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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Maddison, Joseph Clarkson

Maddison, Joseph Clarkson, F.R.I.B.A., Architect, 187 Hereford Street, Christchurch. P.O. Box 430. Bankers, Bank of New South Wales. Private residence, “Chiselhurst,” 250 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch. Mr. Maddison, who has been well known in Canterbury for a quarter of a century as one of its leading architects, was born in Greenwich, in 1850. He was educated at private schools, and articled to Mr. George Morris, an old established architect in London, with whom he served for five years. For a short time before leaving his native land, Mr. Maddison was engaged professionally in London. In 1872 he arrived in Lyttelton, in the ship page 286 “Gladstone,” settled in Christchurch, and commenced the practice of his profession. Since then he has designed and erected a great number of important buildings, not only in Christchurch, but in other parts of the colony. A few of these may be noted, such as the splendid warehouse and offices of the Kaiapoi Woollen Manufacturing Company, Limited, the extensive freezing works of the Canterbury Frozen Meat and Dairy Produce Export Company, Limited, at Belfast; the Mataura Freezing Works in Southland; the large block of buildings at the corner of Cashel and Colombo Streets, occupied by Messrs J. Ballantyne and Co. and McClea and Co.; the warehouses of Messrs Chrystall and Co., and Mason, Struthers and Co., in Lichfield Street; the warehouse now occupied by Messrs Milner and Thompson in Manchester Street; Making's Buildings in Worcester Street; Messrs Beath and Co.'s premises, and Worcester House in Cashel Street. Mr. Maddison also drew the plans and supervised the erection of the White Hart, A1, Lancaster Park, and Central Hotels (now the Masonic Hotel), and supervised considerable additions to the Crown Brewery. The large brick mill at Addington, owned by messrs Wood and Co., Limited, is also from Mr. Maddison's designs, as are the refrigerating, cool chambers, and engine-house for Messrs Wardell Brothers and Co. He designed and supervised the erection of Holy Trinity church at Amberley, the Anglican church at Port Levy, and other churches, besides numerous private houses, including those erected for Mr. W. Gordon-Rich and Major Taylor, at the corner of Antigua and Worcester Streets, the residences of the late Mr. W. Chrystall and of the Hon. C. Louisson in Colombo Street, and that of the Rev. T. R. Fisher in Lincoln Road. Mr. Maddison has also erected additions to several of the local banks. He designed the Fairfield Freezing Works near Ashburton, and the large additions to the premises of Messrs Manning and Co., the new buildings of Messrs Wardell Brothers, the new Warner's Hotel, two warehouses for, Messrs Mason, Struthers and Co., and a private residence for Mr. R. Struthers. He also designed the new Somerset Hotel at Ashburton, and the Christchurch Abattoirs; a building for Sir Westby Perceval, a private residence for Sir G. Clifford, Bart.; Tattersall's Hotel; and additions to the Grand Stand for the Canterbury Jockey Club, the Zetland Arms Hotel, and several other large buildings. In 1879 competitive designs were called for a Christchurch Town Hall and Municipal Buildings, and two designs submitted by Mr Maddison were placed first and second in the competition. In 1887 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects. Mr. Maddison also acts as consulting architect for financial and other institutions which advance money on the security of properties. Mr. Maddison is a member of the Christchurch Licensing Committee. He was married, in 1873, to a daughter of the late Mr. Midmore, of Rent, surveyor, and has three daughters living.

Standish and Preece, photo.Mr. J. C. Maddison.

Standish and Preece, photo.
Mr. J. C. Maddison.