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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]


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Lyttelton, the chief port of Canterbury, will ever be a place of interest to the descendents of the early colonists, for at this port the passengers of the “first four ships,” and of the other ships of the Canterbury Association which followed later, were landed on the soil of their new home. In preparing for their arrival the Association had expended a sum of about £24,000. Captain Thomas had arrived from Wellington and surveyed and laid out the town, which was named after Lord Lyttleton, one of the chief promoters of the Association. A substantial landing jetty was built, four large immigration barracks were erected, also a number of small houses; and a bridle track had been made over the hills to Heathcote Valley. Mr. William Pratt, who now resides in Christchurch, opened the first store and bakery, and Messrs Longdon and LeCren were the first merchants and importers. About thirty buildings in all comprised the picturesque little village when the first four ships arrived, and their appearance imparted a feeling of welcome and a sense of civilisation to the new arrivals.

The settlers began to work in earnest immediately after landing, and, as many of them remained in Lyttleton, the place soon presented a busy appearance. Messrs A. J. Allport, B. Beamish, P. Campbell, J. T. Cookson, D. M. Lauer, R. Wormald, Heywood, Nankivell, Silk, Tippits, and Waters were amongst the first people of business. Within the next year nineteen vessels arrived from the Old Country, whence they brought 3,000 persons, and many smaller ships came from other parts of the colony and from Australia. Thus, for several years in the early fifties, Lyttleton was the chief town in the province. At that time the sea came up to where the Post Office now stands in Norwich Quay; but the reclamation works and harbor works have completely changed the aspect of the original settlement.

The tunnel, which connects Lyttleton by rail with the Canterbury Plains, was completed in 1867. It pierces the hills for a distance of 2,870 yards, and the cost of the work was £195,000. It was mainly through the efforts of Mr. William Sefton Moorhouse, the second Superintendent of Canterbury, that this momentous work was undertaken; and it is a worthy monument of his foresight and of the energy of the early settlers.

There have been some memorable incidents in the purely local history of Lyttleton. For instance, a disastrous fire, on the 24th of October, 1870, destroyed one-half of the town. It originated in the Queen's Hotel, and spread with resistless rapidity, The Christchurch Fire Brigade rendered valuable assistance, but before the flames were subdued damage had been done to the extent of about £100,000.

The entrance to Lyttelton Harbour, one of the finest natural harbours in New Zealand, is at the southern portion of Pegasus Bay. The entire length is about seven miles. About five miles from the Godley Heads is the inner harbour, or Port of Lyttelton, a natural bight now enclosed by breakwaters. The configuration of the hills surrounding the harbour suggests that the spot where the large liners now moor in safety, was at one time the crater of a mighty volcano, and the scene of a titanic upheaval. Now, however, the placid waters afford ample and safe harborage to numerous steamers, ships, yachts, and other vessels. The New Zealand Shipping Company, which inaugurated the direct service with England, is usually represented by one ore more of its steamers, while the familiar funnels of the local Union Company are always in evidence. Figures and other more specific information regarding the Port will be found in the article which deals with the Lyttelton Harbour Board.

The town lies round the northern side of the harbour, and the dwellings, which are mostly of wood, range from the low levels almost to the summit of the hills. In the lower or business portion of the town, there are many substantial brick and stone buildings. Oxford Street, which leads to the railway station and wharves, contains the Government buildings, which provide accommodation for the Post Office, the Telegraph and the Customs Departments. Right opposite, in another handsome building, there are the offices of the Lyttelton Harbour Board. Further up the street are seen the recently-erected Fire Brigade Station and Technical School, the large Borough Council offices, and the Courthouse. Close by there is a quaint old wooden building, the Colonists' Hall, which contains the Public Library and Reading Room, where meetings and entertainments are held. The Borough School and the Lyttleton Goal, which come next in order, are described in other articles.

The Port offices of the various shipping companies, and of the local banks, are situated in Norwich Quay. The next parallel street is London Street, where most of the retail business is done; and above that, again, is Winchester Street-the street of churches.

Lyttelton has an efficient water supply from the Heathcote, where there is a pumping station which forces the water up to a large reservoir on the side of the hill, whence it is conducted through the tunnel to the Port.

To the dwellers on the Plains Lyttleton presents many refreshing page 397 and interesting contrasts. It may be reached by road, via Sumner and over the zig-zag, or over Dyer's Pass, viâ Governor's Bay; and there is fine scenery on both these routes. To be seen at her best, however, Lyttelton should be visited on New Year's day-her gala day. The town and shipping are then gaily decorated with flags and banners in honour of the annual regatta. In the rowing matches all the Canterbury clubs take part, and sometimes there are visitors from the other provinces. The yacht and schooner races are held in the outer harbour. A man-of-war is usually present, and one of the sailing vessels is generally lent for a flagship. On shore there are merry-go-rounds, swings, and many shows, and the land sports are held in London Street. In the evening an effective fireworks display is given, in which the ships in the harbour take part, and the searchlight of the man-of-war “lights up the darkness of her scenery.” About 30,000 visitors usually throng into Lyttelton on this day, to participate in, and witness, the annual carnival.

Mr. George Laurenson, Member for Lyttleton in the House of Representatives, was elected at the general election of December, 1899, when he received 2700 votes, to the 887 polled by his opponent, Mr. W. Jacques. At the general election of November, 1902, he polled 3,113 votes, and his opponent, Mr. W. Rollitt, 925 votes. Mr. Laurenson was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1857. He arrived in New Zealand with his parents, in 1876, and landed at Lyttelton, where he has been in business ever since, and is now a partner in the firm which he entered on his arrival in the colony. He has served his apprenticeship in public affairs as he has been member and chairman of the Lyttelton school committee, member of the Borough Council, the Harbour Board, and other bodies for a number of years. About twelve years ago Mr. Laurenson married a daughter of the late Mr. James Tait, of Christchurch, and he has a family of six. He is an active member of the Presbyterian church.

Mr. John Joyce, formerly Member of the House of Representatives for Lyttelton, was born in Cornwall in 1839, and was a self-made man. As a fisher-boy he had many experiences in deep sea-fishing on the British coast, and became the master of a schooner at the age of nineteen. Coming out to Victoria In 1854, he was engaged in the Water Police, and stationed at Williamstown. In 1861 he came to Port Chalmers to organize and take charge of the Water Police, there, and after nineteen months service was appointed clerk in the magistrates' court at Port Chalmers, where he remained for four and a-half years. Mr. Joyce was subsequently articled to Messrs. Howorth and Hodgkins, of Dunedin, and was admitted a barrister and solicitor of the Supreme Court in 1873. He commenced the practice of the law in Dunedin, and with Mr. J. A. D. Adams, founded the firm of Joyce and Adams. Having been offered a lucrative appointment under the new Plymouth Harbour Board, he decided to leave Dunedin, but for family reasons remained in Canterbury, where he commenced the practice of his profession in 1879, with offices in Christchurch and Lyttelton. For three years Mr. Joyce lived in Sydenham. where he was a member and chairman of the Sydenham School Committee, and also a member of the Sydenham Borough Council, of which he was the third elected mayor. Removing to Lyttelton, with the intention of founding a deep sea-fishing company, he continued to reside at the Port. He was elected to the Lyttelton Borough Council in 1885, and made himself prominent in connection with the establishment of salt-water baths and municipal buildings. Mr. Joyce was returned to Parliament in 1887 and at each succeeding general election. In 1882 he raised the Sydenham Rifle Corps, of which he became captain, and three years later, on the foundation of the Canterbury Rifle Battalion, was raised to the rank of major, subsequently senior-major, and retired in 1891 with the rank of major. Mr. Joyce served for five years on the North Canterbury Board of Education. As a member of the Masonic Order, he was initiated in Victoria in 1859, and established one of the first lodges in Otago in 1862; he had been several times master of different lodges and was the first grand registrar of the New Zealand Grand Lodge. He was a past Z. of three Royal Arch Chapters, one of which was named after himself as a compliment to him as founder of the lodge with which it is connected. Mr. Joyce had been superintendent of the Wesleyan Sunday School in Lyttelton since 1886, He was married in 1864, to a daughter of Mr. G. Coates, jeweller, or Christchurch, and had four sons and six daughters. Mr. Joyce died at Lyttelton on the 1st of December, 1900.

Lyttelton Borough Council. Prior to the inauguration of the Borough Council, on the 28th of May, 1868, the local affairs of Lyttelton were controlled by a Municipal Council, which had come into existence in 1862. The first chairman was Dr. Donald, a man of many parts, who held several important public positions, and Messrs E. A. Hargreaves and Joseph Ward were subsequent chairmen. Among the early members of the Council were Messrs John Peacock, Murray-Aynsley, John Grubb, J. G. Fife, J. S. Wilcox, and Edward Genet. Since the creation of the borough, Messrs Thomas Merson, J. S. Willcox, H. Allwright, Adam Chalmers, Dr. J. T. Rouse, Messrs S. R. Webb. J. B. Milsom, J. T. Brice, J. Thompson, N. C. Schumacher, J. Stinson, W. Rad cliffe, T. C. Field, and the present Mayor, Mr. James Grubb, have filled the position of its chief magistrate. Lyttelton has an area of 2,014 acres, its ratable value is £25,600, and the annual rate is Is 3D in the pound. There are 600 ratepayers, who own 800 ratable properties. The Fire Brigade and public abattoirs are under the control of the Council. At the census of April, 1901, Lyttelton had a population of 4,023. The Borough Council Chambers are situated in Oxford Street, in a handsome stone building, which contains a large board room, several smaller offices, the Town Clerk's office, and the Mayor's room, which is a well furnished apartment.

His Worship The Mayor, Mr. James Grubb, J.P., entered public life as a member of the Lyttelton Borough Council in 1895, and was elected Mayor in April, 1902, He was born in Lyttelton in 1852, and is a son of the late Mr. John Grubb, who is referred to elsewhere. After leaving school Mr. Grubb went Home, and worked for some years with the Tay Shipbuilding Company and other large shipbuilding firms in Scotland. Mr. Grubb claims to be the first New Zealander to have signed his name in the visitors' book at the Burns monument at Ayr. He returned to the colony in 1880, but went to sea for some time in coastal sailing vessels. Subsequently he started with his father in business as a shipwright, and has carried on the trade on his own account since about 1892. The workshops are situated on the reclaimed ground, and Mr. Grubb owns a slip in Baker's Bay. As a Freemason he was for eight years Worshipful Master of Lodge Canterbury Kilwinning. He is also a member of the newly-formed Scottish Society. Mr. Grubb married Miss McDonald, and has a family of seven children. A part of the house in which the family resides was built in 1851, yet it appears to be as strong and in as good condition as the more recent additions to the home.

Mr. J. Grurb.

Mr. J. Grurb.

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Councillor Robert Brown, of the Lyttelton Borough Council, was born in Abarnethy, Perthshire, Scotland, in 1850. His early years were passed upon a farm, after which he became an engineer in the service of the firm of Messrs John Elder and Co., of Glasgow. Mr. Brown went to sea for some years as engineer on various steamers, and first came to New Zealand in 1875, as second engineer on the Union Steam Ship Company's “Hawea.” He has been a resident of Lyttelton since 1877, when he joined the Harbour Board's staff. At the present time he is the engineer of the s.s. Cygnet.” Mr. Brown has served three years on the Lyttelton school committee, and as a Freemason he is a member of Lodge Unanimity. He was married in 1878, and has a family of three sons and three daughters.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo. Councillor R. Brown.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Councillor R. Brown.

Councillor William Cameron Cleary was elected a Member of the Lyttelton Borough Council in 1901. He was born in Lyttelton in 1875, and is a son of the late Captain W. S. Cleary. On leaving school in 1890 he entered the service of the New Zealand Farmers' Co-operative Association, with which he has been since connected, and now occupies the position of manager of the Association's branch at Lyttelton. As a Freemason Mr. Cleary is the present Senior Warden of Lodge Unanimity. He has displayed a very active interest in connection with the Lyttelton regattas, has been a member of the committee for ten years, and was secretary for the regatta of 1902. Mr. Cleary is also an enthusiastic yachtsman, and has taken part in yacht races since 1890.

Councillor Colin Cook, of the Lyttelton Borough Council, was born in 1858, in London, where he was brought up as a butcher. He came to New Zealand in the ship “Oriana,” which arrived at Lyttelton about 1875. After residing in Christchurch for some time he took over his present business in Lyttelton, where he has been very successful. Mr. Cook was chairman of the Abattoirs Committee. As a Freemason he is a member of Lodge Unanimity, has passed through all the chairs, and has also taken the Royal Arch and Mark Masters' degrees. He has been a member of the committees at the annual Lyttelton regattas. Mr. Cook married a lady from Devonshire, and has a family of three daughters.

Councillor Joseph Garrard, of the Lyttelton Borough Council, was elected in 1901. He is son of Mr. William Garrard, of Christchurch, and was born in Nelson in 1866. His parents afterwards removed to Christchurch, where he was educated at the Normal School. He joined the staff of the firm of Messrs Kinsey, Barns and Co. in 1882, in Christchurch, and two years later was transferred to the Lyttelton branch, where he now occupies the position of chief clerk. Mr. Garrard has been a member of the regatta committees, and also honorary treasurer, and he has taken an active part in social and athletic affairs. He is married to a daughter of Mr. Thomas Curties, of London.

Councillor Charles Kay, Member of the Lyttelton Borough Council, is elsewhere referred to as the Worshipful Master of Lodge Canterbury Kilwinning.

Councillor William Radcliffe, J.P., has been a Member of the Lyttelton Borough Council since his first election in 1890. He was also Mayor of Lyttelton for two years and four months, and was in office when the “send-off” was given to the New Zealand Rough Riders. Mr. Radcliffe sat as a member of the Christchurch Charitable Aid Board, and represented Lyttelton, Rangiora, and Kaiapoi on the Hospital Board, and has occupied a seat on the local school committee since 1887. Mr. Radcliffe. was born in 1850, in the Isle of Man, where he was educated. and learned the trade of a painter. He left for New Zealand in 1870, in the ship “Zealandia,” then on her second trip, and arrived at Lyttelton in the same year. With the exception of five years on Banks' Peninsula, he has resided at the Port ever since, and in 1874 he began business as painter and house decorator. He was made a Justice of the Peace in 1896. As a Freemason he is a member of Lodge Canterbury Kilwinning, of which he was one of the first initiates. Mr. Radcliffe has been twice married; first, to a daughter of the late Mr. William Hollis. and afterwards to the eldest daughter of the late Mr. James Pitcaithly, of Pigeon Bay. He has a family of five children.

Councillor George Christopher Smith was first elected to the Lyttelton Borough Council in 1898, and has been a member of the Lyttelton West End school committee. He was born in the Isle of Wight, in 1859, and arrived in Lyttelton by the ship “Waimate, in 1882. After travelling through the country for some time he settled at Lyttelton and entered the service of Mr. Harvey Hawkins, merchant. In 1895 he became a partner in the firm. The partnership was dissolved in 1901, and since then Mr. Smith has conducted the business on his own account, with continued success. He was quartermaster sergeant in the N Battery, and for some years he was a member of the old Lyttelton Band and the Oddfellows' Band. As a Freemason Mr. Smith is attached to Lodge Unanimity. Since 1895 he has been a churchwarden in St. Saviour's Church, Lyttelton. Mr. Smith married Miss Spedding, a Yorkshire lady, whom he met on board the “Waimate,” and they have a family of three children.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo. Councillor G. C. Smith.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Councillor G. C. Smith.

Councillor Samuel Rollin Webb, J.P., the senior Member of the Lyttelton Borough Council, has been almost continuously a member since his first election in 1880, and he was Mayor for four terms. He has page 399 also been a member of the Christchurch Hospital Board, the Lyttelton Harbour Board, and other public bodies, and has served on the Lyttelton school committee. Mr. Webb was born in Canterbury, Kent, England, in 1848, but was brought up at Ramsgate. He came out with his father in the ship “Regina,” in 1859. Mr. Webb, senior, started in business as a fruiterer and fruit grower in Lyttelton in 1861, and continued his trade up to the time of his death in 1875. Since then Mr. S. R. Webb has been the sole proprietor, and the business has developed largely into a shipping one. Mr. Webb has been a director of the Premier Building, Loan, and Investment Society (Permanent) since its inception, and is now chairman. He has also been treasurer of the Rechabite Society, and is a member of the Conyers' Masonic Lodge. Mr. Webb married, in 1887, a daughter of the late Mr. D. Dohrmann, farmer, of Bennett's Junction, and she also came out in the “Regina.” There is a family of six children.

Councillor S. R. Webb.

Councillor S. R. Webb.

Councillor William Laird Whitby, J.P., was electer a Member of the Lyttelton Borough Council in 1899. He was born at King's Lynn, Norfolk, England, in 1838, and as a lad went to sea in January, 1853, in the ship “Progress,” which was employed by the British Government as a transport in the Mediterranean and West India. He followed his profession for forty-seven years, and became a master and a part-owner. Captain Whitby, on his first voyage to New Zealand, arrived at Nelson in 1857, as an able seaman on the barque “Melbourne,” his first voyage in that capacity. After returning to England in her he shipped on the “Regina,” which came to Lyttelton in 1858 Being impressed with the colony, he returned Home in the “Regina,” and on her next voyage, in the following year, came out for one shilling a month in order to get his discharge at Lyttelton. In 1860 he was appointed to the command of the ketch “Ebenezer,” owned by Mr. J. T. Brown, timber merchant, Christchurch, and engaged in the coastal trade. Two years later the owners built the ketch “Annie,” which Captain Whitby commanded for three years. He next took charge of the ketch “Emerald,” which he sailed for thirteen years, after which he sold the vessel. Captain Whitby had a third interest in two of these vessels, and owned a two-thirds interest in the “Emerald.” He afterwards had charge of the s.s. “Heath-cote” in dredging Lyttelton harbour, and after the operations were suspended, he, with Messrs Cuff and Graham, bought the s.s. “Jane Douglas,” which he commanded for twelve years. On retiring from the sea in 1900 he sold out his interest in this vessel and has since resided at his pretty villa, “Sea View,” which overlooks the harbour and Heads. One at the Captain's many experiences was in bringing the “Amelia Simms” from Newcastle to Nelson. During a heavy gale, when 400 miles from the New Zealand coast, she lost her rudder and was partially disabled. Yet, notwithstanding this, Captain Whitby made the passage in fifteen days. At the time of the Crimean war he was wrecked in the barque “Peltona,” a transport in the Black Sea, and was an eye-witness of the celebrated charge at Balaclava and the battle of Inkermann. Captain Whitby was for many years a member of the committee of the Lyttelton regattas, and he has been a member of the Shipmasters' Association of New Zealand since its inception. He was made a Justice of the Peace in 1900. Captain Whitby was married by the late Archdeacon Cholmondeley to a lady who came out from his native town in 1865.

Councillor W. L. Whitby.

Councillor W. L. Whitby.

Mr. George Arthur Lewin, Town Clerk and Treasurer to the Lyttelton Borough Council, was appointed to these offices in 1899. He was born in 1867, at Lyttelton, and is a son of Pilot Lewin. After leaving school he became connected with journalism, and was for seventeen years the Lyttelton correspondent of the “Lyttelton Times.” While engaged in that capacity, Mr. Lewin entered the Lyttelton Borough Council in 1896. He has taken an active part in the social life of the community, and has been a prominent figure in connection with the Lyttelton regattas, having been secretary of the committees for twelve years. Mr. Lewin married a daughter of Mr. Turpin, Superintendent Engineer of the Lyttelton Harbour Board, and has a family of two children.

Mr. Thomas Chamberlain Field was Mayor of Lyttelton in Canterbury's Jubilee year of 1900, and was re-elected for 1901, when it devolved upon him to welcome their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of York and Cornwall to Canterbury. He is a son of Mr. George Field, who arrived in New Zealand in 1845, and is an old resident of Port Levy. His mother was a passenger to Lyttelton by the “Charlotte Jane,” one of the first four ships. Mr. Field was born at Port Levy in 1864, and was educated there and at Lyttelton. He managed the Lyttelton branch of Messrs Kaye and Carter's business for fourteen years, and was subsequently for four years in a partnership business at Lyttelton, under the style of Field and Ferrier. shipping agents. In 1902 Mr. Field and Mr. Royds started their business in Cashel Street, Christchurch, as grain and produce merchants, and stock and station agents, and the new firm has already achieved a decided success. Mr. Field was a member of the Lyttelton Borough Council for nearly four years in addition to this mayoral terms, and was also chairman of the Borough school committee. During his terms as mayor he was a member of the Lyttelton Harbour Board. As a Freemason he was initiated in Lodge Canterbury Kilwinning, of which he is a Past Master. He was for many years a vestryman of the Holy Trinity Church. Mr. Field was one of the promoters of the Premier Building Society, and has been a director and auditor since its inauguration. He has been a member of several regatta committees, also vice-commodore, and was chairman of the Flagship Committee for two years. All the athletic clubs at Lyttelton claim him as a vice-president. He is an old member of the Lyttelton Literary and Debating Society, of which he has been the president and vice-president; and he is president of the Lyttelton branch of the Children's Aid Society, and a director of the Royal Humane Society of New Zealand. Mr. Field married a daughter of Captain Norris, a very old resident of Lyttelton, and has a family of one daughter and one son.

Standish and Preece, photo. Mr. T. C. Field.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. T. C. Field.

Harbour Board Offices, Lyttelton. These offices occupy a handsome building of brick and stone, in Oxford Street, facing the Post Office. The front and adjoining offices are occupied by the harbourmaster. There is also a large reading room on the ground floor, known as the captain's room, which is well supplied with newspapers and magazines for the convenience of masters of ships trading into the port. At the back of the building there is another room for the use of the pilots. The upstairs portion of the building contains a large boardroom, the stores department, and the secretarial page 400 offices. A private telephone service places the Harbourmaster in communication with Christchurch, the look-out station at the South Head, the time-ball, and the docks and stores. At night this service is connected with his private house.

Captain John William Clark. Harbourmaster for the Port of Lyttelton. has occupied the position since the 1st of January, 1886. He was born at Hobart, Tasmania, and there received his education. At an early age he adopted a seafaring life, which he has followed for over half a century. As a master mariner. Captain Clark was for thirteen years engaged in the inter-colonial trade, in the service of Messrs McMeckan and Blackwood, of Melbourne. When this firm's business was taken over by the Union Steamship Company, in 1879. he joined the staff of the Lyttelton Harbour Board, as master of the tug “Lyttelton.” Captain Clark possesses an interesting and unique relic of the past, in the shape of a special license, issued by the New South Wales Government in 1862, appointing him one of the pilots of Sydney Harbour. This old and faded parchment is the only one of its kind in existence. Captain Clark married a Melbourne lady, and has a surviving family of two sons and five daughters.

Standish and Preece. Photo. Captain J. W. Clark.

Standish and Preece. Photo.
Captain J. W. Clark.

Lyttelton Harbour Board's Electric Light And Cool Storage Works. These works occupy large brick premises, to which extensive additions are being made, near No. 6 wharf. Butter and other perishable products are stored, while awaiting shipment, and the chamber is supplied with cool air by a Linde British ammonia engine of four-ton power; a ten-ton Hercules freezing machine is being fitted up in the additional premises. The electrical department and boiler room occupy the remainder of the building. A Kapp dynamo is driven by a 100-horse power engine manufactured by Messrs Scott Bros., of Christchurch. The electric switchboard is one of Crompton and Co.'s, and that London firm also manufactures the electric lamps in use. Electric light is supplied to all the wharves, the western breakwater, and the Sailors' Home and Rest, in addition to the 3000-candle power lamp over the railway bridge for foot passengers, and the 2000-candle power lamp in the railway yard.

Mr. Alexander Milne, Engineer-in-charge et the works, was appointed to his present position in 1895, previous to which he had for several years been chief engineer on some of the Union Steamship Company's boats. Mr. Milne was born in 1859, in Forfarshire, Scotland, and served an apprenticeship with the engineering firm of Messrs Muir and Houston, of Glasgow. Subsequently he went to sea in the Baltic, American, and Mediterranean trade, and made his first voyage to New Zealand, in 1882, as second engineer of the Union Steamship Company's s.s. “Omapere.” Mr. Milne is a member of the Marine Engineers' Institute of Australasia. He is married to a daughter of Mr. R. B. Denniston, mining engineer, of Dunedin (after whom Denniston, near Westport, is named), and has one daughter

Mr. Samuel Derbidge, Inspector of Works for the Lyttelton Harbour Board, has been connected with the harbour since 1867. He was born at Cheshunt, Hertfordshire, England, in 1841, and while young gained experience of railway and electric telegraph work. In 1865 he arrived in Lyttelton, by the ship “Greyhound.” He at once went to the West Coast diggings, and a few months later to the North Island. In 1867 he returned to Lyttelton, and engaged in the erection of the screw-pile jetty, now No. 2. Soon afterwards he was appointed foreman of works under the Provincial Government, and he also had charge of the powder magazine, now in Baker's Bay. On the abolition of the provinces Mr. Derbidge and Mr. Whitelaw-now a well-known architect in Christchurch-were the only two officials retained in the Public Works Department in the service of the General Government. Mr. Derbidge did all the necessary diving in the days of provincial government, and also for the Harbour Board up to the year 1900. He was a member of No. 8 Company of Volunteers, under Captain George Holmes, at Heathcote, about 1868, and for ten years he was foreman of the Lyttelton Fire Brigade. As a Freemason he is one of the oldest past masters of Lodge Unanimity, and he is one of the present trustees of the Loyal City of Norwich Lodge of Oddfellows. Mr. Derbidge married a daughter of the late Mr. S. Trumper, and has a family of four sons and three daughters.

Standish and Preece, photo. Mr. S. Derbidge.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. S. Derbidge.

Lyttelton Post Office. The site of the Post Office, at the corner of Oxford Street and Norwich Quay, marks the spot up to where the sea originally came, prior to the laying out of the reclaimed land. The post office is a handsome building of brick and stone, artistically ornamented, and is of two stories. It has a clock tower, with four dials. The public office and money-order department, telegraph, and customs offices, together with the postmaster's office are all on the ground floor. There is also a public telephone bureau connected with the Christchurch Exchange. Below the basement there are several cellars, which are used as bond stores and postal store rooms. The whole of the upstairs portion of the building is divided into offices, which are let to various business firms.

Mr. Paul Curtis, Postmaster at Lyttelton, entered the Government service at Wellington, in 1871, as a cadet in the telegraph department. Four years later he was appointed relieving officer, and in that capacity he travelled for twelve years all over the colony. Mr. Curtis was then appointed postmaster at Naseby, and two and a half years later was transferred to Foxton, where he remained eight years. In 1897 he was appointed to his present post. Mr. Curtis was born in Wellington in 1858 and is a son of the late Mr. John James Curtis, of that city. He is married to a daughter of Mr. Armitage, of Wanganui, and has a family of two children.

Lyttelton Railway Station. This station, which is scheduled under Class Special, is an irregular one-storey building, with a long platform. The booking and parcels offices, and the waiting rooms, are at the station, but the stationmaster's office, chief clerk's office, wharf office, and strong room are in a separate building at the corner of Oxford Street, facing the station. There are a large number of railway sheds around the wharves; of the total number, five are owned by the railway department and the balance by the Harbour Board and the various shipping companies. From the mouth of the tunnel to the station there is a complete network of lines, which extend to all the wharves. For the safety of pedestrians a large overhead bridge is erected across the lines, and is lighted at might with electric light, supplied from the Harbour Board's plant.

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Mr. Walter Hannnay, Stationmaster at Lyttelton, was born at Trowbridge, Wiltshire, England, in 1846. After spending some years in America he arrived in New Zealand in 1876, and at once joined the railway service at Lyttelton, as clerk. Subsequently he was appointed stationmaster at the Bluff, where he remained nine years, and was then transferred to Greymouth, where he held a similar position for over six years. In 1897 he was appointed to his present position. While residing at the Bluff Mr. Hannay was instrumental in opening the masonic Lodge Fortitude, which he named after his parent lodge in Brooklyn, New York.

Lytelton Borough School. This school, which stands on the steep slopes of Oxford Street, was built by the Provincial Government in 1873, and was opened in the following year. The older portion of the main building is of two stories, and the newer portion, which is on the higher side of the site, is of one storey. It is constructed of brick, with stone facings. and is supported by heavy balustrades, and covered with a tiled roof, with gabled ventilators. The school is of Gothic architecture, beautifully ornamented, and is surmounted with a bell spire; altogether one of the handsomest public schools in New Zealand. The classrooms are lofty and well lighted, and the building is furnished with every modern convenience. The infant school is a separate building, erected in a similar style by the North Canterbury Board of Education. A striking feature is the immense asphalted level playground, cut entirely from the side of a steep hill. the number of scholars on the roll is about 500, and the average attendance is nearly 450. The staff comprises the headmaster, Mr. Emile U. Just Mr. Frank Evans first assistant master; Miss E. Chaplin, mistress; Miss M. Dickenson, assistant mistress, and two pupil teachers; and, in the infant department, Miss M. E. Olliver, mistress, with Miss Menzies as assistant, and [gap — reason: illegible] pupil teachers.

Mr. Emile U. Just, Headmaster of the Lyttelton Borough School, was born in Victoria in 1851. He was educated in Melbourne, and trained in the Associated Training Schools of Victoria, under the old Board of Education, of which Mr. B. F. Kane was secretary. After teaching for fifteen years in various schools in Victoria. Mr. Just was recommended by Mr. John Main, Inspector-General of Schools in that colony, to the Westland Education Board, under which he held the position of master of the Stafford school for two years. He was then appointed master of the Kumara school, and at the same time was offered the second mastership of the East Christchurch school; the latter position he accepted, and held for nine years. In 1890 Mr. Just was appointed to his present position. He is also instructor of the commercial and mathematical classes at the Lyttelton Technical School. As a Freemason Mr. Just was mitiated in Lodge Conyers, of which he is a Past master, and he is also a Past Grand Warden of the District Grand Lodge of Canterbury. Mr. Just has taken an active part in musical matters. For several years while in Christchurch he was a member of St. Michael's choir and he was a member of the Motett Society from its inauguration. After settling in Lyttelton he was connected with the Holy Trinity Church choir for about six years, and he is now the conductor of the Lyttelton Orchestral Society. He has been connected with the Lyttelton Cricket Club for several year, and since his residence in the borough he has served on the regatta committees, and taken part in numerous social functions and celebrations Mr. Just was married in Victoria, and has two sons and four daughters.

West Lyttelton District School. This school was opened in May, 1887, as a side school, under the control of the headmaster of the borough school; but owing to the growth of the west end of the town it was made a main school in 1894, with a separate school committee. At that date the average number of scholars attending daily was 130. This average has since grown to 180, with a roll number of 203. The school is divided into three rooms, which are large, lofty and well lighted. It is constructed of wood, and stands upon raised concrete foundations on the slope of the hill overlooking the harbour. Owing to its position the playground has had to be excavated at the back of the school, and built up in front. It is all asphalted, and protected by retaining walls. The staff of the school consists of the headmaster, Mr. John W. McGregor; Miss F. Pilliet, infant mistress; Miss B. Joyce, assistant mistress, and two pupil teachers.

Mr. John W. McGregor, the Headmaster, is a son of the late Mr. Alexander Innes McGregor, who was several times Mayor of Akaroa, and also represented that electorate in the House of Representatives from 1887 to 1890. He was born in Stonehaven, Scotland, in 1866, and four years later arrived with his parents at Akaroa. After being educated at the Akaroa school he served five years there as a pupil teacher. He then became master of the Le Bon's Bay school, was afterwards assistant master of the Sydenham school, and later, first assistant master at the Woolston school. Mr. McGregor, who holds a [gap — reason: illegible] certificate, received his present appointment in 1894. He is a member of the Lyttelton Literary Society, and editor of the society's journal. Mr. McGregor is married to a daughter of Mr. James Dalglish, a well-known resident of Le Bon's Bay, and has one son and one daughter.

The Convent Of The Sisters Of Mercy is a handsome modern wooden building, and stands on a commanding site. Children to the number of about ninety are taught by the Sisters, in a day school and a high school. The convent and school were established in 1890 by the Rev. Mother Aloysius, who is still Superioress.

Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Lyttelton.

Convent of the Sisters of Mercy, Lyttelton.

Church Of Holy Trinity, Winchester Street, Lyttelton. This church was consecrated in 1869, to replace a building of an earlier date. The church has numerous stained-glass windows, and to the left of the communion table there is a handsome lectern, presented by Mrs Allwright, in memory of her husband, the late Mr. H. Allwright. The font was erected in commemoration of the jubilee of the parish and province, and the altar in commemoration of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee. The first services were held on the 16th of December, 1850, in the customhouse, on the day of the landing of the first settlers. Services were regularly held in the old immigration barracks until the completion of the first church. The first churchwardens were Messrs J. R. Godley, J. E. Fitzgerald, and the first incumbent, the late Archdeacon Dudley. Owing either to a defect in the building, or to the exceptional severity of the south-westers, the first church, which was of brick, was taken down, and replaced by the present building, Daily services are held, and there are four services on Sunday, with a surpliced choir, and a fine page 402 organ. The peal of bells now in use was brought out from England by the Pilgrims.

The Rev. Charles Coates, Vicar of Lyttelton, was born in Yorkshire, England, and educated at the St. Augustine College, Canterbury. He was ordained deacon in 1875, and priest in 1876 by the late Bishop of Christchurch. At first he was assistant curate at St. John's, Christchurch, and was vicar of Waimate from 1876 to 1891, when he took charge of his present parish. Mr. Coates is also chaplain to the Lyttelton Gaol.

St. Saviour's Church, Lyttelton West. This church was built in 1885, and is capable of seating 250 persons. It is used chiefly as a seamen's church and for men-of-war calling at the Port. There are daily services.

The Rev. E. Elliott Chambers, Vicar of St. Saviour's, Lyttelton, is a son of the Rev. J. Chambers, vicar of Cary, Cornwall. England, and was born in 1850. He entered the Navy in 1863 and retired in 1870 with the rank of lieutenant. In 1872 he entered Trinity College, Dublin, which he left in 1875. as Associate of Arts. Mr. Chambers arrived in New Zealand in 1881, when he took charge of Ross, on the West Coast. He was vicar of Rakaia from 1881 till 1885, when he was appointed chaplain to the seamen in what is now known as the parish of West Lyttelton. Mr. Chambers is honorary chaplain to the N Battery, and entitled to the long service medal, as he has been connected with that corps since 1885. He is the sole chaplain to the Permanent Artillery in the South Island, acting-chaplain to the Royal Navy, and chaplain to the seamen at Port Lyttelton.

St. Joseph's Church, Winchester Street, Lyttelton, is a plain old stone building, beautifully decorated and ornamented in the interior. There is accommodation for about 200 persons. The original site was presented by the late Sir Frederick Weld, and the church itself was built by Father Boibieux in 1871. Lyttelton, Governor's Bay, Port Levy, Heathcote Valley, and Sumner are all in the parish, and Sumner has a church capable of accommodating 200 persons. Masses are held on the second Sunday in each month.

The Rev. Father Patrick Cooney, of St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Lyttelton, was born in Limerick, Ireland, in 1872, and received his primary education with the Christian Brothers of his native town. He proceeded to Rome and studied theology in the Gregorian college, which is attended by students from nearly every nation of the Christian world. While in attendance there Father Cooney attained to a special fluency and knowledge of the modern European languages. He took the B. Ph. degree in 1894 and was ordained at Dublin, Ireland, in 1897, by the Right Rev. Dr. Grimes, Bishop of Christchurch. Father Cooney arrived in New Zealand in March, 1898, and served as curate at Rangiora under Father Aubry and some time later at Kumara under Father O'Hallahan. He was appointed to his present charge in 1901. Father Cooney's knowledge of French, German, and Italian is of great advantage in connection with the crews of the various foreign vessels entering the port.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo. Rev. Father Cooney.

Wrigglesworth and Binns, photo.
Rev. Father Cooney.

Wesleyan Church, Lyttelton. The first Wesleyan church in Lyttelton was a small wooden building, 30 feet by 20 feet, which cost £334 to erect. It was opened on the 4th of March, 1855, but prior to that services had been held in private houses after the arrival of the first four ships. The accommodation of the church was increased by means of a gallery across the end, but even that was soon insufficient, and within six years the foundation of a new and handsome church was laid on Norwich Quay. The building was erected at an outlay of £1,770, and was opened on the 1st of September, 1861, altogether free from debt. Cruciform in shape, with a carved altar rail, and a somewhat elaborate pulpit, it was exceedingly attractive, but was not destined to remain where it was first built. The site became unsuitable, as it was surrounded by business premises, and it was removed to its present position in Winchester Street, in 1866. Ninety additional sittings were added in 1877, at a cost of £200. It was again enlarged three years later, and an excellent pipe organ introduced at a cost of £500. After forty years' service it is still a substantial building, and has accommodation for a numerous congregation. The Sunday school, which has been a marked feature from the outset, has been held in various places, in 1863 the Winchester Street site was purchased for £150, and the school building put up at a cost of £400. It was subsequently enlarged, and an infant room was added. The school sustained a heavy loss by the death of Mr. J. Joyce, M.H.R., who for some years had been superintendent.

The Rev. J. A. Luxford. Captain Chaplain of the 10th New Zealand Mounted Rifles, and Superintendent of the Lyttelton circuit, was born in Wellington in 1855, and is the son of Mr. C. E. Luxford, who arrived in New Zealand in 1839. He became a local preacher at an early age, and after studying in Wellington and Christchurch, was formally accepted by the Conference for the ministry. His first charge was at Rangiora, Canterbury, in 1876. Mr Luxford has laboured for only six years in the north, having spent most of his ministerial life in the South Island. Churches were built under his direction at Hawera and at Manaia, in the north, and at St. Albans and Leeston during his ministry in Canterbury. He was appointed to his present charge by the Conference held in Dunedin in 1902, having previously been superintendent of the Invercargill church. Before entering on his duties at Lyttelton he was appointed Captain Captain to the New Zealand Tenth Contingent in South Africa. He returned to New Zealand with his regiment in September, 1902, and immediately resumed the work of his ministry at Lyttelton. Mr. Luxford is also Chaplain to the Second Battalion of the Otago Mounted Rifles, and is one of the most prominent Freemasons in New Zealand. He is Chaplain to the Masonic district of Southland.

Pairman, Thomas Wyld, L.R.C.P., and S.E. (Edin.), Oxford Street, Lyttelton. Dr. Pairman is a son of Dr. Pairman. of Biggar, Scotland, the well-known author of several notable works and poetical pieces. He was born at Biggar, in 1859, and educated at the Edinburgh Royal High School and University. In 1882 he returned to biggar, where he practised his profession for a period of eighteen months. In the latter part of 1883 he settled at Stogumber, in the West of England. There he conducted a practice till 1886, when he left England for New Zealand. On landing in Auckland he proceeded to the Waikato, and there carried on practice for about four years. On leaving the Waikato he came to Lyttelton, where at the present time (1902) he holds many important medical appointments.

Upham, Charles Hazlitt, M.R.C.S. (Eng.), L.R.C.P. (London), Winchester Street, Lyttelton. Dr. Upham was born in Hampstead, London, in 1863, and educated at Christ's Hospital. He subsequently studied at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, where he gained his diplomas in 1885 and 1886.

Vangioni, Thomas George, Pharmaceutical Chemist and Druggist, “The Corner Chemist,” Lyttelton. This business, occupying premises at the corner of Oxford and London Streets, was established by Dr. Macdonald in 1874. The shop, although small, is compact, and is well stocked with a large variety of patent and proprietary medicines, and chemists' sundries, and has a dispensing department and office at the back. The business, which was purchased by the present proprietor early in 1902, has been eminently successful. Mr. Vangioni, the proprietor, who was born in Akaroa in 1875, is a son of Mr. Joseph Vangioni, an old colonist of Akaroa. He was educated at the Christchurch Boys' High School, and afterwards served an apprenticeship with Messrs Gould and Co., chemists, Christchurch. In 1897 he qualified and gained his diploma under the Pharmacy Board of New Zealand. Mr. Vangioni was dispenser at the Christchurch Hospital for a time, and he afterwards managed Messrs Bagley and Sons' business in Dunedin for over two years. Shortly after returning to Christchurch, in 1901, he took over his present business. Mr. Vangioni was a member of the Christchurch Football Club for several years, and he has page 403 taken a very active part in all branches of athletic sports. He is married to a daughter of Mr. F. Narby, a colonist of nearly sixty years' standing, and owner of Long Bay station, Banks' Peninsula.

Wilson, James Leslie, Surgeon Dentist, London Street, Lyttelton. Mr Wilson, who is a native of Lyttelton, is a son of Mr. E. Wilson, an old resident of the Port. He was born in 1881, educated at the local schools, and afterwards served an apprenticeship in Wellington with the firm of Messrs Bulkley and Forte, surgeon dentists, of that city. In June, 1902, he gained his diploma as a qualified dentist, and soon afterwards returned to Lyttelton and established his present business. Mr. Wilson has taken an active interest in athletic sports, and is a member of several athletic and social clubs in Lyttelton.