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Mixed or average reviews - based on 37 Critics What's this?

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Generally favorable reviews- based on 487 Ratings

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  • Summary: The events of Killzone Shadow Fall take place thirty years after the events of Killzone 3. Set in a time of planetary colonization, the game focuses on the conflict between the Vektans and the Helghast, two rival colonist factions inhabiting a remote planet. For 3 decades, both factions have lived side by side, separated by an enormous security wall – but now their cold war is about to run hot. It is up to Lucas Kellan, a member of the military intelligence unit dubbed the Shadow Marshals, to try to protect the fragile peace that exists. A new warrior for a new era of war, Kellan 's missions will range from quiet infiltrations to all-out combat. Lucas will need to be methodical and ready to adapt, as any misstep could lead to mutually assured destruction. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 17 out of 37
  2. Negative: 0 out of 37
  1. Nov 14, 2013
    Killzone: Shadow Fall is a very good tech demo for the PS4, but also an excellent FPS with nothing to be ashamed of in front of Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty Ghosts in terms of gameplay and multiplayer experience. Sony's game does even better with an open gameplay, where the use of the combat drone was well thought out at start. Shadow Fall is maybe a bit less spectacular and fast-paced than Killzone 3 in it's solo mode, but it gained in open-mindness much to our enjoyment. The exploration is a new element to be reckoned with which is a good thing when you know you're going to spend hours staring at those marvelous graphics that set the tone for the story. Giving the player some choices, that's the mainstay of a game which keeps its promises in spite of a few polishing flaws. A game that offers a very good solo and multiplayer and should appeal to most gamers.
  2. Nov 13, 2013
    The amazing visuals aspect, the great variety of levels, and the fantastically developed story turn Killzone Shadow Fall into the best game of PlayStation 4 and the franchise. Welcome to the Next-Gen.
  3. Nov 15, 2013
    When you look past the gorgeous visuals, Killzone: Shadow Fall is a competent shooter in terms of both campaign gameplay and multiplayer offerings. It may not be the most innovative titles on the market, but it’s certainly one of the top stars of the PlayStation 4’s launch lineup.
  4. Nov 17, 2013
    All-in-all, Killzone: Shadow Fall brings more good things to the table than bad, and a robust multiplayer component gives it a lot of playability past the campaign.
  5. Nov 18, 2013
    Cleverly progressive one moment and tediously predictable the next, next gen Killzone has all the same strengths and flaws as the older games – just now with even better graphics.
  6. Nov 13, 2013
    Killzone: Shadow Fall loses its sheen at times, usually when pursuing moments that are cinematic but not sensible. As a shooter, it's better at thriving on eye-catching environments and supportive combat abilities that don't just come for free.
  7. Nov 13, 2013
    That absence of meaningful evolution might be Killzone: Shadow Fall’s biggest sin. For all the next-gen bluster of its visuals and the repeated blunt-force attempts to ram a message home, Guerilla’s first shot on the PS4 retreads shooter cliches, and poorly. In a launch lineup crowded with shooters, Killzone: Shadow Fall sits at the bottom.

See all 37 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 21 out of 129
  1. Nov 15, 2013
    I just got this game, been playing it for hours.

    - Gameplay: Its Solid! the gun play is spot on very realistic in a way. Doesn't have that
    fast paced exaggeration from COD or BF4. Weapons feel heavy and the animation if fluid.
    - Graphics: Killzone shadow fall: Its probably the best looking FPS game right now. High res sharp texture, beautiful scenery and one best particles i have seen in a game.
    - Multi player, 24 players 60 fps, it has dedicated servers and its a blast to play, Maps are well designed not to big and not to small. And the custom Warzone multi player maps is pretty awesome.
    Single player: is around 10 hours, Story is decent but nothing spectacular good voice acting and facial animation, characters don't fell dull as in previews Killzone games.

    Buy it!
  2. Nov 17, 2013
    O jogo está espetacular tanto o multiplayer como o single players gráficos são surpreendentes esse de longe o melhor da franquia merece nota ta máxima, recomendo Expand
  3. Nov 15, 2013
    Its and amazing launch title for the playstation 4, simply beautiful and smooth and a great game if you are bored of the normal fps out there now a days. Expand
  4. Nov 18, 2013
    This new KZ feels very different from the other, it still features amazing visuals, but very colorful at times, and lots of different settings in the environement with that whole city divided, alternating sandbox type of gameplay and more path driven parts. I think it's a must have for every PS4 owner even if you are not that high on shooters. Expand
  5. Nov 15, 2013
    Important to remember that for both Sony and Microsoft exclusives at launch you will have petty, pathetic fanboys from the other side posting 0s. So for both sets of games, imagine the user score to be about .5 higher than it is as shown. Expand
  6. Nov 18, 2013
    Ii doubt most of the people that are rating it a 0 even played the game so don't take those reviews seriously.The campaign while beautiful is lacking that Killzone feel. I don't know, I can't put my finger on what it was, but after completing it I honestly can never see myself returning to it. The multiplayer however, is fantastic. They have improved on nearly all of their hallmark gameplay options and now allow players to create their very own warzones. The maps are awesome and the weapons feel great.
    I love that there is no XP system, instead you complete challenges to unlock abilities and attachments. Which means it's a skill based game, and campers and boosters will get beat handily. With the promise of a co-op survival mode and completely free multiplayer maps, Killzone Shadow Fall should be the go to multiplayer game this year for all you online junkies looking to get a beautiful next-gen game experience on the PS4.
  7. Nov 20, 2013
    The game is pretty good, addictive multiplayer for hours, but here's the story campaign disappointed it is boring, banal and nothing intriguing, is crude AI opponents and at least a bad level design. Despite the fact that the locations of large sizes, the enemies are usually very small, so that they provide a threat to the player. It's sad, considering that the game was supposed to be one of the main reasons to buy a new console.
    Shadow Fall does not offer anything new or unusual, and it is the ordinary shooter, from which many are tired

See all 129 User Reviews

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