US 'bugged Merkel's phone from 2002'German Chancellor Angela Merkel arrives at a European Union leaders summit in Brussels (25 October 2013)

The US has been spying on German Chancellor Angela Merkel's mobile phone since 2002, according to a report in Der Spiegel magazine.

Iraqis walk past a destroyed bus in eastern Mashtal neighborhood, Oct 27Car bombs cause Baghdad carnage

Car bomb blasts kill at least 38 people around Baghdad, security officials say, as Iraq endures its most violent period since 2008.

Journalist Chen Yongzhou, in handcuffs, is escorted by police officers at the Changsha Public Security Bureau detention centre in ChinaChina paper 'sorry' for Chen reports

China's New Express newspaper, which made front-page appeals for the release of its journalist Chen Yongzhou, issues an apology over his reports.

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    Public outrage over US spying may be overdone but trust is important, says Jonathan Marcus

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