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ONLINE SEARCHER: Information Discovery, Technology, StrategiesA publication from Information Today, Inc.

Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies

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A prestigious publication from Information Today, Inc.

Online Searcher: Information Discovery, Technology, Strategies

Online Searcher is the definitive voice for information professionals in academic, corporate, government, law, medical, public library, knowledge management, web development, and freelance environments.

Online Searcher provides subscribers with the information they need to… 

  • Effectively manage online research projects
  • Conduct successful internet and database searches
  • Determine utility of new technologies
  • Build innovative services within their organizations
  • Assess the worth of new and changed resources
  • Discover trends affecting information professionals
  • Strategize services to boost the value of information departments and libraries

Online Searcher features articles written by practitioner experts and columns by information professionals well known throughout the library and information industry. They write from a realistic perspective concerning challenges, problems, and solutions they've found in the world of online search. Marydee Ojala is the Editor-in-Chief and Barbara Quint is Senior Editor.

Regular contributors include Stephen Arnold, Mary Ellen Bates, William Badke, Susanne Bjorner, Darlene Fichter, Nancy Herther, Irene McDermott, Greg Notess, and Jeff Wisniewski.

Online Searcher is the go-to publication for dedicated web researchers, database professionals, librarians in academic, corporate, public, and government work settings, and purchasers/licensees of information resources.

Online Searcher is published six times a year: January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, and November/December and costs only $139. To order, subscribe here, or call us at +1 609-654-6266. 


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