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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. Augustus Robert Inwood

Mr. Augustus Robert Inwood is an Old Colonist who has been associated with the development of Canterbury from its infancy to the present time. He was born in Surrey, England, and came out in the ship “Sir George Seymour,” in 1850, with his parents. Mr. Inwood was educated in Christchurch for the legal profession, and was admitted to the bar by the late Judge Gresson. For some time Mr. Inwood practised his profesion both in Christchurch and at Akarca, but when the opportunity offered he went to Southbridge, where he took up land and followed pastoral pursuits for twenty-five years. In 1901 he sold his property and came to Christchurch, where he has since resided. While at Southbridge Mr. Inwood identified himself with many of the public affairs of the district. He has been a Justice of the Peace for many years; in 1901 he was president of the Ellesmere Agricultural and Pastoral Association, and he shares in the esteem with which the family name has ever been associated in Canterbury. As a Freemason Mr. Inwood was initiated in Lodge Akaroa. He is married to a daughter of the late Mr. E. C. Latter, of Christchurch.

Standish and Preece, photo. Mr. A. R. Inwood.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. A. R. Inwood.