BBC News Widgets and Alerts

This page explains how to add the BBC News iGoogle gadget to keep you in touch with all the latest news.

Add BBC News to your iGoogle page

BBC News widget screenshot Example of BBC widget on iGoogle

The iGoogle "BBC News" gadget first launched in 2009 - the first one created for and by BBC News. In September 2011, the design and format of the gadget was subtly updated, reflecting a fresher look and more customisation in the "more stories" section.

The BBC is the default News provider on the iGoogle UK portal and the BBC News widget will be pre-installed on any newly created UK account. Internationally, users will be presented with headlines most appropriate to their part of the world, in the same way they are on the BBC News website.

To add the widget to a new or existing account simply click on the button below and follow the on-screen instructions.

Link to the official BBC News - UK Edition gadget

iGoogle and similar applications allow you to set up your own homepage with feeds of content from sites you like best. Please note that the BBC is not endorsing iGoogle in any way and other similar platforms are available.

Some alternative platforms:




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