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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. Thomas Hensman Caverhill

Mr. Thomas Hensman Caverhill, formerly Manager of the Kaiapoi branch of the Bank of New Zealand, was born in 1859 at Motunau station, Canterbury. He is the second son of Mr. John Scott Caverhill, and was educated at the old High School, Christchurch, and at Christ's College. In 1873, he entered the service of the Bank of Australasia at Christchurch, remaining in that branch until 1877, when he received the appointment of agent at Rakaia, where he remained for six months and was then transferred to Sanson in the Manawatu district. He joined the Bank of New Zealand in 1879, and was in Christchurch for about twelve months, when he received the appointment of agent at Kaikoura and Oxford. In 1880, he was appointed manager at Palmerston North, where he remained until 1884; then came to the Christchurch branch and was transferred to Kaiapoi as manager in July, 1885. He also managed the Oxford agency from 1888. For a number of years he was an active member of the Kaiapoi school committee. When at the high school in Christchurch, he was lieutenant of the volunteer rifle corps. He has taken a great interest in football ever since his school days, and was secretary of the Kaiapoi football club for two years; he played in several country matches in the Rangitikei and Manawatu districts. In conjunction with Mr. Blackwell, he was instrumental in purchasing the present ground known as Kaiapoi Park, the purchase money, £550, being all paid off by means of bazaars, art unions, etc. He is a life trustee for this property, which is held in trust for the benefit of all local athletic bodies. It has already proved a great boon to the community, as a recreation ground, and is likely to be of greater service in the future. As an adherent of the Presbyterian church, he held the position of local secretary for a time. He is also a strong sympathiser in all temperance movements. Mr. Caverhill was married in December, 1880, to the daughter of Mr. Francis Kelly, of Swannanoa, Canterbury, and has four children.