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Loot Hunt Day 4 [Constantly updated until the challenge is over] by stonethemonkin Borderlands2

[–]Daisuki_ 0 points1 point ago

Past the nomad lookin assassin take a left.

Hint for day 5: "The razor's edge" by Bukiith3adin Borderlands2

[–]Daisuki_ 3 points4 points ago

He drops the purple razor head for zero as well.

Edit: im wrong. :/

7 Top Ranked World Game Loot, Dota 2 takes 2 spots! by csteoin DotA2

[–]Daisuki_ 0 points1 point ago

Yo. You said it was depressing that people bought virtual shit forso much. Bitch please.

7 Top Ranked World Game Loot, Dota 2 takes 2 spots! by csteoin DotA2

[–]Daisuki_ 0 points1 point ago

But they have tits.

7 Top Ranked World Game Loot, Dota 2 takes 2 spots! by csteoin DotA2

[–]Daisuki_ 0 points1 point ago

But its depressing to you... Ive spent like 3k on figures of waifus. Fucking useless only certain people like them(weebz) but they are still worth a lot. Think of dota shit like baseball cards. Fucking useless in every fuckin way yet people will pay big fucking money for some Babe Ruth card from the 50's or some shit. Fuckin paper with some tabacco chewin dude on the front.

Tldr does babe ruth make you sad?

to what extent can a non-nen user beat a nen user? by feinxokain HunterXHunter

[–]Daisuki_ 0 points1 point ago

Having nen doesnt mean its impossible for them to get caught out and killed. Pokkle got rekt.

Not sure if you've realized yet, but raid bosses are dropping random legendaries every third kill or so. Try it for yourselves. by foxcrowin Borderlands2

[–]Daisuki_ 3 points4 points ago

I tried doing terramorphus with a friend(lvl 43) in normal mode. We felt like Japanese schoolgirls cus we got absolutely tentacle raped. How can I defeat him without having all of my holes filled?

[H] Flowering Treant + keys [W] DC hook by Daisuki_in Dota2Trade

[–]Daisuki_[S] 0 points1 point ago

10ish maybe

Binding a particular item to a inventory slot by Shaahinmin DotA2

[–]Daisuki_ 0 points1 point ago

Its not. But it prevents you from doing other things with that time. Like OP said its caused him to miss cs.

Binding a particular item to a inventory slot by Shaahinmin DotA2

[–]Daisuki_ 0 points1 point ago

They are more efficient though. You dont NEED them but they are great to have.

Borderlands 2 Orange (Legendary) farming locations by area by Yunokin Borderlands2

[–]Daisuki_ 2 points3 points ago

Pink or cyan potentially

Singularity Gaming Amateur Key League This Weekend! by ma_papillonin DotA2

[–]Daisuki_ 0 points1 point ago

Massiveboner yaaa

Just crafted a numbered item, how do I tell what its worth? by TealTheRabiesRabbitin tf2

[–]Daisuki_ 4 points5 points ago

Make a post on /r/tf2trade for better results/info.

Just crafted a numbered item, how do I tell what its worth? by TealTheRabiesRabbitin tf2

[–]Daisuki_ 3 points4 points ago

I mean, i dont think that destro was really pissed off but more expressing his distaste for the site. I mean a lot of shit on reddit pisses a lot of people off. For example all of the white knight shit on here in regards to trading. You people are really telling me that you would fucking turn down a 10 bud unusual that you could get for like a Spycicle or some shit based off of the fact that you are soooo morally righteous in a fucking 4 year old FPS with hats.

Im sorry I didnt realize you also liked to guzzle cocks for a living. Please enlighten me more about how scamming is wrong and that sharking is a sin.

Sorry for the rant... but really the whole voting system of reddit makes people fucking cumsluts trying to guzzle as many cocks as possible for as many upvotes as possible.

Loothunt Official rules now up by aceintxin Borderlands2

[–]Daisuki_ 0 points1 point ago

Do i need creature slaughter dome?