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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr George Croll

Mr George Croll was born in Dundee in 1837, and accompanied his father, the late Mr. William Croll, to Melbourne at the age of five years. Mr. Croll's father came out to Victoria under engagement to Messrs. Langlands and Fulton to start the Port Philip Foundry, the first foundry in Melbourne, and was afterwards in business in Geelong, where he established the Vulcan Foundry. It was there that the subject of this notice served his time, learning every branch of the trade, during the seven years of his apprenticeship. Arriving in Otago in 1861, Mr. Croll followed his profession as an engineer both on land and sea, till January, 1875, when he entered the machinery department under the late Joseph Nancarrow, and had the supervision of the Canterbury district till May, 1902, when he was retired on a pension. Mr. Croll was married in 1857 to a daughter of Mr. William Grundy, builder, of Geelong, and has four sons.

Standish and Preece, photo. Mr. G. Croll.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. G. Croll.