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Contact us

On this page you'll find contact details to help you:

Help to find or request statistical information

Information Centre 
We'll help you find stats on our website or use our online tools. This service is free.

We're open from 8:30am – 5.00pm, Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays).

Phone or fax us

From New Zealand: 0508 525 525 toll-free

From overseas: +64 4 931 4600

Fax: +64 4 931 4049

Email us

Email: info@stats.govt.nz

Use our information request form

Request information from us
Use our form to request statistical information from us. We aim to respond to you within two working days.

Frequently requested statistics may have the answer to your question.

Our staff and offices

To contact a Statistics NZ staff member, phone our friendly receptionists.


Phone: +64 9 920 9100
Fax:      +64 9 920 9395

Wellington (head office)

Phone:+64 4 931 4600
Fax:     +64 4 931 4049


Phone: +64 3 964 8700
Fax:      +64 3 964 8964

SAP Centre
Level 6–7
67 Symonds Street
Private Bag 92003
Auckland 1142

Statistics House
The Boulevard
Harbour Quays
PO Box 2922
Wellington 6140

Dollan House
401 Madras Street
Private Bag 4741
Christchurch 8140
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Vacancies and job applications

Contact us about recruitment
Our recruitment team will answer all your questions about vacancies and job applications.

Help to fill in a survey

Contact us about our surveys
If you've been asked to take part in one of our surveys, our Contact Centre is here to help.

Media enquiries

For general media enquiries, contact:

Kelly Mitchell

Phone:  +64 4 931 4464
Mobile: +64 21 190 3173

Email: communication@stats.govt.nz

Colin Marshall

Phone:  +64 4 931 4630
Mobile: +64 21 285 9191

Email: communication@stats.govt.nz

Media Centre
Find out when media conferences and statistical releases are scheduled.

Education enquiries

Email: educationservices@stats.govt.nz

Schools Corner
Find resources and activities for primary and secondary school teachers.

2013 Census forms

Posting back completed census forms

Either call 0800 CENSUS (0800 236 787) to get a reply-paid envelope, or post your forms directly back to us at Private Bag 4741, Christchurch.

Information about the census

See if your question about the 2013 Census has already been answered in our frequently asked questions or email: censushelpline@stats.govt.nz

Feedback on our website

Give us your feedback
Help us to improve our website – we want it to be responsive to your needs.