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What has been the funniest moment in Dota / Dota 2 that you have been in? by NotaManMohanSinghin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 0 points1 point ago

Since you said Dota

The funniest moment for me was popping a full 2v5 teamwipe with Rooftrellen and Disruptor as the Scourge after which I got the message 'You have been disconnected'

Dreamy, the Rising Invoker: Grimorum's Successor by grimorumin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 0 points1 point ago

Cook is a better player though, Dreamy can invoke as perfect as he wants and so can you but I'm sure the game sense and all the rest from a semi-pro is better

No love for empire? by CaesarClownin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies -1 points0 points ago

Tournaments get planned waaaaay in advance

Expect Empire to get invited for tournaments coming up in like a month

MLG Dota 2 bungle coming today! by Arrow2Neein DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 8 points9 points ago

Thanks based bot for posting a removed tweet

Admiral Bulldog is angry. by Mimiftwin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 7 points8 points ago

It's rude to refuse to play without a full roster?

The CS:Go team seems to constantly up the Dota 2 team by zdotazin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 2 points3 points ago

I think it only got threatened but didn't actually happen

The CS:Go team seems to constantly up the Dota 2 team by zdotazin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies -1 points0 points ago

Here's some more

muh maturity

EDIT: Oh yeah, how could I forget, mr Maturity made the most mature courier right here

What North America would look like if all the ice on Earth were to melt [1021 x 766] by superstoremanin MapPorn

[–]GoblinTechies 0 points1 point ago

I dont think they took into account that the Ice Cap on Greenland has it's own gravitational field strong enough to raise the water level a couple of meters of countries near it

BurNIng Anti-Mage Set by Thiago Vidotto and Cesar Sampredo by wykrhmin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 0 points1 point ago


Weekly news round up #2 by GoblinTechiesin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies[S] 0 points1 point ago

Spoon is kind of weird he just sits in his barrel all day

Is it worthwhile to get Armlet on non-strength heroes? by OmniXVIIin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 1 point2 points ago

Yeah absolutely I forgot about Drums

They were so good in 6.72

Is it worthwhile to get Armlet on non-strength heroes? by OmniXVIIin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 1 point2 points ago

Used to get it on Anti Mage

New armlet is pretty shitty though

Blink Dagger used to be the get this on all heroes item

Then there was Vanguard

Then there was Force Staff

Then there was Armlet

And I guess the new one is going to be Necronomicon

What makes a good team captain. by Tmistroin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 7 points8 points ago

During the game you just have to be alpha as fuck and make all the calls. Your team needs to follow your calls blindly. If your teammates have criticism tell them that comes after the game

Weekly news round up #2 by GoblinTechiesin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies[S] 28 points29 points ago

Nothing productive came out of it, really

What was the hardest thing to learn when you first started playing Dota? How did you get better? by JewCFrootin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 0 points1 point ago

It was one of the hardest things for me to learn that playing by the book really is the best way to play.

I so wished Skeleton King Force Staff was better but it isn't. For a reason.

What was the hardest thing to learn when you first started playing Dota? How did you get better? by JewCFrootin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 1 point2 points ago

There is a reason people in competitive use designated roles, because it works. If you are hard supporting you support throughout the whole match and dont suddenly decide to try and make some items and hope the other support buys wards and truesight for the time. You hard support all game long.

Tryharding works.

DreamLeague Triple Casting is AMAZING by Terry_Pratchett_in DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 22 points23 points ago



Nova Avatara looking to expand into Dota 2! by ShadowKai15in DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 10 points11 points ago

I know some sponsorless Tier 2 teams, if you are interested in picking up an entire team you can PM me.

I miss this funny guy. by OGWopFroin funny

[–]GoblinTechies 2 points3 points ago

It's normal in Dutch and I assume it is in some other languages too, English is usually the weird one out when it comes to grammar.

quick questions from a noob by xChromaticxin DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 7 points8 points ago

Axe's jungle speed is the biggest RNG there is in the game

DreamLeague Triple Casting is AMAZING by Terry_Pratchett_in DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 109 points110 points ago

You're absolutely right, but he's not afraid to ask the questions that some newer people that are watching the games might have which is amazing for newer people

DreamLeague Triple Casting is AMAZING by Terry_Pratchett_in DotA2

[–]GoblinTechies 231 points232 points ago

Lets hope PFlax never learns I like him better this way