29 October 2013 Last updated at 00:57 ET

Thirteen die as storm crosses EuropeAmsterdam storm damage - tree knocked into canal

A storm battering north-western Europe kills at least 13 people - six of them in Germany - as transport is severely disrupted.

Ferry across the Bosphorus, 28 OctBosphorus tunnel to join continents

A railway line underneath the Bosphorus Strait is due to open in Istanbul, Turkey, the world's first sea tunnel connecting two continents.

President Vladimir Putin Putin: 'Gays welcome in Sochi'

Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks to appease critics about the treatment of gay and lesbian athletes at next year's Winter Olympics.

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Gavin Hewitt, Europe editor Article written by Gavin Hewitt Gavin Hewitt Europe editor

US spying: Pragmatism tempers EU anger localisation->translate("watch"); ?>

The BBC's Gavin Hewitt says pragmatism is likely to temper outrage in the French and German response to US spying.

Watch Gavin's report

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