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Pakistani Girl Shot by Taliban Says Militants Only Helped Amplify Her Message

As my colleague Adam Ellick reports, Malala Yousafzai, the young girl who was shot in the head by the Taliban a year ago, has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, to be announced on Friday.

In a series of interviews this week, denoting the first anniversary of the failed assassination attempt, Malala, an education advocate, said that “the terrorists and extremists” who attacked her might now regret doing so, because of the global backlash against them after the shooting. “We know that the terrorists were afraid of the power of education,” she told Mishal Husain of the BBC, in an interview broadcast on Monday.

The 16-year-old Malala added:

I think they might be repenting why they shot Malala. When I was shot they thought that the people would be silenced, they thought that no one would talk; but I’m very thankful to the people of Pakistan and all around the world that on the next day people raised up their voice, they raised the banners that ‘I am Malala,’ they did not raise the banner of ‘I am Taliban.’ And they spoke up for their rights, they spoke up for the right of education and they spoke against the terrorism. And yes, Malala was only heard in Pakistan, but now she’s heard in every corner of the world.

Asked how she felt about a letter addressed to her from a Taliban commander, in which he expressed remorse over the attack but suggested that Malala should return to Pakistan and enroll in a religious school, known as a madrasa, she said she was glad that the militants at least took responsibility for the attack, given the raft of conspiracy theories that followed it. “They accepted that, ‘Yes, we have shot Malala,’ because so many people say that Malala has not been shot, so it was a good thing to hear that yes, they accept it,” she said.

In response to the interview, a spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban criticized Malala, telling Agence France-Press: “She is not a brave girl and has no courage. We will target her again and attack whenever we have a chance.”

Given the public threats to her life, and the persistence of conspiracy theories claiming she is a Western agent, some Pakistanis have suggested this week that it might be better for Malala not to win the Nobel Prize.

At another stage in the BBC interview, Ms. Husain asked Malala if she believed in dialogue as a way to end the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan. “Yes, I think that the best way to solve problems and to fight against war is through dialogue and through peaceful ways,” she replied. “But for me the best way to fight terrorism and extremism, just a simple thing: educate the next generation.”

Pressed to say if that meant she would endorse peace talks between Pakistan’s government and the militants who shot her, Malala demurred, saying that she had not given the matter enough thought and that “it’s the job of the government” to decide how to resolve the crisis.

Despite those remarks, some initial reports on the interview in Pakistan incorrectly suggested that Malala had issued a call for the Pakistani military to end its military operations against the Taliban and engage only in negotiations.

As that misconception took hold on social networks, Saeed Shah, a Wall Street Journal correspondent in Islamabad, and the blogger Raza Rumi tried to set the record straight.

In another interview published on Monday by The Guardian, Malala told the Pakistani-British novelist Kamila Shamsie about a detail of the attack she only learned later from fellow students who witnessed it: that her attacker’s hands were shaking as he held out the gun. She said:

He was young, in his 20s … he was quite young, we may call him a boy. And it’s hard to have a gun and kill people. Maybe that’s why his hand was shaking. Maybe he didn’t know if he could do it. But people are brainwashed. That’s why they do things like suicide attacks and killing people. I can’t imagine it – that boy who shot me, I can’t imagine hurting him even with a needle. I believe in peace. I believe in mercy.