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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. Ernest Hollow

Mr. Ernest Hollow, one of the Tenor Lay-Clerks of Christchurch Cathedral, is a Cornishman by birth, and was born in 1866. Arriving in Lyttelton with his parents in 1877, he attended the Wesleyan school in Durham Street, and was one of the first pupils at the Normal School. As a lad he was a member of the choir in the Wesleyan church. He was for several years in Australia, residing in Sydney and Brisbane, where he gained his early musical training, and commenced his career as a tenor singer. He was a member of the Philharmonic Society of Sydney, and the Musical Union of Brisbane. Mr. Hollow returned to Christchurch in 1887 and had two years' further training under Mr. T. W. Wells. He joined the Motett Society, and has been well known as a tenor soloist of the Musical Union. Mr. Hollow was married in 1896 to a daughter of the late Mr. J. Gawen, of Christchurch, and has one daughter.