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"Doomsday Preppers": Will a Participant's Segment Be Banned?
It seems that I have chosen the perfect week to feature Doomsday Preppers . I know, right? I know just what you mean. David Mark of www.p...
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"Doomsday Preppers": Unethical Entertainment?
This is the week of Doomsday Preppers , a National Geographic show now in its third season (to read yesterday's post giving my take on th...
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Matt Steiner

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I wonder how many preppers are on G+
Thomas Brown's profile photoKwan Lowe's profile photoNeil Jones's profile photo
For a good time, get on the "Ready Made Resources" emailing list.

An' I quote:
In a recent email to our customers, some questioned our urgency to buy food during all the clamour amongst the American public to buy guns and ammo lately. You have seen what happened to the supply of guns and ammunition, it has disappeared almost overnight. If this happened to the food supply would you be ready? So let's go through the numbers and see why YOU should be buying food right now and get ahead of the game before its too late.

) Imminent collapse of the U.S. Dollars We have literately printed trillions in debt and owe 100's of trillions in unfunded liabilities.
) Hyper-Inflation is on the way. We have already seen most food prices double in the last 2 years alone!
) Historic high gas prices have effected and will continue to effect the high price of food.
) Back to back world crop failures, historic droughts world wide especially in the midwest of America.
) If we see a collapse of the dollar, the potential for government food rationing is high. There are already 2 executive orders that give the president the right to control all food supplies.
Don't waste time any longer. You and your family are going to look back on these days as an opportunity to stock up on food storage items that will soon be impossible to get.

So, in short, everybody should panic, but don't forget: buy a year's supply of Mountain House Freeze Dried "Food" for a special discount!

(That said, being able to survive for 3 weeks without utility water, power, or access to food should be pretty high on your list of things to get ready if you live in the Bay Area, since there are many scenarios where you'll need it.  Biggest and costliest problem: long-term storage of water.)
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Here's something for doomsday preppers.
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Wise - a sponsor of #NatGeo #DoomsdayPreppers - will be making a cameo appearance on tonight's episode. Will you be able to Spot Wise and Win? 

You could win a Wise One-Month Emergency Food Package worth $719.00.

Be Wise. Be Ready. 

#preppers      #TEOTWAWKI     #foodstoragesurvival   #prepping  
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Have you seen our Limited Time Prepper Offers? 
They come with Free Shipping and a great Free Emergency Essentials selection with each of the four package deals!
Get yours before the deal is over!

We have something for every family and every budget!

#prepping   #preppers   #preppertalk   #doomsdaypreppers   #emergencypreparedness   #selfreliance  
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Morgan Z Dragon's son on Doomsday Preppers, The National Geographic Channel, Proud Mommy Here  :)
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Marcos Henrique Santos

Preparação, Sobrevivência e Sustentabilidade  - 
Doomsday Preppers: Season 1 (2012) -
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Top 10 ways to prepare for the total breakdown of society without looking like a (complete) lunatic - Just in case you're looking for something to do this weekend.

#doomsdaypreppers   #apocalypse   #theendisnear  
Bobby Mihaliak's profile photoAimee Coker's profile photoFranchot van Slot's profile photoLachezar Filchev's profile photo
Yeah 'the end is nigh'
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The Practical Prepper

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The Practical Prepper's profile photoJohnny O Dingmans Ferry Doomday Prepper's profile photo
Not at all. I think of the preppers on the idiot box, you have a sensible approach. The thing they showed is that your family is onboard and they seem to get that they need sharpen their level of awareness. I think your family was on an earlier episode was it not? I was not going to review the show for that reason.
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New On IrieTubeApp Doomsday Preppers Go Upscale With Luxury Bunkers
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Wise Food Storage Announces our Spot Wise and Win Contest... 
Please congratulate Patrick Davidson @patrick.davidson.313 
Thank you to everyone who participated in our contest. 
Keep your eyes open for more contests coming soon.

#doomsdaypreppers   #prepper   #preppers   #preparedness   #emergencypreparedness   #emergency   #survival   #survivalist  
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Are you watching the new episodes of Wise-sponsored Doomsday Preppers and Doomsday Castle? Shop Wise yourself and be prepared! #doomsdaypreppers #doomsdaycastle #foodstorage
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Where would you go if #WorldWarZ really happened?  Here are the best places in the U.S. to survive the #apocalypse

#zombieapocalypse   #doomsday   #doomsdaypreppers  
Mother Nature's profile photoMikel Gore's profile photoDean C. Moore's profile photoAlex McNair's profile photo
Almost all of these are government bunker-type facilities. Fine for nuclear war, but I imagine there are hundreds of natural and semi-natural locations perfect for survival. Mountaintops, dams, islands, easily fortified peninsulas....
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Do you have a bug-out bag? - Here's how to build your own in case you need to jet from a natural disaster or #zombieapocalypse .

#bugoutbag   #survivalkits   #survivalgear   #doomsdaypreppers  
Lisa Agostoni's profile photoAtila Sarmiento's profile photo
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