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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. Duncan Taylor

Mr. Duncan Taylor, formerly of Rangitata, but now of Christchurch, was born in ‘1834. He was brought up as a blacksmith, and when twenty-six years of age left his native land for New Zealand, arriving in Dunedin in 1860 by the ship “Pladda.” Working for a time at his trade in Southland, he afterwards came to Temuka, where he opened the first black-smith's shop and the second building put up in Temuka. After carrying on business for about twelve months, at the request of the late Mr. W. K. Macdonald, he removed to Orarl, where he remained for fourteen years. Purchasing 284 acres at Rangitata in 1876, Mr. Taylor became a farmer. He was for many years a member of the South Rangitata School Committee, and assisted the Rev. G. Barclay to establish the Presbyterian church at Temuka. He was married to Miss Dunn, sister of Mrs. James Blyth, of Temuka, and daughter of Mr. Dunn, of the “Stumps' Farm,” Temuka—an old settler who came to Canterbury by the ship “Joseph Fletcher” in 1854—and has two sons and eight daughters.

Ferrier, photo. Mr. D. Taylor.

Ferrier, photo.
Mr. D. Taylor.

Ferrier, photo. Mrs. D. Taylor.

Ferrier, photo.
Mrs. D. Taylor.