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Nobel Medal. Registered trademark of the Nobel Foundation. © ® The Nobel Foundation. Photo: Lovisa Engblom

Press Releases

Design Proposals for Nobel Center Released Today

Live Webcast of 2013 Nobel Prize Announcements

Nobel Laureates Inspire the Scientific Community

Energy Futures Discussed by Nobel Laureates and Experts

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LIVE Webcast on Nobelprize.org!

Watch the Nobel Prize announcements live, starting 7 October.

You can also watch the live webcast at Nobelprize.org's YouTube channel.

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Announcements of the 2013 Nobel Prizes

Physiology or Medicine:
Monday 7 October, 11:30 a.m. CET at the earliest
Tuesday 8 October, 11:45 a.m. CET at the earliest
Wednesday 9 October, 11:45 a.m. CET at the earliest
Friday 11 October, 11:00 a.m. CET
Economic Sciences:
Monday 14 October, 1:00 p.m. CET at the earliest
The date will be set later

Full schedule

Nerve cells

The Greatest Benefit on Mankind

In his will, Alfred Nobel stipulated that one part of his fortune should be awarded "the person who shall have made the most important discovery within the domain of physiology or medicine".

More about the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine during the past century

Did You Know?


persons have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine between 1901 and 2012.


Medicine Prizes have been given to one Laureate only.


women have been awarded the Medicine Prize so far.


years was the age of the youngest Medicine Laureate ever, Frederick G. Banting, who was awarded the 1923 Medicine Prize for the discovery of insulin.


years was the age of the oldest Medicine Laureate ever, Peyton Rous, when he was awarded the Medicine Prize in 1966.


is the average age of the Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine the year they were awarded the prize.

All facts and figures on the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Göran K. Hansson, Secretary of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, at a press conforence at Karolinska Institutet in Solna, Sweden, 2012. Photo: Bengt Oberger. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported. Göran K. Hansson.
Photo: Bengt Oberger. Wikimedia Commons

Which Research Area Has Been Awarded the Medicine Prize Most Often? Why?

Göran K. Hansson, Secretary of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine, answers frequently asked questions about the Medicine Prize

15 questions and answers about the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

On Being Awarded the Nobel Prize

Muhammad Yunus

A flood gate of enthusiasm
PEACE 2006: Muhammad Yunus

Amartya Sen

I needed a cup of coffee

Gross and Wilczek

It was a relief
PHYSICS 2004: Gross and Wilczek

Ahmed Zewail

The last 20 minutes of peace
CHEMISTRY 1999: Ahmed Zewail

Jerome Karle

The president of the U.S.A. gave me a call
CHEMISTRY 1985: Jerome Karle

Mairead Corrigan

I didn't know how to cope
PEACE 1976: Mairead Corrigan

Wole Soyinka

It really made life virtually impossible
LITERATURE 1986: Wole Soyinka

Barry Marshall

Robin and I often have a beer
MEDICINE 2005: Barry Marshall

Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel - the Man behind the Nobel Prize

Alfred Nobel's life and work
Alfred Nobel's last will

Laurel wreaths

What is a Nobel Laureate?

A Laureate is a person honored for high achievement in a particular field. A Nobel Laureate is someone who is awarded the Nobel Prize.

The word "laureate" refers to being signified by the laurel wreath. In Ancient Greece, laurel wreaths were awarded to victors as a sign of honour.
See all Nobel Prizes and Laureates

Nobel Medal. Registered trademark of the Nobel Foundation. © ® The Nobel Foundation. Photo: Lovisa Engblom

Ceremonies in December

Since 1901, the Nobel Prizes have been presented to the Laureates at ceremonies in Oslo, Norway, and in Stockholm, Sweden. On 10 December, the Nobel Laureates receive the Nobel Medal, Nobel Diploma and a document confirming the Nobel Prize amount - for 2013 Swedish kronor (SEK) 8.0 million per full Nobel Prize.

More about the ceremonies

Nobel Laureates Facts

Average ages 2012/2013 Nobel Laureates

59 is the Average Age of a Nobel Laureate

Physics Laureate: 55
Chemistry Laureate: 57
Medicine Laureate: 57
Nobel Peace Laureate: 62
Literature Laureate: 64
Laureate in Economic Sciences: 67
Nobel Laureate (all categories): 59

Lawrence Bragg

25 is the Age of the Youngest

At the year when the Prize was awarded, the 5 youngest Nobel Laureates are all within Physics:
Lawrence Bragg, 25 years old
Werner Heisenberg, 31 years old
Tsung-Dao Lee, 31 years old
Carl D. Anderson, 31 years old
Paul A.M. Dirac, 31 years old

Leonid Hurwicz

90 is the Age of the Oldest

The 5 eldest Nobel Laureates at the year the Prize was awarded are:
Leonid Hurwicz, 90 years old
Lloyd Shapley, 89 years old
Raymond Davis Jr., 88 years old
Doris Lessing, 88 years old
Yoichiro Nambu, 87 years old

Heinrich Rohrer

49 Laureates are Younger than 40

49 out of all 862 Laureates are younger than 40 years old at the year of the award. Most of them are Physics Laureates. There are no Literature Laureates nor Laureates in Economic Sciences under the age of 40.
List of all Nobel Laureates by age

21 Heads of State Awarded a Nobel Prize

All of them are Peace Prize Laureates except for one Literature Laureate.

List of all presidents and prime ministers awarded a Nobel Prize

44 Nobel Prizes to Women So Far

List of all Nobel Prize awarded women

 in 1915 Irène Curie and her mother Marie Curie at the Hoogstade Hospital in Belgium, 1915. Radiographic equipment is installed.
Copyright © Association Curie Joliot-Curie, Photographer unknown

7 Laureates have a Nobel Laureate Parent

Irène Joliot-Curie is the daughter of Marie and Pierre Curie
Lawrence Bragg is the son of William Bragg
Aage N. Bohr is the son of Niels Bohr
Ulf von Euler is the son of Hans von Euler-Chelpin
Roger D. Kornberg is the son of Arthur Kornberg
Kai M. Siegbahn is the son of Manne Siegbahn
George Paget Thomson is the son of J. J. Thomson

Nobel Laureates and Country of Birth

List of Nobel Laureates sorted by Country of Birth

Upcoming Events

Riccardo Muti

Nobel Prize Concert

At the 2013 Nobel Prize Concert, Riccardo Muti will be conducting the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra in a programme comprising Verdi, Martucci and Respighi.

Concert tickets now on sale

Nobel Week Dialogue

Nobel Week Dialogue

This year's Nobel Week Dialogue will focus on the topic "Exploring the Future of Energy". The meeting will take place on 9 December 2013 in Gothenburg, Sweden, and is open and free to attend.

Registration is now open

In Memoriam

David H. Hubel

David H. Hubel, 1926-2013

David H. Hubel, awarded the 1981 Medicine Prize for making us understand how the brain interprets vision, died on 22 September, 87 years old.

Video interview
1991 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine

Ronald H. Coase. Photo: Tivki. Wikimedia Commons, Creative Commons Attr Share Alike 3.0 Unported

Photo: Tivki. Wikimedia Commons

Ronald H. Coase, 1910-2013

Ronald H. Coase, awarded the 1991 Prize in Economic Sciences, died on 2 September at the age of 102. Ronald H. Coase was the oldest living Laureate.

1991 Prize in Economic Sciences
Seamus Heaney

Seamus Heaney, 1939-2013

Seamus Heaney, awarded the 1995 Literature Prize "for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past", died on 30 August.

1995 Nobel Prize in Literature
Kenneth G. Wilson

Kenneth G. Wilson, 1936-2013

Kenneth G. Wilson, awarded the 1982 Nobel Prize in Physics for his theory for critical phenomena in connection with phase transitions, died on 6 June.

1982 Nobel Prize in Physics