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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Industrial School — The Burnham Industrial School.

Industrial School.

The Burnham Industrial School. is situated near the Burnham railway station, eighteen miles from Christchurch. It is one of the three Government Industrial Schools in the colony, the others being at Auckland, and at Caversham, near Dunedin. The net cost of maintaining the institution, which has about 300 boys, is about £5000 a year. Mr. T. Archey is the director. The farm attached to the school comprises about 1000 acres, of which between 300 and 400 acres are sown in oats and wheat, or are utilised for the growing of vegetables. All the work on the farm is done by the older boys, about a dozen being employed under the supervision of two farm hands. The boys are instructed in all branches of farm work. Stock is also kept on the farm. Dairying, too, is carried on, and some of the lads become expert dairymen. The garden, the poultry farm, the laundry, workshop, fire brigade, band, and other aids to industry and recreation are all conducted on the most approved principles, with a view to the well-being. of the pupils. The boys are encouraged to learn useful trades, such as carpentry, tailoring, shoemaking, and cooking, and are given every facility in that connection. A small weekly payment is made to those who display special diligence and aptitude. A smart cadet corps, attached to the school, is drilled by a qualified instructor. The discipline of a military system is maintained at Burnham, and the bugle-call, which sounds the boys to meals, to bed, and so on, is obeyed with alacrity. Representatives of the various religious denominations frequently visit the school.