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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

All Saints Church

All Saints Church, Burwood, Parish of New Brighton. This church is a pretty little wooden building, and was erected in 1877 at a cost of £500. There is accommodation for one hundred worshippers, and services are held twice on Sunday. The church is beautifully situated; it overlooks the Avon, and stands in the midst of a well-kept cemetery. The parish has a scattered population, and is about five miles long and four wide. New Brighton township, which forms a part of the parish, possesses a church which was erected about 1880. It is capable of seating 150 persons. Two services are held at New Brighton on Sunday, and also one on Friday. The vicar is assisted by lay readers. There is a Sunday school, with about one hundred scholars.

All Saints' Church, Burwood.

All Saints' Church, Burwood.