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Synopsis for
"Almost Human" Are You Receiving? (2013)

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John Kennex wakes up in the morning and gets his synthetic leg out of the charger. It squeaks and he remembers what Dorian said about using olive oil on it -- it works.

In an office building. James, the security guy brings someone a package. When he gets back down to the security desk, men with guns come in. The leader shoots James and he and his crew head for the server room. They drill into the floor and plant a bomb, then arm it.

On the drive in to work, Dorian is annoyed that John is late. He notes the smell of olive oil and enjoys that John took his advice. But John insists: "I had a salad. A Greek salad." John has Dorian hold two wires -- he's warming his coffee.

They get called to a murder nearby -- James the security guard. It happened about 20 minutes ago. Dorian accesses the security hard drive, they watch five men arrive and one of them shoot the guard then head to the 25th floor. Elevators are shut down. John calls for an evacuation of the building. He and Dorian hit the stairs.

On the 25th floor, the bad guys have taken the office workers hostage. The leader finds a woman named Jenna hiding under her desk. They activate their bomb in the server room. Dorian and John head toward the screams and see a hole through the floor.

Maldonado radios John, telling him to help with evacuation and leave the building. He hangs up. The police initiate a lockdown of communications, per protocol.

It was what the bad guys were expecting. The police set up outside with snipers and a command post.

Dorian and John reach the 7th floor and keep climbing. Dorian suggests accessing the air system on the 23rd floor and climbing up from there.

With the communications blocked, all the 911 calls bounce through Dorian. He answers, hoping to get information. A woman named Paige calls from the 25th floor. She's hiding in an office and sees the bad guys shoot an office worker and drag him into an office. They throw his body out the window down to the police below.

Detective Paul finds a note taped to the body: "No cops, stay out."

The cops send a drone up to the 25th floor with a phone to talk to the gunmen. The leader tells Maldonado to get the snipers away or he'll kill hostages. She orders them to stand down. He requests a fission igniter -- military grade technology. Facial recognition IDs the leader as Lucas Vincent with the Holy Reclamation Army. He gives her 43 minutes. John hears the demands through Paige's cell phone. She's about to freak out when John tells her a story about falling through the ice as a kid but feeling safe as his father dragged him to safety. He assures her she's safe.

Back at the station, Rudy suggests he build a fake fission igniter that will pass a scan. As long as they don't try to fire it up, they're OK.

The HRC has a history of similar attacks to get the release of several of their comrades, but they're not afraid to take lives, including their own.

Dorian and John are almost to the 15th floor when a gunman shoots down on them. They follow into the cubicle farm. The gunman spray bullets in John's direction with his semi-automatic.

John sets his phone to go off and slides it away. When the gunman rises to shoot in the direction of the noise, John shoots. He finds a trail of blood, but no gunman.

Dorian finds another gunman dead nearby, and a tiny translucent disk that says "start". Dorian took a ricochet bullet to the temple, but is functioning. He IDs the dead man as a member of the terrorist group, but then finds a device on him. It's a facemaker, which masks the true identity of a man named Gregory Stone, who's just an armed robber. (And an older white guy, not the younger black man the facemaker made him appear to be.) Dorian gets twitchy and tells John that due to the bullet he won't be able to walk in five minutes.

Dorian scans the facemaker frequencies and finds five others in the building.

Dorian walks John through how to fix, including cutting a magenta wire in his temple. John makes an attempt and Dorian twitches, saying that was the lavender wire. John makes another attempt with nail clippers and a Q tip. Dorian passes out.

Paige calls John, still worried. She tells him the men are spending a lot of time in a corner office. Her sister is Jenna. He keeps her calm by telling her his middle name is Reginal, after Elton John's real name. John finishes patching up Dorian, by chewing someone's leftover gum and using it as glue, and he switches back on. One of the gunmen reports in about Dorian and John and "Lucas" sends men to look for them. Paige warns John they're coming.

Lucas calls Maldonado, saying he just killed two of her men. She doesn't believe him, and denies having men in the building. He believes her. Her time is up in 10 minutes.

Paige watches as one of the gunmen threatens her sister, warning her to be quiet. Paige tells John she's going to go join her sister. He tries to talk her out of it, but she sneaks in to join the group when the gunmen aren't looking.

A minute later she says she has to use the bathroom and puts her phone in the pile of cell phones so John can listen in.

The drone flies up Rudy's fake fission igniter. Lucas orders a message sent to the other crew. Hearing the message, John and Dorian wonder how they'd communicate with another crew -- and remember the "start" disk. Dorian projects light from his eye through it and they figure that's why Lucas keeps going to the corner office with the windows.

They hear Lucas say they don't need the fission device. It's a diversion. Dorian scans the nearby buildings and finds a precious metals weigh station. They realize it's a heist.

One of the gunman projects a small disk across to the precious metals building that says "10 minutes." The robbers stealing the metals finish packing up.

Dorian hears a device arm -- a light bomb to kill hostages. Dorian decides he needs to act. He opens the elevator doors and easily pulls himself up the cables and into the air vents above the 25th floor. He quickly scans the scene then jumps through the ceiling, firing at the gunmen. He's able to take out several until Lucas hits him and the gun goes flying out of Dorian's hand. Dorian scrambles for it but he's damaged. Lucas reaches him and steps on his hand. He about to fire when the dead gunman from the 15th floor joins them.

It's John wearing his facemaker. He takes out the remaining gunman and saves Dorian .Then he calls Maldonado, telling her to kill the jammer.

The alarms go off in the precious metals building, trapping the robbers. Dorian disarms the bomb.

Outside, someone looks at Dorian, who is full of holes. John gets a big hug from Paige. He thanks her for being brave.

Back at the station, Dorian and John get a round of applause. Maldanado relays that the crew has been linked to several other high value robberies.

John takes Dorian to celebrate with noodles. Dorian thanks him. "Hey, nobody messes with my coffee maker," John says. Dorian puts on some Elton John.


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