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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. George Andrews

Mr. George Andrews, formerly Member of the Christchurch City Council for Southwest Ward, was born in 1852 in Herefordshire, England, where he was educated. He learned the trade of a pork butcher and bacon-curer in Birmingham, and came to Lyttelton in 1874 per ship “Geraldine Paget.” For a few months he worked at his trade at Ashley Bank, Canterbury, and in 1875 removed to Christchurch, where he was employed for eighteen months, and for four years was engaged by Messrs. Garth and Lee, shipping butchers at Lyttelton, with the management of their small goods department. Returning to Christchurch he was employed in a similar capacity for Messrs Hopkins and Co. for five years, and commenced business on his own account in 1887. Mr. Andrews was first returned for North-West Ward in 1895.