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[Contest] Flash by StefanieHin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

Hopefully this adorable guinea pig will make you happy!

maybe he will get hit by a bus

[Contest] What do you want? by djgnome11in Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

I'm running low on washcloths and I could use some new ones.

But this is a lot cheaper if you'd like to gift more than one person.

Daily rant/vent/chat/squee/etc thread 11/12 by re_mixin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

Aww, that's so sweet that their names rhyme (and I love the MIB reference)!

Wow, you really are lucky to have a friend as a vet, you know they're only looking out for what's best for both you and Agent J.

Give both your kitties a nice chin scratch for me!

[Contest] The Movie by matcheswonin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out soon (dear Lord, help me!) and would like to watch this movie while I'm recovering.

Because Looney Tunes makes everything better!

(The used ones are the ones under $10)

65,000 Secret Santas and counting! Let's not stop here though. by garyjensein secretsanta

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

My guess is Sunday, November 10th!!!

Daily rant/vent/chat/squee/etc thread 11/12 by re_mixin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 1 point2 points ago

Man, I hate that some people just have to be scary in life. What the hell is wrong with people that they have to act like that? I understand some people have hard lives, but geez! You shouldn't have to fear going to talk to someone, to ask a simple question, especially when the person you fear is getting paid to answer your question. That's bull crap.

Daily rant/vent/chat/squee/etc thread 11/12 by re_mixin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

Thanks for making me smile, that was funny!

Daily rant/vent/chat/squee/etc thread 11/12 by re_mixin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 1 point2 points ago

Hey! Not sure if you drive or bike or what, but I'm a walker (no, not a zombie from the walking dead lol) and I never use gloves.

If you curl your hand into a fist and tuck it into your sleeves, closing the gap of the sleeve in your fist, the body heat from all of your fingers working together will keep your hands warmer than gloves.

Gloves separate all of your fingers, so they don't get any body heat from the surrounding fingers. When you close your hand in a fist, they all work together to keep each other warm. My hands actually give off heat when I pull them out of my sleeve after walking for 20 minutes in the snow.

Obviously, if you're playing in the snow or brushing the windshield of your car off, it might not work as good, but honestly, I find more often than not it's way better to go without gloves. Mittens might be better, but I still like to just use my own body heat.

Daily rant/vent/chat/squee/etc thread 11/12 by re_mixin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 1 point2 points ago

I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. What's his name? I'm praying that everything will work out for you guys, and that your cat feels a little better soon.

It sucks when animals have problems. They can't tell you what's wrong, and you can't tell them what's going on. I'm sure you have a great vet who's gonna do the best job they can do.

Happy unicorn fun time party flash [contest] Shibby. by unicorndancepartyin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

If I was younger, I would LOVE this unicorn balloon!!

Let me see that thong.

I would enjoy this cruelty free lip balm if I won

OVER 60,000 ALREADY! Let's have an elf party! by kickme444in secretsanta

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

you should check out random act of amazon!!! they hold contests all day long and you win stuff from your amazon wishlist, but also you hold your own contests that you make up and pick a winner and send them a gift from their wishlist. I just found it a couple days ago and I'm freaking hooked!

OVER 60,000 ALREADY! Let's have an elf party! by kickme444in secretsanta

[–]DarkOctober 1 point2 points ago

I asked my secret santa this year to donate to their local animal shelter, adopting a pet if possible (eek, wouldn't that be exciting?!), or just a simple cash donation. I'm more excited this year than I was last year. Last year I gave a giant book of interesting facts to my giftee, hopefully they enjoyed it.

[Contest] Morthy's night of fun by Morthyin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

This is my reaction when trying to hold a conversation while redditing.

I think it pisses my boyfriend off, but I seriously can't help it!

(I had to delete my first entry because I linked it wrong)

[GIFTED] insane08 for being a true 90's kid by DarkOctoberin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober[S] 1 point2 points ago

No problem, this place is a blast!

[contest] It's beginning to look a lot like Art-mas. by i_draw_dinosaursin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 1 point2 points ago

Happy art-mas! I want ____

EDIT: I've never done an art contest, so I'm pretty excited about this!

[Contest] I didn't get all the classes that I wanted and I'm sad. Let me feel better by gifting you! by Officer_Pedeskoin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

Not sure if you've seen this yet, but I thought it was pretty funny.

Classes are dumb

If I win, I'd like this watch cause I'm always late too!

Daily rant/vent/chat/squee/etc thread 11/11 by re_mixin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

No problem, anytime. Best of luck to you my friend.

Daily rant/vent/chat/squee/etc thread 11/11 by re_mixin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

Honestly, thank you for that. I did read that 90% are problem free, you only hear about the 10% of bad ones. I've never had surgery before, so I'm really scared about being knocked out. I also don't want to be awake for it either tho.

I had one tooth removed my entire life, and it wasn't bad at all. You're right when you say the worry was for nothing. But that recovery is horrible.

Daily rant/vent/chat/squee/etc thread 11/11 by re_mixin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 0 points1 point ago

I just looked in the mirror with a flash light, not sure if that was a good idea. The tooth isn't coming through the gum, so the gum is so inflamed that it formed this blood blister looking thing over the tooth next to it. Not pleasant when you chew. This sucks so bad.

I DO NOT want to deal with this. Holy crap.

A sickening video of a man in Lebanon microwaving a cat has sparked outrage and calls for stricter animal cruelty laws in the region. by AhmadSahrabin worldnews

[–]DarkOctober -1 points0 points ago

I didn't even click on the article, that headline fucking pissed me off enough without having to read it.

Daily rant/vent/chat/squee/etc thread 11/11 by re_mixin Random_Acts_Of_Amazon

[–]DarkOctober 1 point2 points ago

Would you have sent Carol away?