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The Wolf Among Us Review - Episodic Elegance On the tails of Walking Dead, Telltale’s new game series based on the comic book series Fables continues its recent trend of excellence. Read Full Article">
The Wolf Among Us Review - Episodic Elegance

The Wolf Among Us Review - Episodic Elegance

On the tails of Walking Dead, Telltale's new game series based on the comic book series Fables continues its recent trend of excellence.

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I absolutely loved this game, can't wait for next episode.

SERIOUS episode 1 spoiler:

Yea, I gotta agree with everyone here. I adore this game and I'm so glad I stumbled across it and shelled out the cash for it. I didn't even know it existed until yesterday and I spent 2 hours playing through the whole of episode 1 last night. It was awesome.

My only complaint about it is that Bigby never fully abandoned his human disguise like some of the others did. I kinda want to see the wolf running around.

From disagreeing pretty heavily on GTA V, to agreeing completely on this. Oh Greg, why must you toy with me so?!

Anyway, I absolutely loved this, and I can't wait for the next chapter. Considering it's Telltale, I'm willing to bet the story won't be finished until early 2014, but I can easily see it topping my list of that year if that does indeed come to pass.

Yea, I gotta agree with everyone here. I adore this game and I'm so glad I stumbled across it and shelled out the cash for it. I didn't even know it existed until yesterday and I spent 2 hours playing through the whole of episode 1 last night. It was awesome.

My only complaint about it is that Bigby never fully abandoned his human disguise like some of the others did. I kinda want to see the wolf running around.

Didn't you see the preview of the next episode? I'm pretty sure we get to see him go full lupine.

Didn't you see the preview of the next episode? I'm pretty sure we get to see him go full lupine.

I made a point of skipping it, much like I did for TWD, as I find the previews both annoying and spoilery.

That does sound pretty cool though, looking forward to when it happens now.


Didn't you see the preview of the next episode? I'm pretty sure we get to see him go full lupine.

I made a point of skipping it, much like I did for TWD, as I find the previews both annoying and spoilery.

That does sound pretty cool though, looking forward to when it happens now.

Oh, well I'm sorry if you felt I spoiled it. I realize it probably would have been incredibly exciting if you had no idea it was going to happen. If he's able to beat up Grendel when he's just pissed off, imagine how strong he is when he's going 100%.

Yea, I gotta agree with everyone here. I adore this game and I'm so glad I stumbled across it and shelled out the cash for it. I didn't even know it existed until yesterday and I spent 2 hours playing through the whole of episode 1 last night. It was awesome.

My only complaint about it is that Bigby never fully abandoned his human disguise like some of the others did. I kinda want to see the wolf running around.

What?! But:



Come on! When you're gonna mention stuff of the comic books mention it before the spoilers.
You're spoilering even people that finished episode 1.
It's not a huge problem for me, because i went to the telltale forums and the people there also don't like to name their spoilers, but it's a dick move nonetheless.
I just hate that behaviour.

Oh, well I'm sorry if you felt I spoiled it. I realize it probably would have been incredibly exciting if you had no idea it was going to happen. If he's able to beat up Grendel when he's just pissed off, imagine how strong he is when he's going 100%.

Nah, that's not really the kind of spoilers I try to avoid. I was more talking about the teasers like "Hey, it really looks like Tweedle Dum did it!" or whatever that they inevitably stick in those kind of trailers.

@Amaror: That's him going wolf man. I'm talking about full-on giant dog the size of a bus wolf form.

I played this episode yesterday, and it was bloody amazing.

I don't think I've ever been sucked into a world so quickly before.

I'll probably wait for the full thing to be released, I hate Telltale's pace wich they release their awesome stories!, I'd hate to be left with a cliffhanger and be left waiting for a month for the next installment to be released.

Great review Greg, I really loved the first episode.

Another good series that Telltale has crafted. I cannot wait to see what they have in stored next apart from TWD and TWAU.

I am looking forward to episode 2 of TWAU and TWD Season 2 this year.

Wait, is he the wolf from Three Little Pigs or the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood?

Either way, the sheer overwhelming amount of praise that this is getting pretty much guarantees that I'm going to pick it up at some point, right now I'm debating on if I should get it now or wait for the rest of the episodes to come out.

I'm not sure, this seems too much like the Walking Dead. While I can dig a good story, I can't dig a story that doesn't really let me change any major plot points or make any big choices. I'll wait until the whole thing comes out, then reconsider, but truth be told I'll probably just watch a Let's Play to find the story out.

I'm glad to see this game getting good reviews it was alot of fun to play

Wait, is he the wolf from Three Little Pigs or the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood?

He's Both

I'm glad to see this game getting good reviews it was alot of fun to play

Wait, is he the wolf from Three Little Pigs or the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood?

He's Both

Well that's certainly a way to cut out the middleman. Makes me wonder why he's rooming with one of the pigs then.


Come on! When you're gonna mention stuff of the comic books mention it before the spoilers.
You're spoilering even people that finished episode 1.
It's not a huge problem for me, because i went to the telltale forums and the people there also don't like to name their spoilers, but it's a dick move nonetheless.
I just hate that behaviour.

Well considering that comics mentioned was released 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO, I went out on a limb there and assumed that statute of limitation was out on that one. Also, it happens like 5-6 issues into the story (out of 130 up to date), so it is like spoiling first 10 minutes of the movie?


I'm glad to see this game getting good reviews it was alot of fun to play

Wait, is he the wolf from Three Little Pigs or the wolf from Little Red Riding Hood?

He's Both

Well that's certainly a way to cut out the middleman. Makes me wonder why he's rooming with one of the pigs then.

They are not exactly living together, but pig Colin barges in from time to time to guilt-trip Bigby into giving him cigarettes and stuff. You can't call them buddies, but Colin is one of the few Fables who doesn't fear or hate Bigby, and even takes his time to lecture him.



Come on! When you're gonna mention stuff of the comic books mention it before the spoilers.
You're spoilering even people that finished episode 1.
It's not a huge problem for me, because i went to the telltale forums and the people there also don't like to name their spoilers, but it's a dick move nonetheless.
I just hate that behaviour.

Well considering that comics mentioned was released 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO, I went out on a limb there and assumed that statute of limitation was out on that one. Also, it happens like 5-6 issues into the story (out of 130 up to date), so it is like spoiling first 10 minutes of the movie?

Oh don't come me with: It was released so long ago....
It doesn't matter how long ago these comics were released a big number of people that play the games will not have read the comics.
And i am not mad that you spoiled something from the comics, i am mad because you spoiled information from the comics, that spoil a huge plot point of the game.

You spoiled a big revelation that will most likely happen in the games and NO that's not like spoiling the first ten minutes of the movie.
The whole excuse with the issues in that it happened is also pretty stupid.
For example:

I mean the book was released 17 Years ago and it's only like 1/7 of the whole story, once GRRM finishes the books, so OBVIOUSLY i wouldn't be spoiling them right?!

I absolutely loved this game, can't wait for next episode.

SERIOUS episode 1 spoiler:

Yeah maybe but... SERIOUS SPOILERS:

Someone here who's read the entire comic? I want to read up a little bit on the characters and the world but I'd like to avoid beginning from the start if possible... I mean it's started in 2002 there must be plenty of issues. So any recommendation where I should start reading?


Yeah maybe but... SERIOUS SPOILERS:

Actually I believe it was implicitly stated that this was a prequel and canon, so... Smoke and mirrors seems to be the most likely explanation.

i am mad because you spoiled information from the comics, that spoil a huge plot point of the game.

I've seen as much of the game as you have, I don't see how I could spoil next episode for you. The rest is just my guesswork and speculation, public knowledge, and comics that have been available for a decade. I could be dead wrong on this.

Someone here who's read the entire comic? I want to read up a little bit on the characters and the world but I'd like to avoid beginning from the start if possible...e] I mean it's started in 2002 there must be plenty of issues. So any recommendation where I should start reading?

I've read about 50 issues so far, out of 120+. I suggest you start from the beginning, it's pretty interesting and establishes a lot of facts you need to know to appreciate the story. It's not one of those comics that are divided into volumes, so you can't just start reading from volume 3 and still have a complete story. There are multiple arcs and earlier ones are quite good. You might catch a lot of references to the game too.

I have a question: I bought this game on Steam, to play on my Mac, for personal reasons I won't have access to it during the week, so I thought about installing it on my work laptop (Dell), which MIGHT run the game. Does anybody know for sure if a game saved in my laptop will transfer to my Mac, like Shadowrun did? Otherwise I'll just wait for next week... Thanks guys!

Someone here who's read the entire comic? I want to read up a little bit on the characters and the world but I'd like to avoid beginning from the start if possible... I mean it's started in 2002 there must be plenty of issues. So any recommendation where I should start reading?

Heh, I read from the start and then stopped for a very long while to the point I can almost say I'm as lost as you lol I've picked up again recently though, with the digital releases of the collected editions and all; I've read about 4 volumes and its pretty neat, I tried to pick the story from the point it is today, but found that it was lacking info, that I had lost many important events so I just decided to go with slowly buying the collected editions, which takes me to tell you something: I do not think this is the kind of comic book you'll want to buy in a monthly basis like most other, rather go with the volumes so you can keep story arcs together, the pacing here is not that of your usual Batman or X-Men, I strongly believe it sorta damages the experience, I'd rather buy less frequently, but buy it collected (and if it's digital it seems the collected edition is cheaper, not sure...).

Also, there are some new Fables books now, it seems, and I have no idea how to drive you through them, but maybe they can be seen as isolated collections, which might serve your purpose. It's stuff like Fables: Cinderella, and a few others, dunno if they are/were mini-series or downright spin-offs...

I have a question: I bought this game on Steam, to play on my Mac, for personal reasons I won't have access to it during the week, so I thought about installing it on my work laptop (Dell), which MIGHT run the game. Does anybody know for sure if a game saved in my laptop will transfer to my Mac, like Shadowrun did? Otherwise I'll just wait for next week... Thanks guys!

Checking the store page I don't think it has cloud saving so won't transfer the save over.

OT: I really like the first episode, do hope second and onward are just as good or better.


I have a question: I bought this game on Steam, to play on my Mac, for personal reasons I won't have access to it during the week, so I thought about installing it on my work laptop (Dell), which MIGHT run the game. Does anybody know for sure if a game saved in my laptop will transfer to my Mac, like Shadowrun did? Otherwise I'll just wait for next week... Thanks guys!

Checking the store page I don't think it has cloud saving so won't transfer the save over.

OT: I really like the first episode, do hope second and onward are just as good or better.

Thanks, I didn't find anything either, but since I'm not exactly a Steam expert (I'm pretty dumb when dealing with it actually, too much console time lol) I thought it was safer to ask around... Well Mr Bigby, 'till next week I guess then o.o


Thank you for the response. I'm still not sure where I should begin, whether I can skip a few volumes but at least I get the general gist of how it is built up ^^
So... is the wolf the protagonist, a main character or secondary character?



Yeah maybe but... SERIOUS SPOILERS:

Actually I believe it was implicitly stated that this was a prequel and canon, so... Smoke and mirrors seems to be the most likely explanation.

Yeah. Also I was reading through my comics and I realized that some characters are in the game that have been killed in canon.

And I guess that means that it's a prequel. ^_^
Which makes me somewhat relieved. :P



Thank you for the response. I'm still not sure where I should begin, whether I can skip a few volumes but at least I get the general gist of how it is built up ^^
So... is the wolf the protagonist, a main character or secondary character?

So far he's ONE of the main characters, the most important being Snow White. Almost as important as his character (maybe AS important AS him) we have Bluebeard, Prince Charming, Red (Snow White's sister, it seems there's a Grimm fairy tale where she has a sister, but it's not the SAME Snow White as far as the fairy tale goes, in the Fables series though, it's the one and same Snow :p), Jack and that's about it so far as I've read them; there are many other characters though that might become more important further down the line, but I wouldn't know... The main villain is the "Archenemy", the responsible for pushing them out of the fairyland (it seems he took other "fantasy lands", whatever that means, before reaching theirs), however, I haven't seen any confrontation at all against him/her, not even saw what he/she looks like, mostly the plots are internal, like crimes being committed, "mundy's" (that's us humans) interfering with fable affairs, politics etc.




Thank you for the response. I'm still not sure where I should begin, whether I can skip a few volumes but at least I get the general gist of how it is built up ^^
So... is the wolf the protagonist, a main character or secondary character?

So far he's ONE of the main characters, the most important being Snow White. Almost as important as his character (maybe AS important AS him) we have Bluebeard, Prince Charming, Red (Snow White's sister, it seems there's a Grimm fairy tale where she has a sister, but it's not the SAME Snow White as far as the fairy tale goes, in the Fables series though, it's the one and same Snow :p), Jack and that's about it so far as I've read them; there are many other characters though that might become more important further down the line, but I wouldn't know... The main villain is the "Archenemy", the responsible for pushing them out of the fairyland (it seems he took other "fantasy lands", whatever that means, before reaching theirs), however, I haven't seen any confrontation at all against him/her, not even saw what he/she looks like, mostly the plots are internal, like crimes being committed, "mundy's" (that's us humans) interfering with fable affairs, politics etc.

Snow White's sister is Rose Red, from the Story of Snow White and Rose Red. That one involves a Prince turned into a bear and a nasty dwarf who keeps getting his beard caught in something and they have to cut it, which angers him (he LOVES his beard). Eventually, he gets angry enough at the girls to try to kill them, even though they are really only trying to help him as best they can, and the bear (who they kept alive through the winter in their cottage) comes to save them and kills the little bstard, which somehow frees him from the curse the dwarf put him under.

Also, I think it's been pretty well established in the comics that the fables are immortal because they are so well-known. Snow White (because of the Disney movie) is thus effectively immortal, where as Donkey Skin is a much less well-known tale (and well it should be, considering Donkey Skin's father wants her to replace his dead wife in every way, including in his bed. :P

I absolutely loved this game, can't wait for next episode.

SERIOUS episode 1 spoiler:

Finally got a around to buying it and I feel the same way, heavily anticipating Episode 2!

Bought it during the recent Steam sale and just played through it tonight. Wow, this is truly amazing. When I saw all the praise it was getting I didn't really think it would live up to it. I was quite wrong.

I'm looking forward to this but i think 23 Euros for two hours of play is just too steep...gonna wait for all 5 i guess


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