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Sharing stories from the BBC

Some of the pages on the BBC site now contain a set of links to external social websites. This enables you to share BBC pages that you find interesting with your friends and contacts on those external sites.

Whilst the BBC in the UK does not link to a site in return for money, goods or services, we are part of the wider web, and many of our users also use social networks and bookmarking services. We want you to be able to share and comment on the content we produce, if you wish to, and these links make that easier.

How does sharing work?

All of these sites are free to use and require you to register with them. Once you have registered you can begin sharing links.

You will not need an account with the BBC to do this. When you click on a site's logo you will be directed away from the BBC website to the social site. The BBC will not ask you for any personal information during this process.

Please note, when you click on one of these links and navigate to an external site such as Facebook or Twitter, you will be subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of that website. Also note, clicking on these links may result in a cookie being set in your browser by the website with which you have chosen to share a BBC page.

What happens when I use the links on your pages to share items?

Sharing an article is a simple process. When you navigate to any of the available external sites - Facebook, Twitter, Delicious, Digg, Reddit or StumbleUpon - a pop-up will appear that enables you to sign in to that site (if you are not already signed in), and then share the link.

Which services do you link to?

Currently, we provide prominent buttons that will help you use two sites - Facebook and Twitter - as well as a 'share menu' that provides access to others - Delicious, Digg, StumbleUpon and Reddit.

How did you decide which services to link to?

We have chosen the most relevant social sites for our users by assessing the volume of referrals from those sites to the BBC website, their technical compatibility, and the number of users they have overall. All of the services chosen are currently free at the point of access for users. We monitor the range of social sites on the internet and regularly review our choice.

Why are Facebook and Twitter more prominent than the other networks?

We are reflecting the preferences of users in the UK. Currently Facebook is the largest social network and Twitter, although having a smaller audience than Facebook, is growing faster than any other social site. Both also offer the technical capability to enable sharing activities.

Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

You can find out more about the terms governing your use of the BBC website and how the BBC uses your personal information in the BBC's Terms of Use and the BBC's Privacy Policy.

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BBC © 2013 The BBC is not responsible for the content of external sites. Read more.

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