reddit gold is our premium membership program. It comes with extra features to make your experience here better as well as special benefits from gold partners for exceptional products and services.

reddit takes no payment from gold partners for being in this program. We ask that they give all the benefits to you, our users. We hope in turn that this helps make gold a program worth subscribing to.

If you have questions about any of the benefits, please visit /r/goldbenefits. New benefits and features will also be announced there, and we hope you'll enjoy them.

You can make reddit better.

New comment highlighting.

What's new? Highlight which comments are new since the last time you viewed a thread.


Notifications when you're mentioned in comments.

Want to say "boo" when people talk about you? Get an orangered whenever someone "/u/" mentions your username in a comment.

Awesome stuff for gold members:

Filter specific subreddits from /r/all.

Are there subreddits you don't want to see? Customize /r/all by removing them with a url like /r/all-operative-badger (up to ~300 removals - limited by maximum url length).

More subreddits and comments per page.

Our servers work harder for gold members.
Subscribe to up to 100 subreddits on your front page.
Read comment threads 1500 comments at a time.

Save comments and view by subreddit.

Save the great comments you'd like to revisit later.
Filter your favorite posts and comments by subreddit.

Turn off ads.

Advertisements are optional to gold members.

Friends with benefits.

Add notes to keep track of them all.

Last, but not least:

  • The Lounge. Access to a super-secret members-only community that may or may not exist.
  • Beta test new features. We occasionally invite gold members to try out new features first.
  • A trophy on your user page. As thanks for supporting reddit gold.
  • More to come. We have many more ideas for gold features, and will add to this list in the future.

become a member today.

reddit gold is $3.99 / month, or $29.99 for a year.

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