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Periodicals > Link-Up Digital
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Link-Up Digital
Edited by Loraine Page

Welcome to Link-Up Digital!
Link-Up Digital is a Web-only section, updated biweekly, featuring articles, reviews, and more for for savvy users and producers of electronic information products and services.

Click here to view Link-Up archive.In October 2002, Link-Up magazine was incorporated into ITI's flagship publication, Information Today, as Link-Up: At Home, a special section of IT packed with news you can use both at home and in your downtime.  Link up with Link-Up: At Home and Link-Up Digital!

Articles from Link-Up magazine are available in free Preview/Abstract format, as well as pay-per-view Full Text, Text+Graphics, or Page Image PDF versions, courtesy of ITI's InfoCentral. CLICK HERE to view the Link-Up archive.

11/1/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
10/15/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
9/15/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
9/1/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
8/15/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
8/1/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
7/15/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
7/1/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
6/15/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
6/1/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
5/15/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
5/1/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
4/15/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
4/1/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
3/15/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
3/1/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
2/15/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
2/1/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
1/15/2013 — by Gary M. Stern
1/1/2013 — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
12/1/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
11/15/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
11/1/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
10/15/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
9/15/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
9/1/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
8/15/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
8/1/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
7/15/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
7/1/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
6/15/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
6/1/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
5/15/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
5/1/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
4/15/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
4/1/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
3/15/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
3/1/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
2/15/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
2/1/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
1/15/2012 — by Gary M. Stern
1/1/2012 — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
12/1/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
11/15/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
11/1/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
10/15/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
9/15/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
9/1/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
8/15/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
8/1/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
7/15/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
7/1/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
6/15/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
6/1/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
5/15/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
5/1/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
4/15/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
4/1/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
3/15/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
3/1/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
2/15/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
2/1/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
1/15/2011 — by Gary M. Stern
1/1/2011 — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
12/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
11/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
11/1/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
10/15/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
9/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
9/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
8/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
8/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
7/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
7/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
6/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
6/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
5/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
5/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
4/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
4/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
3/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
3/1/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
2/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
2/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
1/15/2010 — by Gary M. Stern
1/1/2010 — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
12/1/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
11/15/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
11/1/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
10/15/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
9/15/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
9/1/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
8/15/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
8/1/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
7/15/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
7/1/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
6/15/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
6/1/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
5/1/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
4/15/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
4/1/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
3/15/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
3/1/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
2/15/2009 — by Gary M. Stern
2/1/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
1/15/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
1/1/2009 — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2008 — by Reid Goldsborough
12/1/2008 — by Reid Goldsborough
11/15/2008 What the Internet Has Done to Newspapers — by Reid Goldsborough
11/1/2008 Avoid Becoming an Email Victim — by Reid Goldsborough
10/15/2008 The Internet, It Is A-Changin’ — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2008 The Changing Blogosphere — by Reid Goldsborough
9/15/2008 Ambient Awareness—Or, How Connected Do You Want to Be? — by Reid Goldsborough
9/1/2008 You Can Never Have Enough Storage — by Reid Goldsborough
8/15/2008 The Latest in PC Desktop Technology — by Reid Goldsborough
8/1/2008 Thinking Through Word Processing — by Reid Goldsborough
7/15/2008 Time to Replace Your Digital Camera? — by Reid Goldsborough
7/1/2008 In Search of a Spam Solution — by Reid Goldsborough
6/15/2008 Who’s Reading Your Email? — by Reid Goldsborough
6/1/2008 There’s More to Cut and Paste Than You May Think — by Reid Goldsborough
5/15/2008 Is Your Computer Keyboard Making You Sick? — by Reid Goldsborough
5/1/2008 Video and the Future of the Internet — by Reid Goldsborough
4/15/2008 The Latest in the Browser Wars — by Reid Goldsborough
4/1/2008 The Authenticity of Online Experts — by Reid Goldsborough
3/15/2008 The Internet, These Days — by Reid Goldsborough
3/1/2008 Photographic Skills Still Matter in the Digital Age — by Reid Goldsborough
2/15/2008 Archive Services: Who's Storing Your Words? — by Reid Goldsborough
2/1/2008 Finding the Right Clothes for Your Words — by Reid Goldsborough
1/15/2008 When the Internet Becomes Too Much — by Reid Goldsborough
1/1/2008 The Threat of Typosquatting — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2007 Looking Good in Email — by Reid Goldsborough
12/1/2007 Toward a Universal Library — by Reid Goldsborough
11/15/2007 Social Networks Versus Blogs Versus Discussion Groups — by Reid Goldsborough
11/1/2007 Keeping Your Computer Going — by Reid Goldsborough
10/15/2007 Phishing Away Your Indentity — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2007 Staying Productive at the Keyboard — by Reid Goldsborough
9/15/2007 How Does Your Garden Grow? - Sites to make you the envy of the neighborhood — by Roberta Roberti
9/1/2007 When Blogging Gets Heated — by Reid Goldsborough
8/15/2007 When It’s Time to Spring for a Software Upgrade — by Reid Goldsborough
8/1/2007 Web Sites to Vent and Learn — by Reid Goldsborough
7/15/2007 Ten Things You Should Know About Search Engine Optimization — by Mike Tekula
7/1/2007 The Scoop on Computer Viruses — by Reid Goldsborough

Computer News and Views: Checking out other sources for tech information — by Reid Goldsborough


New Developments in Web Searching — by Reid Goldsborough


Web Design: Balancing Form and Function — by Reid Goldsborough


Hanging Pictures in Your Home: Web sites show how to do it right the first time — by Ken Rubino

4/15/2007 Using Computers to Save Time—or Waste It — by Reid Goldsborough
4/1/2007 Don’t Let Your PC Turn Into a Zombie — by Reid Goldsborough
3/15/2007 Deciphering Email Headers — by Reid Goldsborough
3/1/2007 Questions About Online Identity — by Reid Goldsborough
2/15/2007 Windows Vista: What to Do? — by Reid Goldsborough
2/1/2007 When Bad Things Happen to Good Computers — by Reid Goldsborough
1/15/2007 Visiting Museums … Without Leaving Home: The Beautiful and the Bizarre — by Roberta Roberti
1/2/2007 Podcasting Adds to the Media Mix — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2006 Printers as Jacks of All Trades — by Reid Goldsborough
12/1/2006 What Should You Do with Your Old PC? — by Reid Goldsborough
11/15/2006 Making a Name for Your Site — by Reid Goldsborough
11/1/2006 Dealing with E-Mail Scams — by Reid Goldsborough
10/15/2006 Keeping Up with Really Simple Syndication — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2006 Traveling with Technology—and Its Glitches — by Reid Goldsborough
9/15/2006 Helping Site Visitors Find What They’re After — by Reid Goldsborough
9/1/2006 Anonymity Versus Security Online — by Reid Goldsborough
8/15/2006 Keeping Your Eyes Healthy in Front of the PC Screen  — by Reid Goldsborough
8/1/2006 Predicting the Future of Information Technology  — by Reid Goldsborough
7/15/2006 Putting Words on Pages  — by Reid Goldsborough
7/1/2006 Giving Your Photo Editor a Boost  — by Reid Goldsborough
6/15/2006 Flash Drives: Latest and Greatest Gadget  — by Reid Goldsborough
6/1/2006 Wikis Offer Promise and Peril  — by Reid Goldsborough
5/15/2006 The End of the Free Internet?  — by Reid Goldsborough
5/1/2006 Building a Treehouse? How the Internet Can Lend a Helping Hand  — by Ken Rubino
4/15/2006 Helping Others Get Up to Speed with PCs  — by Reid Goldsborough
4/1/2006 Advertising Is Two-Way in the Internet Age  — by Reid Goldsborough
3/15/2006 Going Beyond the Web’s Surface — by Reid Goldsborough

Virtual Decorating: Free Sites Take the Guessing Out of Interior Home Design — by Roberta Roberti


Rock of the Ages: The Many Faces of Rock Music on the Net — by Ken Rubino

2/1/2006 Saving Money When Printing — by Reid Goldsborough
1/15/2006 Self-Publishing: The Internet Makes It Easier to Go from Idea to Print — by Ken Rubino
1/2/2006 Web Linking: Is It Legal or Not? — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2005 Blogs to Book Deals: Can This Type of Online Forum Help You Become a Best-selling Author? — by Roberta Roberti
12/1/2005 Computer-Aided Photography: Image Editors Provide Tools That Enable You to Make Smart Changes — by Reid Goldsborough
11/15/2005 Time to Buy a New PC? Factors to Weigh Before Making This Decision — by Reid Goldsborough
11/1/2005 How Not to Stick Your Foot in Your Mouth via E-Mail — by Reid Goldsborough
10/15/2005 New Versus Old Media — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2005 How Not to Lose Your Laptop — by Reid Goldsborough
9/15/2005 The Future of Computing — by Reid Goldsborough
9/1/2005 Bringing in Outside Help for Your Web Site — by Reid Goldsborough
8/15/2005 In Harmony with Your Remote Control — by J.A. Hitchcock
8/1/2005 Common Sense About Sensitive E-Mail — by Reid Goldsborough
7/15/2005: Have You Tried Open Source Software Yet? — by Reid Goldsborough
7/1/2005: Web Content: Knowing Whether It’s to Sell You or Inform You — by Reid Goldsborough
6/15/2005: Wikipedia: An Encyclopedia of the People, by the People, for the People — by Reid Goldsborough
6/1/2005: Is Technology Stressing You Out? Here Are Some Ways to Regain Control — by Reid Goldsborough
5/15/2005: Sending Large Files Without Mucking up the Works — by Reid Goldsborough
5/1/2005: Making Travel Plans: The Best Sites for Research and Reservations — by Roberta Roberti
4/15/2005: Fine Art Photography on the Web — by Ken Rubino
4/1/2005: Sites for Cheese Connoisseurs — by Roberta Roberti
3/15/2005: Keeping E-Mail in Top Form — by Reid Goldsborough
3/1/2005: Wine Pairing Sites: Sites to Help You Select a Wine — by Roberta Roberti
2/15/2005: Instant Messaging for Marketing — by Reid Goldsborough
2/1/2005: Gauging the Success of Your Web Site — by Reid Goldsborough
1/15/2005: Magazines on Web Tools and Content — by Reid Goldsborough
1/3/2005: Cookies, Cookies ... Everywhere — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2004: Wash That Spam Away with MailWasher Pro — by J.A. Hitchcock
12/1/2004: Going Online to Save Data Safely — by Reid Goldsborough
11/15/2004: Don’t Let ‘Phishers’ Steal From You — by Reid Goldsborough
11/1/2004: Protect Yourself Against Online Auction Fraud — by Reid Goldsborough
10/15/2004: Software Review: Microsoft Office Professional 2003 — by J.A. Hitchcock
10/1/2004: What Are the Most Reliable PC Products? — by Reid Goldsborough
9/15/2004: Downloading Audiobooks — by J.A. Hitchcock
9/1/2004: Stopping Web Plagiarists from Stealing Your Content — by Reid Goldsborough
8/15/2004: Empower Others to Solve Computer Problems — by Reid Goldsborough
8/1/2004: Instant Messaging: Managing the Risks and Rewards — by Reid Goldsborough
7/15/2004: Using Information Technology to Learn About It — by Reid Goldsborough
7/1/2004: Charitable Donations Online — by Roberta Roberti
6/15/2004: Preventing Catastrophes from Data Loss — by Reid Goldsborough
6/1/2004: Creating Web Sites for Web Surfers — by Reid Goldsborough
5/15/2004: Desktop or Laptop: How to Decide? — by Reid Goldsborough
5/1/2004: SpamArrest and Vanquish: Will They Help You with Your Spam Problems? — by J. A. Hitchcock
4/15/2004: Express Passport Service: When You Need a Passport in a Hurry! — by Roberta Roberti
4/1/2004: When It Pays to Pay for Research — by Reid Goldsborough
3/15/2004: In Search of Truth: How to determine the reliability of information on the Internet — by Reid Goldsborough
3/1/2004: Ouch! My Keyboard and Mouse Are Hurting Me — by Reid Goldsborough
2/15/2004: Computer Agita: The Need for Tech Support Increases — by Reid Goldsborough
2/1/2004: The Net Is All About Interactivity — by Reid Goldsborough
1/15/2004: How a Well-Moderated Forum Can Help Your Business or Organization — by Reid Goldsborough
1/1/2004: How We Use Information Technology — by Reid Goldsborough
12/15/2003: Boost the Power of Your Word Processing Program — by Reid Goldsborough
12/1/2003: The Brave New World of Book Buying — by Reid Goldsborough
11/15/2003: The Cook’s Thesaurus: Everything You Want to Know About Ingredients — by Roberta Roberti
11/1/2003: How to Rank High in Searches — by Reid Goldsborough
10/15/2003: Don’t Become a Victim of Identity Theft — by Reid Goldsborough
10/1/2003: Computer Crisis! What to Do When Your Hard Drive is Destroyed or Your Laptop is Stolen — by J.A. Hitchcock
9/15/2003: Fighting Online Auction Fraud — by Reid Goldsborough
9/1/2003: All About Canada: The Internet is a great source for facts and fun trivia about our Northern neighbor — by Pauline Clark
8/15/2003:  Eudora E-Mail, v. 5.2: A Review — by J.A. Hitchcock
8/1/2003:  Restoring a Classic Car? Head Down the Information Superhighway — by Linda C. Allardice
7/15/2003:  Where to Get a Deal on a PC Without Getting Taken — by Reid Goldsborough
7/1/2003:  Search the Web Like a Pro — by Reid Goldsborough
6/15/2003:  Teaching Good Computing Habits, Not Bad — by Reid Goldsborough
6/1/2003:  Job-Hunt.Org — One-Stop Job Hunting on the Web — by Judith M. Levinton
5/15/2003:  Blogs: The Latest Option in Raising Your Voice Online — by Reid Goldsborough
5/1/2003:  Frugal Fun on the Web — by Judith M. Levinton 
4/15/2003:  Personal Computing: Sprucing Up a Web Site — by Reid Goldsborough 
4/1/2003:  Fighting Surf Wars — by Reid Goldsborough 
3/15/2003:  Dealing with Internet 'Nastygrams' — by Reid Goldsborough 
3/1/2003:  Chado, the Way of Tea — by Roberta Roberti 
2/15/2003:  Sites that Provide Live Zoo Webcams — by Linda C. Allardice 
2/1/2003:  Black History on the Web — by Thomas Pack 
1/15/2003:  CyberSports — by David King 
1/1/2003:  Personal Computing: Pirated Anti-Virus Software — by Reid Goldsborough 
12/15/2002:  Preserving Our Digital History — by Thomas Pack 
12/1/2002:  Personal Computing: Dressing Up a Web Site Without Overdressing It — by Reid Goldsborough 
11/15/2002:  College Classes Online: How To Get Started — by Judith M. Levinton 
11/1/2002:  Perspectives: Where Do We Go from Here? [Accessing Religion Online] — by Wallys W. Conhaim 
10/15/2002:  Online Homework Helpers — by Pauline Clark 
10/1/2002:  Perspectives: Where Do We Go from Here? [Online News] — by Wallys W. Conhaim 

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