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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

The Rev. Theodore Albert Meyer

The Rev. Theodore Albert Meyer, Pastor of the German Church and Curate of the Anglican Church at Heathcote, was trained at St. Cyprian's College, Bloemfontein, South Africa, and ordained by the Bishop of Bloemfontein in 1877. He was chaplain of St. Andrew's College, Bloemfontein, from 1877 till 1882, and vicar of Ficksburg from 1882 till 1887. Mr. Meyer came to New Zealand and was curate at Lincoln from 1891 till 1892, and curate of Papanui from 1892 till 1898, when he was appointed curate at Heathcote. He was appointed pastor to the German Church in 1892, and holds the pastorate in conjunction with his curacy in the Anglican Church.