18 November 2013 Last updated at 19:27 ET

US stocks dip after Dow hits 16,000Trader at NYSE

The Dow Jones share index breaks through the 16,000 level and the S&P 500 hits 1,800 before shares fall back in late trade.

Sign outside MF Global officesMF Global ordered to pay $1.2bn

US futures firm MF Global Holding is ordered to pay $1.2bn (£740m) in restitution to its customers over its collapse in 2011.

A Bitcoin'Legitimate' Bitcoin's value soars

The value of the virtual currency Bitcoin soared ahead of a US Senate committee hearing after virtual currencies are described as "legitimate financial services".

Special Reports

Aircraft at the Farnborough airshowAerospace and defence

Industry news, features and analysis from the Dubai air show

Our Experts

Robert Peston, Business editor Article written by Robert Peston Robert Peston Business editor

How did Flowers bloom at Co-op Bank?

How did the Financial Services Authority approve the appointment as chairman of Co-op Bank in 2010, at the most challenging time in its history, of a Labour local councillor and senior Methodist minister?

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Linda Yueh Article written by Linda Yueh Linda Yueh Chief business correspondent

China's mysterious Third Plenum

The Plenum asks - intriguingly: Can China cross the river by feeling stones a second time?

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Market Data

Last Updated at 19:52 ET

Market index Current value Trend Variation % variation
Dow Jones 15976.02 Up 14.32 0.09%
Nasdaq 3949.07 Down -36.90 -0.93%
S&P 500 1791.53 Down -6.65 -0.37%
FTSE 100 6723.46 Up 30.02 0.45%
Dax 9225.43 Up 56.74 0.62%
BBC Global 30 7179.05 Down -4.15 -0.06%

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