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07 April 2010
EFSA Opinion: once again, no safety risk for GM maize MON863
According to an opinion recently published by EFSA, there is no scientifically based concern for safety – that also applies to MON863 which has been the subject of much controversy over the past two years.

26 March 2010
Enviropig makes its début
After ten years of development, Canadian researchers have developed the genetically modified ‘Enviropig’ that produces manure with less phosphorus. Despite controversy, approval applications have been submitted to the Canadian Health Ministry and to the USA Food and Drug Administration.

26 March 2010
GM bananas premiere in Australia
After a year of growth in far north Queensland, the first Australian GM bananas genetically modified to contain increased levels of pro-vitamin A and iron have been picked and tested.

26 March 2010
Austria withdraws study on long-term consequences of GM maize
The study, published in November 2008, had caused quite a public stir since some of the mice that were fed with genetically modified maize gave birth to fewer offspring. The media and gene technology critics had interpreted the result as evidence of a reduced fertility caused by GM maize.

17 March 2010
Debate over GM sugar beets: US court allows planting and harvest
Farmers in the USA will be allowed to plant GM sugar beets this year as planned and also market the derived sugar. An injunction filed by several environmental groups to prohibit commercial planting immediately due to inadequate clarification of cross-pollination risks was denied by a US court.

12 March 2010
‚Zero tolerance’ of GM: New problems with the import of feed?
The European feed industry once again has warned of problems with the import of feed in the case that the EU upholds its policy of ‘zero tolerance’ for unapproved genetically modified (GM) plants. John Dalli, EU Commissioner for Consumer Protection, is expected to suggest new solutions “in a matter of weeks”.

12 March 2010
ISAAA: Developing nations faster on the GM uptake
In the coming two to three years, China and Brazil may form the vanguard of developing nations that are moving the most rapidly towards genetically modified (GM) crops. According to Clive James, chairman of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications, the speed of such countries will exceed that of wealthier nations.

05 March 2010
GM potatoes: BASF at work
After a nod by the European Commission to cultivation of the controversial genetically modified (GM) potato developed by the BASF chemical company and known as Amflora, a speaker for the company has announced plans to apply for approval for two further varieties of GM potato.

04 March 2010
TILLING: a new tool for plant breeders?
An amylose-free potato has been developed by researchers through the use of a new breeding method known as TILLING. Possible use of this method as an alternative to genetic engineering has been postulated in the media.

02 March 2010
EU Commission grants planting of the Amflora potato
The EU Commision has allowed commercial planting of the genetically modified Amflora potato. This is the first approval granted for the planting of a genetically modified crop in the EU since 1998.

24 February 2010
2009 as well: Cultivation of GM plants continues to rise
The cultivation of genetically modified plants continues to increase. In 2009, the global area increased once more by seven per cent to a total of 134 million hectares. Noticeable increases in area were found in Burkina Faso, Brazil and South Africa.

09 February 2010
India: For the present no approval for GM aubergine
The Indian government are for the present not going to give approval for genetically modified Bt aubergine (Brinjal). First of all, further scientific investigations should be undertaken.

08 February 2010
Switzerland: Three more years of GM ban
The moratorium for genetically modified animals and plants that has been in force in Switzerland since 2005 is to be extended for a further three years. First of all, the results are expected of a national research programme on the uses and risks of genetically modified plants.

05 February 2010
Biotech eucalyptus doesn’t mind the cold
Scientists have succeeded in producing a variety of genetically modified eucalyptus suited to withstand cooler temperatures. This opens the possibility of more widespread planting of these trees and of better economy in their industrial use.

05 February 2010
Italian court gives GM go-ahead
The highest appeals court in Italy has overturned a standing ban on the cultivation of genetically modified plants. The Ministry of Agriculture and a majority of the population seem otherwise inclined.

29 January 2010
11th ISBGMO: New developments in biosafety research on GMOs
The International Society for Biosafety Research (ISBR) has announced its 11th International Symposium on the Biosafety of GMOs. The theme of the symposium is “The role of biosafety research in the decision making process”.

23 January 2010
Germany: Call for comprehensive GMO labelling
Top representatives of the German food industry and the German Farmers’ Association are calling for more comprehensive GMO labelling. At the same time, they have criticised the "GM-free" stamp as being "dishonest".

21 January 2010
Green light again for GM alfalfa in the USA
In the USA, the Department of Agriculture (USDA) intends to permit the cultivation of genetically modified (GM) alfalfa once more. This recommendation is based on a newly-completed environmental impact assessment. Year-long legal conflicts were antecedent.

15 January 2010
New EU Commissioner: Not very concrete on gene technology policy
With regard to products of gene technology, the designated EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Safety, John Dalli (Malta) intends to make decisions based on science. However, at a hearing by the European Parliament he avoided concrete statements on important current topics of European gene technology policy.

14 December 2009
GM seeds in Brazil exceed conventional cultivation
The results of a country-wide survey conducted by RPC Crop Expedition PRC demonstrate that in 2009/2010 even more GM seeds are planted than conventional ones, depending on the region and the crop.

11 December 2009
New edible GMO cottonseed could feed Millions
A scientist at the A&M; University in the USA has developed a genetically modified cottonseed with reduced gossypol toxin, opening the way for use of the seed as food.

30 November 2009
Chop-chop: EU Commission approves GM maize MIR604
Only ten days after voting by the Council of Ministers, the EU Commission has approved the import of the genetically modified maize MIR604. Soybeans from this year’s harvest in the USA now may be imported to Europe.

28 November 2009
China gives go-ahead for planting of GM rice and maize
The Committee for Biological Safety in the Chinese Ministry for Agriculture has permitted the cultivation of GM rice and maize as reported by the Reuters new agency under confirmation by two scientists who participated in the decision process.

17 November 2009
Cultivation of GM plants: more or less pesticide?
Two current studies on the environmental influence of genetically modified (GM) plants arrive at differing results. According to one study, significantly more pesticide has been applied to fields since the cultivation of genetically modified plants began in 1996. The other study books substantial environmental relief through GM plants.

04 November 2009
Japan: Blue roses through gene technology
Since the beginning of November, the world’s first blue rose has been on the market in Japan. With the aid of gene technology, the rose has been modified to produce a blue colour in blossoms. Demand for the rose is expected primarily in Asia.

30 October 2009
EU Commission give approval for genetically modified maize
The EU Commission has approved the import of genetically modified maize strains MON88017, MON89034 and 59122xNK603 as well as food and feedstuffs produced from these strains.

22 October 2009
India: Government postpones decision on GM aubergine
The Indian government has postponed its decision on the approval of genetically modified Bt aubergines. It reacted thereby to a campaign mounted by environmental and consumers’ groups demanding a ban on the plant.

15 October 2009
India: Genetically modified aubergine about to be approved
The Indian bureau responsible for gene technology has allowed the commercial use of genetically modified Bt aubergines. The Indian government now must issue approval.

07 October 2009
Coalition negotiations: dispute over green gene technology
The currently valid cultivation ban for the genetically modified Bt maize MON810 in Germany is developing into a clash in the coalition negotiations for a federal government composed of Christian democrats (CDU/CSU) and liberals (FDP).

02 October 2009
GM research on peas: field tests to be relocated to the USA
The Institute for Plant Genetics of Leibniz University Hannover will continue field testing on genetically modified peas in the USA. Head of the Institute, Prof. Hans-Jörg Jacobsen, said that this move was taken because of the threat of destruction of test sites and the politically unstable regulatory framework in Germany.

01 October 2009
GM linseed: Products being taken off the market
The European Commission has ordered Member States to remove food products derived from genetically modified linseed from the shelves. The flax comes from Canada and is not authorised in the EU.

22 September 2009
Zero tolerance for unauthorised GM crops still under discussion
No more soy shipments are reaching European shores from the USA. After several ships were turned away due to traces of unauthorised GM crops. Given the situation, German federal and state agriculture ministers are calling for rapid authorisation procedures.

07 September 2009
UK: Supermarkets hardly can further avoid GM food products
The large supermarket chains in the United Kingdom do not obtain enough ‘gene-technology-free’ raw materials on the world market. This results in significant difficulty in continuing to sell only food products without gene-technology constituents that are subject to labelling.

02 September 2009
Food inspections for GMOs in Germany in 2008
Once again in 2008, food inspectors in Germany found only isolated cases of GM-labelling infringements. Whereas very slight traces of GM soybeans were frequently found in products containing soy, those derived from maize were mostly "GMO free".

20 August 2009
Research: ‘Fragrant’ GM maize against pests
Researchers at the German University of Neuenburg have used genetic technology to restore to maize a scent that defends it from pests. The maize then attracts nematodes that kill harmful insects in the root area of the plant.

14 August 2009
UK consumers more relaxed than ever about GM food
The results of interviews with 2,100 adults were published in the newest tracker survey in the UK to address consumer attitudes towards food safety, food concerns and other major Food Standards Agency (FSA) issues. Conducted quarterly, the research also monitors consumer awareness of, and trust in, the FSA.

11 August 2009
Germany: New standard GMO-free logo introduced
The German Minister for Agriculture, Ilse Aigner (CDU), has presented a standardised logo for food products ‘without gene technology’. Improvement of the poor acceptance of the ‘without gene technology’ label is expected thereby. To date, only a few manufacturers have made use of this tag.

05 August 2009
Zero tolerance for non-authorised GM plants under discussion
Zero tolerance of non-authorised genetically modified plants in the EU is once again under discussion. The reason being the delivery of 180,000 tonnes of soy meal from the USA rejected by the EU mid-July because traces of MON88017 maize, which is not authorised in the EU, were found.

04 August 2009
Brazil: GM sugar cane yield increase expected
A new variety of sugar cane promising yield increases up to 25 percent, while being more drought-tolerant than conventional strains, is expected to be commercially available in Brazil by 2020.

24 July 2009
No new evidence of environmental risks through maize MON810
The current provisional ban on the cultivation of genetically modified maize MON810 in Germany is regarded by the Central Commission for Biological safety (ZKBS) as being "not scientifically grounded". The Brains Trust responsible under the law for Gene Technology for this area has again considered the environmental safety of MON810 maize.

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The issue of contradictory results of biosafety studies
Opposition decreasing or acceptance increasing?
An overview of European consumer polls on attitudes to GMOs
German ban on MON810 maize: will the courts now decide?
China plans to invest in GM crops R&D and consumer education
"Find the wisdom to allow GM technology to flourish"
Results of the GMO Compass snapshot poll
Genetic engineering of cut flowers
Preliminary studies raise hopes: Golden Rice works well!
GMO labelling of foodstuffs produced from animals – the discussion continues
GM Crops in Australia – will the moratoria end?
International study: consumers would buy GM products
GM plants no problem for the honey industry
Are GMOs Fuelling the Brazilian Future?
Latest Eurobarometer: Yes to Biotech – No to GM Food
Barley, Beer and Biotechnology
Farm Fresh Pharmaceuticals
Study: GM Soy Dangerous for Newborns?
Safety evaluation: GM peas in Australia with unexpected side-effects
The western corn rootworm: A pest coming to a maize field near you
Plants for the Future

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