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Unexpected Complications Sometimes life happens. Read Full Article">
Unexpected Complications

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Sorry to hear that LeeLee.
If I give you money do I get another awesome tee shirt?

Hey, it worked with Alison at EC. :p

I'll pitch in for the robot arms on one condition.
You make the Six Million Dollar man noise whenever you move. Deal?

Sounds like we need to go Adam Jensen on ya! Quick! Someone invent cybornetic arms, complete with arm blades of course.

Hope you heal up quick, if you really want to put out content show some screens or concept art you've got for your games, I'd be interested in checking them out.

Are we gonna need to do another "Alison"-like fundraiser? If so, you may wanna consider abandoning this site.

Seriously, though, heal up, girl. We understand.

Take all the time you need. I think all of us would want a fully healthy you instead of a not fully healthy you.

Especially if the latter means no more great comics!

But seriously, get well. We'll be fine. You focus on getting better.

Get well soon. Then you'll be able to show us how much more you have become.

Sad to hear that LeeLee.
If I give you money do I get another awesome tee shirt?

Hey, it worked with Alison at EC. :p

And we all know how THAT ended, you've got a strange definition of 'worked'.

Absolutely out of the question! How dare you suggest that your health and wellbeing is more important than our weekly scraps of entertainment!? Draw slave, draw!

Seriously though, got better soon. Your hand is your livelihood, after all. We love you :D


Sad to hear that LeeLee.
If I give you money do I get another awesome tee shirt?

Hey, it worked with Alison at EC. :p

And we all know how THAT ended, you've got a strange definition of 'worked'.

Well in terms of me getting a Tee shirt, it was a complete success.

Tough call but a good one. Get better so we can all enjoy your work for years to come. Good luck with the game by the way.

Get well soon. Good luck with your work and school. We'll be here when you're ready.

Better to rest up than to take a chance and make it worse. I'll admit that I'll miss this story arc as I'm truly curious about what kind of person they're gonna end up hirin', but I can wait. Get well soon Leelee.

I hope you will get better.

Hey, take your time, just get better ok.

If not, sign yourself up for biomech testing!



Please promise me, you will eventually comeback and not just for 2 comics like Stolen pixels.

This comic makes me sad :( OK not sad, but like bummed out maybe

But even your "I'm hurt and can't draw much" comic was still pretty fun(ny).

So... does anyone know a wizard? Wizards heal stuff, right?

I just recently started reading this comic, and I have to say it's grown on me. Best wishes for a good recovery.

"Sometimes you need to help yourself before you can help others"*

Get well soon LeeLee, but take your time (?)

*maybe replace first help with heal and second help with draw or something, you get the idea

Heya Elisa / LeeLee - man you've got a ton on your plate. Heal up and take the long view : your talent isn't going anywhere and we're stuck with our meatbags for the forseeable future, so we'd best treat them nicely in the meantime. :) Best wishes for a full recovery.

Aw, while I was really liking this story line, I definitely don't want you to continue it if it's going to hurt you. Get some guest artists and rest, we'll manage.

It's cool. It amazes me that you can balance all that work and not go crazy anyway. Take your time, rest up, we'll wait.

Gotta take care of yourself before anything else. Take good rest!

Saaad face. Your art injury is way more hardcore than any of my sports injuries ever were...except maybe the concussion that brought its friend, retrograde amnesia. But yes, heal up. We'll be here. Just promise you'll come back. I love the comic, and I don't want it to fade into oblivion like Stolen Pixels. Get well soon and good luck with school and everything else!

Don't worry, LeeLee! Rest up and get better soon!

Man, I hadn't realised your arm was that bad. Now I feel kinda bad that you were doing these for us when you needed to rest. Take all the time you need, we will still be here when you get better, and we wish you a speedy recovery. :)

Absolutely out of the question! How dare you suggest that your health and wellbeing is more important than our weekly scraps of entertainment!? Draw slave, draw!

Seriously though, got better soon. Your hand is your livelihood, after all. We love you :D

I'm with you!! Who said you could stop working! Get moving!!!

We love you Lee lee! Get well soon

You wont be drawing any more comics strips for a while to let your hand heal?



...Get well soon.

Get well soon. We'll be here when you're ready to come back.

Well that's perfectly acceptable. Thanks for being honest about it.

That is a long wait but none the less reasonable. I guess we shall assume the crew are having a slow and painful death deciding who to hire in the meantime.

Well first, get better.

But besides that, really sorry to hear. Good luck with your healing!

Get well soon

Completely understandable, I think any reasonable person will see that!

Wish you a speedy recovery on the hand and best of luck with your school work!

Seriously: Heal up. Do it right. We appreciate your work but it's not worth ruining your health over.

Get well soon!


Use your other hand!

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