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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Professional, Commercial And Industrial

Professional, Commercial And Industrial.

Moore, David, Butcher, Regent Street, Woolston. Mr. Moore is a native of Bradford, Yorkshire, England, where he served an apprenticeship to his trade, after which he started in business as a butcher on his own account in Blackpool. He landed in New Zealand by the s.s. “Tainui,” at Lyttelton, in 1889. After working at his trade in Christchurch for some months he opened in business at Woolston, whence he removed to the East Belt, Christchurch, but returned to Woolston, and started his present business, which has shown steady growth since its inception, and is now the largest in the district. Mr. Moore's plant is up to date in every respect. The page 395 engine and boiler, meat-cutting machine, steam jacket-pan, and other appliances necessary to the manufacture of small goods, are housed in a building at the back of the shop. Mr. Moore is elsewhere referred to as a member of the Woolston Borough Council.

McBride, Thomas, Manufacturer of Sausage Skins and Butchers' Requisites Woolston. Established 1895; Trade Mark, “Black Bull.” The sausage skins made by Mr. McBride are pronounced by all the leading butchers in Canterbury to be superior to any of the imported article. Mr. McBride is a buyer of every description of hog and sheep runners. Mr. McBride was born in Melbourne, Victoria, where he first learned his business. He was afterwards at the trade in Sydney, and also for three years in London, and came to New Zealand in 1890. His father, the late Mr. Samuel McBride, was well known in Melbourne and Sydney, and also in England, as a sausage skin manufacturer, and the family still carries on a large business in London, with a branch establishment in New York.

Andrews, Samuel Paull, Stonequarry Proprietor, Heathcote Bridge. Mr. Andrews, who is referred to elsewhere as an ex-member of the House of Representatives, became proprietor of this large quarry in 1892, having previously, for several years, been engaged In the stone business. There are fifty acres of freehold land and large quantities of splendid stone are being quarried. There is a fine Blake-Marsden stone-breaking machine, which will produce metal for roads or foot-paths, of any reasonable grade that may be required. The machine is driven by a ten horse-power portable steam-engine. and over two dozen drays are constantly employed in carrying away the broken metal to its destination. The produce of the quarry is about 17,000 yards per annum. Mr. Andrews holds extensive contracts for the Avon and Heathcote Road Boards, and also supplies the City of Christchurch and suburban boroughs.

Travis, William Henry, Tannery, Woolston. This tannery was established by Mr. Travis in 1888 on half an acre of land whereon the necessary buildings have been erected. The intention of the proprietor in establishing these works was primarily to supply his own requirements. His trade having considerably increased he now manufactures shoe-leather, a portion of which he exports.

E. E. Wright, photo. Refreshment.

E. E. Wright, photo.