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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

The “Spectator,”

The “Spectator,” an Independent illustrated journal devoted to society, sport, literature, and political matters, is published weekly in Christchurch by the proprietor, Mr. G. W. Russell. It is a Crown folio of twenty four pages, and circulates chiefly throughout the South Island. The office is 185 Gloucester Street. The scope of the paper embraces, principally, items of social interest, and its strong feature is its outspokenness. It is profusely illustrated by artists specially employed, and illustrations are regularly received from all parts of the Colony. The circulation of the “Spectator” has increased wonderfully under the present proprietary, and it is expected that it will have to be considerably enlarged in the near future. Its owner, Mr. Russell, is referred to in another section of this volume as a member of Parliament.