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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

City Council

City Council.

At present the City Council consists of the Mayor, Mr. H. F. Wigram, and the following councillors: Messrs J. M. Taylor, H. H. Loughnan, Henry Wood, south-east ward; C. M. Gray, G. Payling, R. M. Macdonald, north-west ward; W. E. Samuels, J. Clarke, G. Simpson, north-east ward; and C. D. Morris, H. B. Sorensen, and J. T. Smith, south-west ward. The officers are: Messrs H. R. Smith, town clerk; A. Dudley Dobson, M. Inst. C.E., city surveyor and engineer; J. F. Matthews, chief clerk; J. S. Neville, rate collector; J. H. Stringer, chief inspector; W. Smith, junior inspector; T. Russell, foreman; V. Esselborn, caretaker; and E. Smith, superintendent of the fire brigade.

His Worship The Mayor, Mr. Henry Francis Wigram, was born in London and came out to New Zealand to seek good health, attracted by the high reputation of the colony's genial climate, and natural advantages. After visiting several parts of the colony, he arrived in Christchurch in 1883. Two years later he entered into business, and has ever since been connected with the firm of Messrs Wigram Brothers. Although he has taken a keen interest in local public affairs, and especially in the patriotic movement in connection with the sending of Contingents to South Africa, Mr. Wigram has not hitherto served on public bodies. His fitness for administrative work had, however, been so long recognised that, in April, 1902, he was elected Mayor of Christchurch without opposition.
Councillor John Morgan Taylor, who was elected in 1901 to represent the Southeast Ward in the Christchurch City Council, was page 101 returned at the top of the poll. One of the planks in Mr. Taylor's municipal platform consists in the amalgamation of the city with the suburbs for the purpose of municipalising all public services. He has long taken a keen interest in labour legislation, has represented the plumbing trade before the Conciliation Board and the Arbitration Court, and has been intimately connected with the Canterbury Employers' Association He was the chief promoter of the Master Plumbers' Association in New Zealand, and at its first convention, held recently, he was elected president. Mr. Taylor as born in Herefordshire, England, educated at a private school in Leominster, and was apprenticed to the plumbing trade in his native city.
Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.Councillor J. M. Taylor.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Councillor J. M. Taylor.

During six years of service with the wellknown firm of Messrs Woodhouse Bros., he gained a comprehensive knowledge of every branch of the trade, and accepted the position of manager for the firm of Roberts and Son, Gloucester—a post which necessitated much travelling on his part. This complete and extensive training, coupled with a natural aptitude for his calling, and indomitable energy, led to success. Mr. Taylor came to New Zealand in 1874, and in 1875, he and Mr. Oakley established the business still carried on by them in Tuam Street, Christchurch. Mr. Taylor was married in England in 1872, and one son was born of the marriage. His wife dying, he married again in 1876, and eight children have been born of this union.

Councillor Henry Hamilton Loughnan, who represents the South-East Ward in the Christchurch City Council, is the second son of the late Judge Loughnan, H.E.I.C.S., and was born in 1849 at Patna, Bengal, India, and educated at Stonyhurst, College, England. Mr. Loughnan came out to Melbourne in 1868, and after a short stay crossed the Tasman Sea and spent some time on the Otago diggings, after which he was engaged for a few years on a sheep run. He studied law as a judge's associate to the late Hon. H. B. Gresson, judge of the Supreme Court, and also to the late Mr. Justice Johnston. He was admitted a barrister of the Supreme Court in 1876, and commenced to practise his profession in Christchurch. In 1878 he joined Mr. William Izard, under the style of Izard and Loughnan. Mr. Loughnan is well known in musical circles as a member of the Christchurch Orchestral Society and Musical Union. In his younger days, as an enthusiastic cricketer he look part in several intercolonial matches, and still belongs to the Lancaster Park Cricket Club. Mr. Loughnan was elected to a sent in the city council in 1896. He is a member of the Christchurch Club.

Councillor Henry Wood, who was elected in 1900 as a Member for the South East Ward, in the Christchurch City Council, was returned to his seat at the election of 1901. Mr. Wood was born in Christchurch in 1860, and is a son of Mr. W. D. Wood, one of the early settlers who arrived in New Zealand by the “Randolph,” one of the first four ships, in 1850. He was educated at Christ's College, and after leaving school entered the milling trade, which he has since pursued with great success, and is now a partner in the well-known firm of Messrs Wood Bros., millers and grain merchants, Christchurch. Mr. Wood has taken consider-
Standish and Preece, photo.Councillor H. Wood.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Councillor H. Wood.

able interest in local affairs. He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association, and the Canterbury Industrial Association. The firm of Wood Bros, is described in another part of this volume.

Councillor Charles Mathew Gray, J.P., who has been prominent in local politics for many years past, was born at Geelong, Victoria, in 1853, and arrived in New Zealand in 1862, per s.s. “Gothenburg,” from Melbourne. Mr. Gray was brought up to the soft goods trade, and for seven years was in the employ of Mr. Peter Bell, of Wanganui, Removing to Christchurch, he was for ten years with Mr. Robert Black, draper, afterwards Messrs. Black, Beattie and Co. Mr. Gray commenced his present business on his own account in High Street in 1884. He has been a member of the Christchurch City Council since 1885, and was mayor in 1891. He has been an active member of the Christchurch Hospital Board, and on the retirement of Mr. R. D. Thomas in 1898, was elected to the chair. Mr. Gray for many years has taken a deep interest in the Temperance cause. In 1874 he commenced to compile “An Annual Table of the Drink Bill of the Colony,” taking the Customs returns as his basis, and giving an estimate of the total cost to the consumer. The accuracy of his statements has been severely criticised, but Mr. Gray has defended his position with much effect, and his data have been frequently referred to in Parliament. He was married in 1877 to a daughter of the late Mr. N. Kent, of Christchurch, and has two sons and two daughters.

Councillor George Payling, who is one of the Members for the North-West Ward, carries on business as a general merchant, under the style of G. Payling and Co.

Councillor Ronald Macintosh Macdonald was elected to the City Council, for the North-West Ward, in 1901, and was made Chairman of the Works Committee. He was born at Orari, South Canterbury, in 1860, and is the eldest son of the late Mr. W. K. Macdonald, one of the early pioneers of Canterbury. After serving an apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer at the Ad dington workshops, he became a partner in the engineering firm of Booth, Macdonald and Co., and was subsequently a member of the firm of McLaren and Macdonald, from which he retired in 1889. He has been Managing Director of the Christchurch Tramway Company, Limited, since its inception, a director of the Christchurch “Press” Company since 1891, and has also been a member of the committee of the Canterbury Agricultural and Pastoral Association for several years. In 1884 Mr. Macdonald married a daughter of the late Mr. George Gould, a well-known pioneer of Christchurch, and has three sons and two daughters.

Councillor William Epthorp Samuels, J.P., who represents North-east Ward in the Christchurch City Council, was born at Stepney in 1833, and educated at Poplar. He came out to Sydney in 1853, and six years later to Canterbury. With the exception of six years on the Auckland goldfields, Mr. Samuels has resided continuously in Christchurch. He was one of the page 102 founders of the Christchurch Fire Brigade in 1860. During the time he was in Grahamstown he was prominently connected with the Thames Brigade, of which he was the first superintendent, and on leaving that district was presented with an illuminated address and purse of sovereigns. Mr. Samuels has been in business on his own account as a painter and decorator for many years. He was elected in 1894 to the City Council, and re-elected three years later. He is past district president of the Druids' Order, and probably one of the oldest members of the order in the Colony. Mr. Samuels was married in 1855 to a daughter of Mr. J. Osborn Parks, and has one son and ten daughters.

Councillor John Clarke, who sits in the City Council as a representative of the North-East Ward, was first elected as member for Richmond Ward in 1899, and was returned
Standish and Preece, photo.Councillor J. Clarke.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Councillor J. Clarke.

unopposed, in April, 1901, to fill his present seat. Mr. Clarke is a progressive member, and during his first term of office he rendered valuable service to the Richmond Ward. He was born in London in 1850, and educated at the Birkbeck Schools, Peckham. On leaving school he was apprenticed to Mr. Benetfinks, a well-known ironmonger, of Cheapside, and gained an extensive experience of every branch of the trade. Accordingly, on arriving in Christchurch in 1872, he readily found employment, as ironmonger's assistant, in the firm of Messrs Morrow, Bassett and Co. Mr. Clarke has held responsible positions in other well-known business houses in Christchurch. He commenced business as a hardware broker, valuer and importer, on his own account in 1893, and, with enterprise and perseverance, has succeeded so well that his firm is now known throughout the colony Mr. Clarke was for eight years a member of the Woolston school committee, and was afterwards on the Richmond school committee. He is now president of the Richmond School Swimming Club.
Councillor George Simpson was elected in 1901 as a Member for the NorthEast Ward in the Christchurch City Council. He is well known in Christchurch as a prominent member of the building trade, and has erected the Temple of Truth—now known as the Choral Hall—and other notable places in the city. Mr. Simpson has taken much in terest in public affairs, and has distinguished himself as a worker at the general elections He was associated with Mr. Arthur Bentley Worthington in the formation of the society known as “The Students of Truth.” Mr. Simpson was born in London in 1855, and arrived in New Zealand in 1858, with his father, who, in conjunction with the late Mr. John Barnes, built the first wharf at Dunedin. He was educated at a public school, under Mr. Robert Stout, now Sir Robert Stout, Chief Justice of New Zealand. After leaving school he was engaged in various pursuits for several years, and was then apprenticed to Mr. David Hunter, the well-known builder of the Waitaki bridge, who was then engaged in the construction of the First Church, on Bell Hill, Dunedin. To Mr. Hunter's stimulating example as an upholder of thorough workmanship, Mr Simpson ascribes much of the success which has attended him as builder. After coming to Christchurch Mr. Simpson was engaged by the Government to carry out the extension of the Burnham Industrial School, and was presented by the Education Department with
Councillor G. Simpson.

Councillor G. Simpson.

a valuable testimonial for the way in which he had done the work. Mr. Simpson was married, in 1879, and has three sons and one daughter.
Councillor Charles Dickenson Morris, who represents South-west Ward in the Christchurch City Council, was born at Sandymount, near Dublin, in 1858, and was educated at Rahan, near his native place. Mr. Morris landed in Lyttelton in 1873 from the ship “Punjaub,” and entered the telegraph office at Christchurch, where he remained for five years. He has since been connected with the brewing and wine
Standish and Preece, photo.Councillor C. D. Morris.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Councillor C. D. Morris.

and spirit trades in Christchurch, having been four years and a-half with Messrs. Manning and Co., four years with the “Standard” Brewing Company, and eleven years as salesman with Messrs. Wood, Shand and Co., now J. Shand and Co. Mr. Morris entered the City Council in September, 1897, having previously served for two years on the West Christchurch School Committee. He is a member of the Masonic Order, attached to Lodge St. Augustine, in which he was W.M. in 1885. In musical matters he has been many years a prominent member of the Liedertafel. and takes the second tenor part. Mr. Morris was married in 1884 to a daughter of the late Mr. H. E. Alport, who arrived in one of the “first four ships,” and has three daughters living.

Councillor Henry Bylove Sorensen, who was elected to the City Council in 1901 as a representative of the South-West Ward, has been a member since 1895, when he was returned for the Richmond Ward. Mr. Sorensen was born in Denmark on the 15th of October, 1845, and received his education at the Weile High School, in Jutland. He arrived in New Zealand in 1862, when he landed at Dunedin, and two years later he came to Christchurch. Mr Sorensen has taken an active interest in the social welfare of the community; is a member of the Richmond school committee, and chairman of the House Committee of the page 103 Samaritan Home. His business is that of an auctioneer.

Councillor John Tippett Smith, who has been a member of the Christchurch City Council for South-west Ward since 1890, was born in 1838 at St. Just-in-Penwith, Corn-
Councillor J. T. Smith.

Councillor J. T. Smith.

wall, England, and received his early education in his native place. He is a tindresser by trade, came out to Nelson per ship “Bard of Avon,” in 1863, became a schoolmaster under the Nelson Board of Education, and was for nine years headmaster of the Stoke public school. Subsequently, he learned the trade of a bookseller and stationer in Nelson, and removed to Christchurch in 1877 to assume the management of the Wesleyan-Methodist Book Depot, which he subsequently purchased. Mr. Smith has been a member of the North Canterbury and Ashburton United Charitable Aid Board since 1891. On two occasions he has unsuccessfully contested the Christchurch seat for the House of Representatives and was twice defeated in contests for the mayoralty of the city. Mr. Smith is a wellknown member of the Methodist Church, with which he has been connected all his life, being for over forty years a local preacher, has occupied all the lay offices, and been representative at local and general conferences. As a life-long abstainer, Mr. Smith has been prominent in the Temperance movement, and has filled the position of president of the Canterbury Band of Hope Union since 1886. He introduced the Rechabite Order into Nelson, and afterwards into Canterbury, has held office as district chief ruler, and is now deputy high chief ruler for New Zealand. In the Independent Order of Good Templars, he was grand chief templar, and represented New Zealand at the International Temperance Conference held in Melbourne in 1880. Mr. Smith was married in 1861 to a daughter of Mr. Strickson, of Yaxly, Huntingdonshire, England, and has one son and one daughter.

Mr. Henry Rawe Smith, Town Clerk of Christchurch, is a native of Doncaster, Yorkshire, England, and was educated at the Doncaster Grammar School. He was articled to Mr. B. S. Brundell, M. Inst., C.E., with whom he was engaged in many important works. Mr. Smith came to New Zealand in 1880, after serving two years in the drawing office of the Midland Railway Company, a Derby, and after arriving in the colony was employed on the Government survey of the West Coast road. Mr. Smith was appointed clerk to the Linwood Town Board in 1882, and, on the incorporation of the borough became town clerk and district surveyor. He was appointed to his present position in 1901 as successor to Mr. Haskins.

Messrs Garrick, Cowlishaw, and Fisher are Solicitors to the Christchurch City Council. The firm is further referred to in the Legal section of this volume.

Mr. Arthur Dudley Dobson, City Surveyor and Engineer for the Christchurch City Council, was born in London, and came to New Zealand with his father in the ship “Cressy,” one of the first four ships. He was educated at Christ's College, and served a pupilage to his father, under whom he was employed in connection with the construction of the Lyttelton tunnel. In 1863 he undertook a contract to survey and explore the West Coast from the River Grey to Abut Head, and while trying to get his horses through to the coast he discovered the pass into the Otira which was named after him Arthur's Pass. Finally, he took the horses— which were the first on the Coast—up through the Lochinvar country to the south branch of the Hurunui, and thence over the old Maori track to the Teremakau, and down that river to the beach. In 1866 Mr. Dobson was appointed assistant provincial engineer in Nelson, and was engaged on the Nelson waterworks, and in opening up the Nelson-West Coast goldfield. He was appointed provincial engineer in 1871, and subsequently chief surveyor, and during his term of office he built the Nelson gasworks, and laid out and constructed the main roads between Greymouth, Reefton, Westport, and Nelson. After joining the Public Works staff in 1875, Mr. Dobson laid out the Westport-Ngakuwaho railway and other works, and left the department on their completion in 1878, when he joined his father, Mr. Edward Dobson, in Christchurch, forming the firm of Edward Dobson and Son, civil engineers and surveyors. This firm carried out the Timaru waterworks and a number of irrigation works, roads and bridges, for the New Zealand Government, and various county councils and road boards. In 1885 Mr Dobson went to England on Midland Railway business, and in the following year visited Australia, where he entered into contracting, in partnership with Mr. J. B. Mackenzie, M.I.C.E., and constructed the Warrnambool breakwater, a very large work. Subsequently Mr. Dobson returned to Christchurch where he has since practised his profession. He was elected a member of the Geological Society of London in 1874, and a member of the Institute of Civil Engineers in 1882. Whilst in Victoria he obtained a certificate entitling him to practise as a hydraulic and also as a municipal engineer, and he holds the certificate and license issued to surveyors by the Victorian and New Zealand Governments. Mr. Dobson married a daughter of the late Mr. Henry Lewis, chief surveyor of Nelson, and has four sons and three daughters.

Mr. William Thomas Champion Mills, City Valuer to the Christchurch City Council, was appointed to his present position in 1898. Mr. Mills was born in Tasmania in 1838, and educated at Hobart, where he followed various commercial pursuits until 1863, when he came to New Zealand. He was manager of the Glenmark estate for five years. Mr. Mills has had considerable experience in Government valuation work.

Mr. Joseph Henry Stringer, City Inspector for the Christchurch City Council, is a son of Mr. William Stringer, an English yeoman, and was born in London on the 2nd of November, 1837. He was educated, firstly, at a private school, and finally at the London Mechanics' Institute. At the age of seventeen, after spending a short time at engineering, he joined the army, and served as a gunner in the Royal Artillery throughout the Crimean war, in connection with
Standish and Preece photo.Mr. J. H. Stringer.

Standish and Preece photo.
Mr. J. H. Stringer.

which he received the Crimean and also Turkish and French medals for distinguished conduct in the field, and was one of the last conduct in the field, and was one of the contingent of troops that returned to England. He remained in the Army as a noncommissioned officer till his departure for New Zealand in the latter part of 1859. After landing at Lyttelton in 1860, Mr. Stringer page 104 spent two years in exploring the wilds of Western Otago, and finally made his way back to Christchurch, where he subsequently had a wide and varied commercial experience. He was associated with Messrs W. Daines and C. J. Perceval (afterwards Earl of Egmont), in opening up the mail service between Christchurch and Waitaki, before the days of reads and bridges. After that he was a clerk in the Government Railway Department for eleven years, and was latterly chief clerk at the Christchurch Railway Station. He, however, resigned that position in 1878, and was for some time engaged in commercial pursuits on his own account, and was subsequently successively on the staffs of the Christchurch “Press” and the Lyttelton Times.” Mr. Stringer was appointed to his present position in 1885, and his intelligent devotion to duty during his long term of office, has gained for him the fullest confidence of the ratepayers. He has always taken a great interest in volunteering in the colonies, was one of the first to join the Canterbury Yeomanry Cavalry, and is now lieutenant in charge of the honorary reserve corps. Mr. Stringer was married in Christchurch, on the 22nd of February, 1863, and has seven sons and four daughters.