26 October 2013 Last updated at 10:33 ET

No clear winner in Czech electionA make-up artist prepares Social Democrat leader Bohuslav Sobotka for a TV appearance as results come in

An election held to try to end months of political uncertainty in the Czech Republic fails to produce a clear winner.

Jovanka Broz's coffin outside the House of Flowers, 26 OctoberSerbia state funeral for Tito widow

Serbia pays tribute to the widow of former Yugoslav leader Marshal Tito at a state funeral with full military honours.

An employee of a doner kebab stand serves a doner sandwich in Berlin, Germany (23 February 2013)Doner kebab 'inventor' dies at 80

Kadir Nurman, the Turkish immigrant credited with developing the doner kebab, dies in Berlin at the age of 80.

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Gavin Hewitt, Europe editor Article written by Gavin Hewitt Gavin Hewitt Europe editor

US spying: Pragmatism tempers EU anger localisation->translate("watch"); ?>

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