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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Mr. Duncan Barclay McLaren

Mr. Duncan Barclay McLaren, who was for three years a Member of the Christchurch City Council, representing North-east Ward, was born in Launceston in 1845 and educated at Mr. Oldfield's Commercial Academy in Hobart. He commenced his business career in the latter city with his father, Mr. J. B. McLaren, and arrived in Christchurch in 1870. He has since been connected with the grain and seed trade. For ten years he was employed by Messrs. W. Wilson and Co., seed merchants in Christchurch, and subsequently entered into business on his own account under the style of D. B. McLaren and Co., in the same line. Ten years later he entered the service of Mr. G. G. Stead, grain and seed merchant, as manager of the agricultural seed department, which he has continued to conduct. As a member of the craft, Mr. McLaren is attached to Canterbury Lodge 1048 E.C., of which he is past master. He was married in Hobart in 1865, to a daughter of the late Mr. Alexander Clarke, of Hobart, engineer, and has seven sons and three daughters.