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Quick Facts

1. QFD is a comprehensive quality system.

QFD systematically links the needs of the customer with various business functions and organizational processes, such as marketing & sales, R&D, quality, production, manufacturing, etc., aligning the entire company toward achieving the common goal of customer satisfaction. Modern QFD further aligns project activities with the corporate business goals and missions.

2. QFD seeks both spoken and unspoken true customer needs.

QFD identifies positive quality and business opportunities, and translates these into actions and designs by using transparent analytic and prioritization methods, empowering organizations to exceed normal expectations and provide a level of unanticipated excitement that generates value.

3. The QFD methodology can be used for both tangible products and non-tangible services.

QFD is an extremely flexible methodology. The applications includes such areas as manufactured goods, service and business process development, software & IT, government, defense, healthcare, education, environmental initiatives, marketing, strategic development, and it is still expanding.

4. QFD is not a House of Quality.

A House of Quality matrix (HOQ) is one of many Quality tools. Merely building this big matrix is not the same as QFD, as many publications imply. HOQ is not necessary for many of today's business projects; it can even slow down technology-driven projects.

5. Modern QFD is more powerful, efficient, and matrix-free.

Modern QFD was developed by the QFD Institute to address the Four S's of today's lean business environment:

Modern QFD identifies the minimum QFD effort required with the optimum tools and sequence, making QFD more efficient and sustainable in today’s businesses. It has new, rigorous front-end Voice of Customer tools for faster, easier, in-depth analysis and upgraded math for meeting the mathematical rigor demanded by Six Sigma precision.

Custom-tailored Modern QFD processes can be fully integrated with Stage-Gate, Kansei Engineering (Lifestyle QFD), Hoshin and other innovation methods.