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Stolen Pixels #257: The Electronic Artists I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite evasive answer on the Citadel. Read Full Article">
Stolen Pixels #257: The Electronic Artists

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Stolen Pixels #257: The Electronic Artists

I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favorite evasive answer on the Citadel.

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There's a reasonably easy way to tell what's going to happen.

A Big Company that makes its success out of annual titles to a large scale audience wants to tweak the product of a company that produces successful titles to a small scale audience.

It's not even science to predict that will mean removing elements that the large scale audience would find difficult to comprehend, and replacing them with things that the large scale audience like.

When they also say they want the game to be more like CoD; and we see the transition of characters in sequels, it's not hard to think that this will be Tits In, Thinky Out.

Because if you were going to change a best-selling piece of media to be available to a larger market, what would you do?

oh c'mon Shamus, you too? a bit early to whine, and this comes from a guy who tends to voice complaints pretty loudly (but there's a line between that and whining!)

haha but anyway...why is it that the bottom dialogue choices are what I'd totally say?
oh wait, uh oh...
thinking, not saying heh

Still gonna be great.

Quit crying, people. At least until you've actually played it.

So has Bioware gone Renegade with the final installment?
Or will Mass Effect 3 be a Paragon of excellence in Gaming?
Only time will tell.

haha but anyway...why is it that the bottom dialogue choices are what I'd totally say?
oh wait, uh oh...
thinking, not saying heh

I'm going to go out on a limb and say...
cuz you're a dude?

Well, Mass Effect 1 was a great game all around. Mass Effect 2 was also a great game all around. The odds are in favor of Mass Effect 3 being a great game all around.

Well, higher than Dragon Age 3, anyway.

Still, a fun strip.

I hereby predict, using the mystical powers of my crystal ball, that this comment thread will contain large portions of whining, nerdrage and fanboyism is a variety of interesting flavours.

Oh yeah, wasn't there a comic here somewhere? That was pretty funny too.

He's clearly had enough of her disingenuous assertions.

I can't believe I'm saying these words, but I have literally no desire to play Mass Effect 3. Unbelievable. I actually have no desire to play a Bioware game.

I'm commander shepard and this is my favourite paragon interrupt in the interwebs.

I'm with Shamus. Entirely.

I can't believe I'm saying these words, but I have literally no desire to play Mass Effect 3. Unbelievable. I actually have no desire to play a Bioware game.

And as much as it hurts, I agree.

I can't believe I'm saying these words, but I have literally no desire to play Mass Effect 3. Unbelievable. I actually have no desire to play a Bioware game.

I'm calling them "Nu-Bioware" now. Let's face it, it's not like this is the same group of people that made KOTOR anymore. It's time to stop expecting the same standard of quality from what is obviously a very different group of people with obviously different priorities.

who knows anything?? no one....aagghhhhh late night on the internet isnt good for my health

Im just blocking my ears on this one...Im not lettign anyone else ruin ME3 like they did DA2 for me

I would have challeged her to a game of Halo.

So has Bioware gone Renegade with the final installment?
Or will Mass Effect 3 be a Paragon of excellence in Gaming?
Only time will tell.

Stop that!

Different = good.I thought you wanted that.Let's just cater to the niche instead of everyone enjoying it.And then you want your friends to play ME.


I can't believe I'm saying these words, but I have literally no desire to play Mass Effect 3. Unbelievable. I actually have no desire to play a Bioware game.

I'm calling them "Nu-Bioware" now. Let's face it, it's not like this is the same group of people that made KOTOR anymore. It's time to stop expecting the same standard of quality from what is obviously a very different group of people with obviously different priorities.

what was wrong with ME2 anyway? plus DA2 werent by the same people.....

Oh, Shamus, for the guy I consider to be the most truthful and reasonable contributor on this site, you dislike EA way too much and your disdain for them seems highly irrational at times.

Also, Mass Effect 3 being kick ass is not likely to have anything to do with the RPG elements they decide to include.

...a very different group of people with obviously different priorities.

They're a company. Their priority is, for as long as they're an actual video game company, their games selling. It always was their priority. It always will be their priority.

if only this was real

I actually preferred ME2 to ME1 because it wasn't as ludicrously convoluted. Ok, that might be a stretch, but I am tired of going through 3 inventories worth of crap weapons and armor to find one that actually helped me live.
RPG's should be fun, not a timesink in which the quest for stats is the penultimate goal. Thats what MMO raids are for.

Ephraim J. Witchwood:
Still gonna be great.

Quit crying, people. At least until you've actually played it.

So... we can only say how much we're looking forward to it and that it'll be great, but we can't say that we're worried how it'll turn out?


Ephraim J. Witchwood:
Still gonna be great.

Quit crying, people. At least until you've actually played it.

So... we can only say how much we're looking forward to it and that it'll be great, but we can't say that we're worried how it'll turn out?

Actually, I'd prefer if nobody said anything about any game until it was released, or at the very least two weeks away.

I hereby predict that this comment thread will contain large portions of whining, nerdrage and fanboyism is a variety of interesting flavours.

Oh yeah, wasn't there a comic here somewhere? That was pretty funny too.

I'm waiting for the first "Dragon age 2 blah, blah, blah, blah, too many gays with there homo-cooties" post.

I hope the claim to be deepening the game is true and the rest is just marketing crap, after all almost everything the EA execs and marketing types said about the first dragon age was pretty much misleading shite. Nice comic mind.

also I have to ask (not like anyone will answer) how much does EA interfere with Biowares work? They were already working on mass effect when EA bought them out and that was kind of like jade empire in space, very much an RPG.

Then they had to streamline the RPG elements and the combat for the sequel for some reason. okay the combat was a little clunky but why remove RPG bits? It ended up like a lightweight deus ex style game.
Now the claims for the third game is that the RPG elements are being almost entirely removed or at the very least more streamlined to suit a new audience.

Was the point of acquiring Bioware to:

a) Bring in a game making talent so strong that it was pretty much propping up a whole a large specialist market; thereby ensuring the lions share of that market and a deserved name for quality gaming.


b) To own a brand that is synonymous with quality and wave it around in the hopes of big profit until the brand loses all meaning, then look into acquiring another brand.

If A then surly you want to make sure that the high quality RPG maker keeps making RPGs after all their action games (shattered steel and MDK) were neither technically spectacular nor massive financial successes.

Honestly, the thing that always appealed to me about Mass Effect was Shepard's charisma. I don't even care how the game plays as long as he remains charismatic and the writing is still as on point as it was.

After all, Mass Effect as a series can be described in your first panel, where your choices are yes and yes. The game is extremely linear, and aside from a few small parts, only has one specific path with one specific outcome.

Most effective way to show how EA/BioWare are contradicting themselves. Bookmarked for further reference to spread the news around.

Also, I lol'd at the Renegade choices.

I'm confused as to why people expect Bioware to just keep making the same type of game (action RPG) over and over. Shouldn't we encourage a developer to try different styles of play? I was under the impression that stagnation was a bad thing...

Also, Mass Effect is far better as a shooter with dialog option and moral choices than as an RPG with simplistic shooter-based gameplay.

I get it's a comic, but this is the umpteenth time Shamus has come up with questionably-accurate quotes. You attributed a quote said by Bioware (the "we're putting more RPG elements in ME3" bit) to EA, which just ain't right, bro! Also, according to the Escapist, John Rickytickytavvy said: "EA was a huge believer in the IP, and wanted as many people to play Mass Effect 3 as possible."

I'm not sure who is correct, but I'm going with the Escapist. That there quote is pure evil, dawg. How daaaaare they say they want as many people to play the game as possible?

For the love of Miranda's booty, PLEASE, can we at least wait until the footage CONFIRMS that the game is a dumbed down Call of Duty in Space clone before proclaiming it such and having the hissy fits with this insane game of telephone gone awry? Is a little bit of open mindedness too much to ask?

Extrapolating vague quotes and morphing them into what we want them to be is a stupid game. Granted, Bioware & EA should know better than to throw vague quotes out there, but this tea leaf reading is getting ridiculous.

Go back to whining about DA2 being a rush job, people. At least that complaint is valid and factually supported.

If this blind hatred continues, I AM QUITTING THE INTERNET. I will totally quit you, interwebz. Don't think I won't. This isn't like Brokeback Mountain. If forced between my faith in Bioware and your prejudgmental ways, I choose Biowarechu.

... unless ME3 really does become Call of Duty in space, and your blind prejudices somehow come true. Then I'll just cry a lot. But at least I'll be able to say I made that decision based on FACTS, dammit!

Never played 1 but the combat in mass effect 2 SUCKED. The dialog system was great so I stuck around for that but I had no desire to replay. It was like a generic big budget movie. Pretty to look at, a fun experience, but ultimately unoriginal fluff. ME2 was probably the fire bioware game I didn't immediately want to reply. As opposed to Kotor where I finished an evil game and immediately started a good game. Or baldurs gate where I played though about 4 times in a row.

the next ME should just be
ME2-probing thing+new story=ME3

Very funny comic, and is a great way of showing that EA has been contradicting themselves lately as to what Mass Effect 3 will be like. Maybe Bioware will find some magical sweet spot that goes along with everything that EA has been saying.... but I doubt it. That said, I am still gonna buy and play the shit out of it when it comes out. I love shooters, I love RPGs, but more importantly I love the Mass Effect universe so I might as well buy it to see this trilogy off.

fanboy complainer is a fanboy complainer.

i have faith in BioWare.


the only thing that could make Mass Effect 3 suck is if it was a disc with just an endless loop of the "nyan" cat with shepherd's face photoshopped onto the cat

fanboy complainer is a fanboy complainer.

i have faith in BioWare.


the only thing that could make Mass Effect 3 suck is if it was a disc with just an endless loop of the "nyan" cat with shepherd's face photoshopped onto the cat

...that wouldn't suck. XD


fanboy complainer is a fanboy complainer.

i have faith in BioWare.


the only thing that could make Mass Effect 3 suck is if it was a disc with just an endless loop of the "nyan" cat with shepherd's face photoshopped onto the cat

...that wouldn't suck. XD

what if it was an endless loop of "Baby" by justin bieber mixed with Lady Gaga's "poker face"



fanboy complainer is a fanboy complainer.

i have faith in BioWare.


the only thing that could make Mass Effect 3 suck is if it was a disc with just an endless loop of the "nyan" cat with shepherd's face photoshopped onto the cat

...that wouldn't suck. XD

what if it was an endless loop of "Baby" by justin bieber mixed with Lady Gaga's "poker face"

Man, that would be like the awesomest awesome thing in the history of awesome


I still think it's a bit too early to think that a few vague statements that are in marketing speak are enough to say they ruined the game.

the only thing that could make Mass Effect 3 suck is if it was a disc with just an endless loop of the "nyan" cat with shepherd's face photoshopped onto the cat

Yep. If they said they were doing that for sure, then the game would suck and be ruined. Nyan cat needs to go die in a fire.

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