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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Canterbury Provincial District]

Hyman Marks' Trust

Hyman Marks' Trust . Trustees:— Messrs. C. Louisson and A. Fergusson; Agent, Mr. F. D. Kesteven. Offices, Chaneery Lane, Christchurch. This wealthy and important trust was founded on the 21st of May. 1895. under the will of the late Mr. Hyman Marks, who left the whole of his large estate, valued at £38,000, in trust for charitable purposes. The trustees were directed to erect the Marks' Ward at the hospital, which has been duly completed at a cost of over £6000, and to distribute the revenue arising from the properties demised, in perpetuity, for the relief of poverty and distress of every description, in which the trustees possess full discretionary power. In giving effect to the objects of the testator much good has already been accomplished.