, and has since shortly after his return resided at Rangiora.

The Northern Agricultural And Pastoral Association was established in Kaiapoi in 1873, but three years later Rangiora became its headquarters. There is now a membership of 250. The association possesses a freehold section of twelve acres in Ashley Street. This has been improved page 465 by means of buildings, including produce stands and booths, besides sheep and cattle pens, and all the other requisites of a modern show ground. The annual show is held in November, each year, and about £500 is distributed in prize money, apart from medals and certificates. It is recognised as the leading show in North Canterbury. Officers for 1902: Mr. D. Buddo, M.H.R., patron; Mr. J. Stevenson, president; Messrs C. Leech and A. Horn, vice-presidents; Mr E. W. Relph, treasurer; and Mr. A. S. Clarkson, secretary. There is also a committee of twenty-five members. The association has no debt on its property.

Mr. Arthur Stewart Clarkson, who has been Secretary of the Association since 1894, is well known as an auctioneer in the district. He has acted in that capacity for the North Canterbury Co-operative Society since 1898.

The Standard North Canterbury Guardian is published twice a week and circulated throughout the district. It is a double-demy sheet of four pages, and has a fairly good circulation. It is the oldest paper north of Christchurch, and was established in 1875. Mr. H. Turner is the proprietor.

The Magistrate's Court, Rangiora, is held in a courthouse built of brick and iron, and adjoining the police station in Percival Street. The courthouse was erected in 1892, and contains, in addition to the courtroom, rooms for the magistrate, the clerk, and for the suitors. Mr. Bishop, S.M., holds sittings every Tuesday to deal with civil and criminal cases. Sergeant Johnston acts as bailiff of the court.

The Rangiora Police Sub-District includes the borough and the surrounding settlements. The station is in Percival Street, and includes a concrete seven-roomed residence and office, with stables and a lock-up containing two cells. An officer has been stationed in the district since about 1860.

Sergeant James Johnston, who is in charge of the Rangiora Police Sub-District, was born in 1850, in County Fermanagh, Ireland, and arrived in New Zealand in 1874. He farmed for two years at Razorback, Auckland, and joined the police force in Canterbury in 1876. Since then he has been stationed in various parts of Canterbury, and has been in charge at Rangiora since September, 1894. Mr. Johnston was married, in 1887, to a daughter of Mr. J. Bray, of Southbridge, and has two sons and two daughters.

Volckman, Ronald, Mem. R. Coll. Surg. Eng., 1880; Lic. R. Coll. Phys. Edin., 1881; Victoria Street, Rangiora.

McGill, David William, Surgeon Dentist, High Street, Rangiora. Mr. McGill was born in 1878 in Dunedin, where he became an articled student, and studied for his profession with Mr. Hay, qualifying in 1898. On removing to Christchurch he served for about eighteen months with some of the leading dentists, and was for nearly a year subsequently in charge of Mr. Scott's practice at Waimate. Mr. McGill established his practice in Rangiora in October, 1900. He pays a weekly visit to Amberley. Mr McGill is greatly interested in local sports and pastimes, and is vice-president of a local football club, and a member of the cricket, morris-tube, and tennis clubs.

Allison, Walter, Chemist and Druggist, High Street, Rangiora. This business was established in 1888 by Mr W. Gower, by whom it was conducted till early in 1902, when the present proprietor came into possession. Mr. Allison was born in 1874, at Sydenham, Christchurch, where he was educated, and is the third son of Mr. Allison, town clerk of Sydenham. Having served his articles to Mr. W. R. Cook, he was registered in 1896, and was employed in connection with his profession at Oamaru and in Christchurch before settling in Rangiora.

Vincent, Spencer, Chemist and Druggist, High Street, Rangiora. This business was established about the year 1878 by Dr. Downes, who conducted it for twelve years. It was then taken over by Mr. George Shorland, who carried on the business till October, 1891, when the present proprietor came into possession. Mr. Vincent was born in 1870, in Christchurch.

The Union Bank Of Australia, Limited, has been represented in Rangiora since 1873. The premises are in a central position in High Street, and were built about 1882. They consist of a two-storey building, which contains the banking chamber, manager's office and residence. The manager and three assistants constitute the staff of the branch.

Mr. John Ormsby Jones, Manager of the Union Bank at Rangiora, was born at Enniskillen, in Ireland, and has been in charge at Rangiora since 1894.

The Bank Of New Zealand, Rangiora. This branch was opened in 1868, and in 1878 the handsome two-storied premises were erected at the corner of High and Ashley Streets. The building, which is of wood and iron, and is plastered throughout, contains a very fine banking chamber, with the manager's room and strong room in front. The other portions of the ground floor, together with the upper flat, consist of ten large apartments, besides bathroom and offices, and are used as the manager's residence. The manager is assisted by a teller, ledgerkeeper, and a junior.

Mr. Frederick Augustus MacBean, Manager of the Bank of New Zealand at Rangiora, was born in Nairn, Scotland, in 1865. He was educated at Nairn Academy, and studied law for six months, but, preferring banking, he entered the National Bank of Scotland, in which he served three years. In 1884 he came to Wellington, by the s.s. “Aorangi,” but went on to Auckland, where he joined the staff of the Bank of New Zealand, taking a position in the correspondence department. For several months in 1886 he served as ledgerkeeper at Greymouth, and was transferred to Christchurch about the end of that year. In March, 1887, Mr. MacBean took up his duties as ledgerkeeper at Oamaru, where he continued till 1894, and rose successively to the positions of bill clerk and teller. He then returned to Christchurch, where he continued till 1900, and became sub-accountant of the branch. Since July, 1900, he has been stationed in Rangiora. Mr MacBean is vice-president of the Rangiora hockey, football, tennis and morris tube clubs.