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Accessibility on our website

Statistics New Zealand follows the E-government guidelines, which aim to ensure that government websites are accessible to all users.

This means we also follow the W3C standards for HTML 4.01, CSS2, and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0.

Also see: help with technical issues.

Access keys

Access keys help you navigate this site by using keyboard shortcuts to get to important pages.

To use one of the access keys listed below:

  • hold the ALT key
  • press the corresponding access key
  • then press ENTER.

The use of access keys may vary depending on your browser and operating system.

Key Description
0 List of access keys (this page)
1 Statistics New Zealand homepage
3 Search engine box
9 Contact details
[ Beginning of main content
/ Go to govt.nz

Cascading style sheets

Statistics New Zealand uses Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) throughout the site to style web pages. The use of CSS means that web pages are smaller in size, and more accessible to all browsers, especially less common browsers like screen readers (often used by visually impaired people) and handheld devices with small screens.

To view the site with CSS, you will need a browser that supports CSS specification 2 or greater.

Unfortunately, many older browsers don't support the CSS standard properly, and may fail to render web pages correctly, leaving them 'funny looking', and occasionally unreadable. While we're aware of this problem, we have a policy of not writing CSS that only works in specific browsers – we must write CSS as per the CSS standard, which is designed to be used by all browsers.

Other browsers that choose not to support CSS will render plain HTML and shouldn't have any readability problems.

Information about changing the font size can be found on the help with technical issues page.


Many of our web pages use JavaScript. Where possible, web pages have been made to work without JavaScript, although some functionality may be lost. When a non-Javascript version isn't available, it's usually because the functionality can't be reproduced without using JavaScript.