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The Future of the Future

Be sure to create, nurture and grow a mentoring community of practice. Have your best mentors mentor your junior mentors in the art of mentoring... Posted October 29, 2013

"How do you get the most from working together as a team?" Posted September 29, 2013

Getting into an ongoing cycle of rapid innovation and learning is the only formula for sustained growth in the foreseeable future. Posted July 05, 2013

Posted May 28, 2013

"As a greater percentage of tweets slowly evolve into golden nuggets of knowledge, crowd mobilization will eventually be replaced by knowledge mobilization..." Posted April 29, 2013

"When trying to decide "which," be sure to document "why." Posted March 01, 2013

Our purpose was to awaken, enliven and re-establish the knowledge sciences as the core foundation upon which we can gain the greatest benefit from the amazing discoveries awaiting us... Posted January 31, 2013

What is the true value of intangible assets like intellectual capital and in an enterprise, and what is the ROI (return on investment) for knowledge management. Here are two intangible asset valuation methods that will likely get the attention of the folks sitting both in the c-suite and on the board of directors. Posted October 30, 2012

"Making the shift toward a patient-centered experience for education and behavioral reinforcement for healthy living should be the end vision for the smart hospital..." Posted September 29, 2012

"The next challenge is bringing expert knowledge along with patient data directly to the point of decision"... Posted July 05, 2012

We don't really have a robust, systematic approach for capturing, sharing, applying and growing knowledge about farming. At least not on a grand scale... Posted April 29, 2012

Just like the small coffee shop in Alaska, the smart library will serve as a knowledge broker engaged in locating qualified sources of critical knowledge to solve a particular problem... Posted March 31, 2012

As we plan and design our cities, we need to focus on the brain and central nervous system, as well as the socio-economic value that system creates and delivers. That is the embodiment of every aspect of the enterprise of the future we've been exploring for the past several years. Posted February 01, 2012

The surviving libraries will be the ones that remember that they are in the knowledge business... Posted October 29, 2011

Crowdsourcing is taking on an increasingly important role in society, approaching something we might instead refer to as crowdleading... Posted February 01, 2011

In our previous article, we discussed how KM and cloud computing were converging to form the knowledge cloud. As we were writing that piece, the Washington, D.C. area was recovering from "Snowpocalypse," the blizzard that managed to shut down the offices of many U.S. government agencies for four days, at a cost of around a half-billion dollars... Posted May 28, 2010

Part of the future we are creating involves finding ways to effectively move knowledge not only from person to person and from mentor to "peeps," but from knowledge cloud to knowledge cloud... Posted April 01, 2010

Corporate librarians used to devote years acquiring and cataloging physical document collections. All those serials and monographs, outdated by the time they arrived from the printers, are simply not that competitive anymore. Knowledge is not static. It must be continually refreshed through venues such as open discussion and brainstorming. That calls for a new kind of library. .. Posted February 02, 2009

We've got to create an infrastructure that allows the rapid flow of specialized knowledge in a way that new ideas can be moved into the marketplace, quickly and easily... Posted November 03, 2008

I've always liked to keep one foot in the academic world and one in the "real" world. Universities are good at developing theory, which provides foundational principles on which we can base our business decisions, actions and observations. In previous articles, we've presented a simple theoretical framework, which has proven to be successful across a wide range of organizations. It consists of the four pillars of leadership, organization, learning and technology. Let's take a look at how each of these pillars has been playing out, and how you can benefit from what we've learned so far. Posted July 11, 2008

Human civilization began in Africa. My tribe got out early, more than 50,000 years ago. I guess that explains why I'm always among the first to leave a party. According to genetic ancestry researcher Spencer Wells, my haplogroup, M168, crossed the Arabian Peninsula and proceeded to populate the other five continents. A haplogroup is a large clan of people who share a common ancestor, as indicated by a unique genetic marker. Posted May 01, 2008

We've spent a good deal of space in this column looking at how business needs to transform itself to compete in the global knowledge economy. This month, let's take a look at how the same trends are forcing major changes in government. Posted April 01, 2008

Competing in a billion-mind economy means totally rethinking how you live, work and learn. That applies to you as an individual as well as to the organizations to which you belong. In the enterprise of the future, living, working and learning environments are converging in an unprecedented way. Posted December 28, 2007

A key ingredient in fast learning is capturing and sharing lessons-learned. That means continually assessing what's working, what's not working and finding ways to improve. Posted August 31, 2007

...making the transformation from a knowledge-hoarding organization to a knowledge-sharing enterprise... Posted April 30, 2007

Three storms are brewing in today's business environment: globalization, the shift to solutions and traditional/obsolete organizational structures. Posted August 23, 2006

Editor's note: This is the first in a regular column addressing The Enterprise of the Future (EOF), a research and services initiative within The George Washington University Institute for Knowledge and Innovation (gwu.edu/~iki), which is seeking to help organizations learn and innovate at the speed of change. E-mail eof@aksciences.com. Posted April 26, 2006