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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Hughes, Henry

Hughes, Henry, International Patent and Trade Mark Agent, 183 Hereford Street, Christchurch, Head Office, Wellington; branches in Auckland, Dunedin and Invercargill, with associates all over the world. The
The Late Mr. H. Hughes.

The Late Mr. H. Hughes.

page 281
Messrs Hopkins, Simpson and Co.'s Premises.

Messrs Hopkins, Simpson and Co.'s Premises.

founder of this firm was the late Mr. Henry Hughes, a London engineer of long standing and experience. When Mr. Hughes arrived in Wellington in 1882, he believed the time ripe to establish an office for obtaining patents, and with that view he set up in business. It was not long before his sagacity, supported by the energy of his son, Mr. W. E. Hughes, the present proprietor, resulted in the assured success of one of the best businesses of the kind in Australasia, if not in the world. It has always been the firm's special aim to give each case the benefit of its long experience. In 1896 Mr. Henry Hughes died, and increasing business made it necessary, later on, for Mr. W. E. Hughes to take into partnership Messrs Rayward and Baldwin till 1901, when Mr. Hughes was again enabled to obtain complete control by purchasing outright both Mr. Rayward's and Mr Baldwin's shares. The whole plant, offices, and businesses as they have stood from the beginning remain in the hands of Mr. Hughes, and the business is and will be carried on as before the partnership, under the title of Henry Hughes, international patent and trade mark agent. Mr. Hughes' pamphlet, “Advice to Inventors,” is much in demand, and contains valuable and interesting information to inventors and patentees.