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American Society for Indexing
Plexus Publishing




Book Proposal Guidelines


In addition to its prestigious journals, directories, information services, websites, blogs, and conferences, Information Today, Inc. (ITI) is an award-winning book publisher. ITI's print and ebook editions target a broad spectrum of information and digital content creators, users, and professionals.

ITI's editors are currently seeking proposals and manuscripts for these industry-leading imprints:

  • Live Media Books [NEW!] – Timely, expert coverage of streaming media/online video business and technology, including emerging products and services, trend spotting and forecasts, collaboration, rights issues, marketing, monetization, and strategies for content owners and curators, technologists, entrepreneurs, and investors.
  • ITI Books – Technology in practice for public, academic, corporate, and special librarians, libraries, and information centers that seek to innovate and improve library services. Also covered: library careers and professional development.
  • CyberAge Books – Award-winning titles for information-centric businesses, entrepreneurs, and online searchers who use web and social media resources and strategies to start, run, and grow successful companies, create meaningful relationships, and enhance the quality of work and life in the digital age.
  • ASIST Monographs – Theoretical and practical research in information science and technology for scholars and students in the field. (Published by ITI in cooperation with the Association for Information Science and Technology/ASIST.)
  • ASI Books – Professional how-to guides and resources for indexers, abstractors, and taxonomists. (Published by ITI in cooperation with the American Society for Indexing/ASI.)

If you have a book project in mind for any of the above imprints, we welcome your proposal. If you are not certain your topic is appropriate, reviewing our catalog is a recommended method for understanding our scope.  Download the catalog or send email to custserv@infotoday.com to request a copy of our latest print catalog by mail. Generally speaking, a book that will have strong appeal to readers of one or more of our journals or to attendees of one or more of our conferences is appropriate for our book program. Learn more about our journals and conferences at www.infotoday.com.

Suggested relevant topic areas include:

  • Digital content, media, and publishing
  • Streaming media/online video business and technology
  • Data, document, and knowledge management
  • Library and information science and technology
  • Education and careers in the information professions
  • Customer relationship management
  • Speech technology and call center innovation
  • Mobile marketing and business development
  • Online research and underlying technologies
  • Business and competitive intelligence
  • Social media and the web
  • Crowdsourcing and user-generated content
  • Indexing and taxonomy development
  • Intellectual property rights
  • Privacy issues
  • Cyberculture

If you have expertise in one of the above or any other vital aspect of digital information, online research, social media, and the web and you love to write, we want to hear from you!


In addition to complete author contact information (snail mail, email, phone), please date your proposal and include all of the following components:

1) Suggested Title and Subtitle
Every book project starts with a working title. We’ll brainstorm alternatives with you later.

2) Synopsis/Overview/Concept
What is the book about and what is its purpose? Include a description of the people, organizations, issues, technologies, and products that will be covered; explain the organization of the book and any special or unique features, and describe the approach you will take to make it as useful and interesting as possible. Include your estimate on the length of the book (approx. word count).

3) Preliminary Table of Contents
This is a working ToC; we expect it to evolve as the writing gets underway. If some chapters will be contributed, include the names of proposed and/or confirmed contributors.

4) Graphics
Include information about illustrations, photos, charts, graphs, tables, screenshots, and so on that you would plan to include in the book, if any.

5) Readership Information
Who will buy the book, and why? Include your estimate of the size of the primary markets for the book and suggestions on where/how to reach them (associations, publications, events, websites, etc.). If your book will appeal to the readership of one or more of our journals, conferences, or books, make this point. It helps in this section to know of any success stories for similar books, with sales data where available. Describe the role you would expect to play in the marketing and promotion of the book. If you have an opinion as to an appropriate price range for the book, let us know.

6) Competition
List a few competitive or similar titles, and describe some success stories with sales information as available. If you have found nothing similar, describe the sources you have searched. Some competition is desirable because it suggests an established market for your book; where there is considerable competition, there should be significant and easily expressed differences between your book and others. It is helpful to mention books that, while having a similar mission, are weak in certain specific areas where yours will be particularly strong.

7) Author Biography (narrative format); copies of related work
Why are you qualified to write this book? Describe yourself and any applicable writing and professional experience (attach resume or CV if desired). Include a copy of any published article(s) or book(s) you have authored that you believe will help us to assess your writing ability and fitness for the proposed project. Include SASE if you wish us to return the material.

8) Timing
When would you deliver a manuscript, assuming an agreement is reached within 30 days of your proposal submission?

Proposal Format and Publisher Contact Information

We accept printed proposals by mail as well as versions sent as attachments to email. A cover letter should provide a short explanation of the contents of your package along with complete contact information. If attached to email, the proposal should be either a MS Word file (.doc preferred) or PDF.

Proposals typically run between two and five pages; length is not important so long as the proposal clearly explains the concept and its viability. In addition to your proposal, feel free to include the first three chapters if already written. Do not send the entire manuscript unless requested to do so.

We will attempt to respond to your proposal within 4 weeks of receipt—feel free to contact us if you have heard nothing by this time. When sending by snail mail, please include SASE for reply and return of materials and mail to:

John B. Bryans
Editor-in-Chief and Publisher
Book Publishing Division
Information Today, Inc.
143 Old Marlton Pike
Medford, NJ 08055

Phone: 609-654-6266, ext. 134
Fax: 609-654-4309
Email: jbryans@infotoday.com


© 1995 - , Information Today, Inc.
Information Today, Inc. • 143 Old Marlton Pike, Medford, NJ 08055-8750
Phone: 609-654-6266 • Fax: 609-654-4309 • custserv@infotoday.com