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The Record's writers in Trenton and D.C. take on N.J. politics

Christie calls Colorado Republicans looking for disaster aid ‘hypocrites’

Governor Christie called four congressmen from Colorado “hypocrites” tonight for voting against the superstorm Sandy relief bill in January but fighting for disaster aid for their state this week.

In a town hall-style conference call with thousands of Hudson County residents, Christie said that victims of Colorado’s recent floods deserve help from the federal government. But, in response to a question from a participant, he emphasized that the four members of Congress should be taken to task.

“They’re hypocrites. That’s what they are, and there’s no other way to put it,” Christie said.

The congressmen — Reps. Mike Coffman, Cory Gardner, Doug Lamborn and Scott Tipton — are all Republicans. They voted against the $60 billion Sandy relief bill in January, but this week they championed legislation paying for disaster relief in their state.

Several of the congressmen defended their votes to The Denver Post today. They said they have supported disaster aid all along, but the Sandy relief bill was, according to Lamborn, “overly generous.”

Tonight, Christie — a Republican who famously blasted his own party for failing to quickly bring the Sandy bill to a vote — cautioned against being “vindictive.”

“Because what we’ve got to be concerned about are the actual people who are being hurt,” he said. “And so we need to call out the congressmen for their hypocrisy, but we can’t then deny those folks aid.”

Several members of New Jersey’s congressional delegation have already accused the Colorado representatives of hypocrisy.

“Some of these very congressmen are shamelessly proving just how hypocritical they are,” Rep. Bill Pascrell, D-Paterson, said in a statement.

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Buono tours crumbling Trenton Central High School, says Christie has failed its students

Calling the conditions a crisis, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Barbara Buono toured the more than 80-year-old Trenton Central High School on Thursday, walking through hallways pocked with mold and a staircase nicknamed “the waterfall” due to frequent leaks when it rains.

“It’s very unnerving,” Buono said after emerging from a tour of the capital city’s only high school. “I could cry.”

“This is unacceptable for our children, for our teachers, for the state of New Jersey,” she said. “This is a crisis.”

Earlier, several school administrators and the school’s senior class president called for more attention to a school that was slated for a more than $150 million fix before Governor Christie took office in early 2010 and brought change to the agency that oversees school construction in New Jersey.

School officials are now suing the state in attempt to get the funding for much-needed repairs. They said if the state has the money to repair a boardwalk at the Shore, it should also have the funds to fix a school that serves nearly 2,000 students.

“We have a stairwell in our building that we call the waterfall because when it rains the water will fall,” said class president Nu-Kermeri Kermah. “Would you want your child to live and breathe in here every day.”

“We deserve better,” she said.

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Same-sex marriage opponents praise Christie’s court appeal

Opponents of same-sex marriage called for a public referendum on the issue today, and they praised Governor Christie’s appeal of a court decision granting gay couples the right to marry.

Speaking at a State House news conference, some of the advocates also disputed that marriage for same-sex couples is a civil right, and they said that, in their view, allowing same-sex marriage could lead to legalized polygamy and incest.

“Our position is that the good people of New Jersey be trusted with this decision,” said Donald Sico, the New Jersey lobbyist for the National Organization for Marriage. “Let’s have a conversation, a dialogue, a debate.”

Sico is leading a new group of same-sex marriage opponents called the New Jersey Coalition to Preserve and Protect Marriage. He later added that the group “is not unified in its position on the consequences of same sex marriage. I personally do not believe that polygamy and incest will necessarily result.”

A Superior Court judge ruled last week that same-sex marriages should be legal, and she ordered officials to allow them beginning Oct. 21. Governor Christie is says he will appeal the decision to the state Supreme Court.

“We are appreciative and grateful to the governor and the attorney general for waging a vigorous defense,” Sico said.

Representatives of Christie – a Republican who is seeking re-election this year – did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The activists at today’s news conference said that allowing same-sex marriage would alter the definition of marriage and open the door to other kinds of unions. Continue reading

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Bipartisanship is alive and well in Trenton, except when it isn’t

The trend right now among New Jersey politicians including Governor Christie in a full gubernatorial and legislative election year is to promote examples of bipartisanship in Trenton such as the recent vote to make over the state’s economic incentive programs.

Christie, a Republican, and Senate President Stephen Sweeney, D-Gloucester, very openly touted that cooperative spirit during a groundbreaking Wednesday at Rowan University in South Jersey.

Both men are running for re-election this year and extolling an ability to work together — especially as polls show voters disdain the ongoing, politics-driven gridlock in Washington, D.C — plays well on the campaign trail.

But to be clear, though there have been numerous times when the governor and the Democratic-controlled Legislature have found common ground and compromised — changing public employee benefits, reorganizing higher education and redrawing teacher tenure rules are among the most notable — there have also been many instances where the much-promoted spirit of bipartisanship has not been present.

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Posted in 2013 Election, Chris Christie, Polls, Public Pension & Benefits, same sex marriage, Washington | Tagged , , | Comments

Christie, Sweeney tout bipartisanship at South Jersey groundbreaking

Governor Christie and Senate President Stephen Sweeney held up New Jersey as a national example Wednesday while appearing together at a groudbreaking at Rowan University in Glassboro.
Though Christie, a Republican, and Sweeney, a Democrat, are both running for re-election they talked of working together to get things done in contrast to the ongoing, politics-driven shutdown of the federal government.
“That doesn’t happen here because me and Steve and (Assembly) Speaker Sheila Oliver won’t let it happen,” Christie said.
“Even when we’re angry with each other, we don’t let it stop us from talking to each other,” he said.
Sweeney, D-Gloucester, called what’s going on in Washington, D.C. right now “embarrassing.”
The $1.3 higher education package that’s funding the upgrades at Rowan came together because “Democrats and Republicans, in a very bipartisan way, put the people first,” he said.
“This is when government works,” he said.
While most applauded, there were about 15 students who attempted to protest Christie’s appearance, but their signs were confiscated and they were moved off of a field facing the groundbreaking site. Afterward, the students — whose signs criticized higher education funding cuts, property tax increases and women’s health care funding cuts — said they were told to move to a “free-speech zone” roughly 150 yards away.

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Booker boasts wide lead in fundraising for Senate race

Cory Booker raised more than twice as much as his opponent in the U.S. Senate race over the last two months, according to figures released by the two campaigns today.

Booker, the Democratic mayor of Newark, brought in $2.85 million between July 25 and Sept. 26. The Republican candidate, Steve Lonegan, raised $1.13 million.

In addition to raising more money, Booker has much more cash on hand. He ended the two-month period with $2.63 million cash; Lonegan finished with $241,000 on hand.

Both candidates have recently held fundraisers with high-profile backers — fundraisers that have earned them criticism along with big checks. Governor Christie and Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul each raised money for Lonegan, while Booker recently flew to California for a fundraiser at the home of billionaire Ron Burkle that also featured Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner.

The Paul fundraiser highlighted Lonegan’s out-of-touch, Tea-Party-backed campaign, according to the Booker camp, while Lonegan supporters said the Burkle fundraiser showcased Booker’s out-of-touch, Hollywood-backed campaign.

With the Oct. 16 special election two weeks away, the candidates will face off on Friday for the first of two debates.

Booker maintains a wide lead over the Republican, but the race has recently tightened. A Monmouth University poll released yesterday showed Booker ahead by 13 points — down from a 35-point lead one poll found last month.

Posted in 2013 Special Election, Campaign finance, Cory Booker, Steve Lonegan | Tagged , , | Comments

While not calling for end to shutdown, Lonegan says memorial closures are ‘despicable’

Steve Lonegan said today it is “despicable” that war memorials are closed during the government shutdown, but he continued his call for Republicans to “hold the line” — and continue the shutdown — until Democrats give in.

“President Obama and his Congressional lackeys need to stop playing politics. They need to compromise with Republicans by supporting a one-year delay before implementing Obamacare,” Lonegan, the Republican candidate in New Jersey’s U.S. Senate special election, said in a statement today.

As part of the federal government shutdown, national parks and memorials are closed. A group of veterans trying to visit the World War Two memorial on the National Mall yesterday walked past a barricade intended to keep visitors out of the area.

Today, Lonegan said that closing the memorial was part of a political strategy.

“This despicable act of barricading the war memorials to veterans and the public is a shameful attempt by President Obama and his rubber stamps in Congress to ensure the government shutdown is painful,” Lonegan said.

Yesterday, he praised Congressional Republicans for refusing to cave on their opposition to the new health care law even as the government shuts down.

“There’s nothing good about this system,” Lonegan said. “Thank God they’re holding the line in Washington.”

Lonegan’s Democratic opponent, Newark Mayor Cory Booker, called on politicians to quickly reach a compromise and end the shutdown. And Governor Christie, a Republican who is also running in a statewide election this year, has called the shutdown a “failure” of leaders in both parties.

The federal government shut down yesterday morning after Democrats and Republicans failed to agree on a provision to fund the government. Republicans insisted on including changes to the Affordable Care Act — also called Obamacare — as part of any agreement. Democrats demanded that the measure only fund the government and not include any changes to Obamacare.

Posted in 2013 Special Election, Steve Lonegan | Tagged | Comments

Poll: Christie maintains strong lead over Buono

Governor Christie has a 19 point lead over  Democratic challenger Barbara Buono in the latest Monmouth University poll.

Governor Christie has a 19 point lead over Democratic challenger Barbara Buono in the latest Monmouth University poll.

Democratic challenger Barbara Buono hasn’t gained much ground since narrowing the gap in the polls between her and Governor Christie in August, a Monmouth University Poll released today found.

Christie, a Morris County Republican, leads the Middlesex County state senator 56 percent to 37 percent. In the August poll, Christie led 56 percent to 36 percent, down from a 30-point margin in an earlier poll.

The likely voters surveyed also said they don’t think the gubernatorial election is addressing the most pressing issues in the state.

Only 34 percent of those polled said the campaigns have done a good job talking about the most important issues affecting the state, while 42 percent said they have done a bad job and another 24 percent haven’t heard enough to offer an opinion.

Christie supporters were more likely to say the campaign had done an overall good job, 48 percent to 31 percent. Buono’s supporters took the opposite view, with 57 percent saying the election has done a bad job of highlighting the important issues, compared to 17 percent who say it has done a good job. Continue reading

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Booker, amid shutdown, says nation needs more cooperation

With the federal government saddled in a politics-driven shutdown, U.S. Senate candidate Cory Booker called for compromise and cooperation during a speech Tuesday at Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison.
Billed as a lecture on college affordability, Booker, the Democratic mayor of Newark, instead spent about 20 minutes touting the sucess of putting differences aside to get things done before getting to the topic of tuition.
“We out here in the rest of this country . . . Have to get a little frustrated,” he said.
“My politics in my city are tough,” Booker said, citing work with employee unions as an example. “But we found ways to overcome challenges in the worst economy of my lifetime.”
He also touted how he’s worked with Governor Christie, a Republican who has found ways to work wirh Democrats who control the state Legislature on some issues.
“We find ways to work together and move the state forward,” Booker said.
Not once did he mention GOP opponent Steve Lonegan, but Booker frequently contrasted himself with Lonegan, a conservative firebrand and fomer mayor of Bogota.
Though many expected the special election scheduled for Oct. 16 to fill the seat of the late Frank Lautenberg would be a landslide, polls show the contest is closer. A Monmouth University poll out Tuesday morning had Booker leading Lonegan by 13 points.
During his speech, Booker took some time to highlight where Lonegan stands on a host of issues, including abortion, health care, and the shutdown itself.
Booker told group of college students the election is about “clear decisions.”
“We should have leaders go down to Washington, not as partisans, but as Americans,” he said.

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Mahwah mayor, council endorse Christie

Mahwah’s mayor and council are throwing their support behind Governor Christie’s re-election bid.

Mayor Bill Laforet, an independent, and council members Lisa DiGiulio, Charles Jandris, Roy Larson, John Roth, Steven Sbarra and Harry Williams endorsed the Republican governor citing his willingness to work with members of the other party in a statement released by the campaign Tuesday. The township’s local government elections are non-partisan.

“His willingness to reach across the aisle to work with lawmakers and community leaders of both parties has returned common sense and results to government, re-energized our state’s economy and delivered landmark reforms that are working for our state and our families,” Laforet said in a statement released by Christie’s campaign.

Christie faces Democrat Barbara Buono, a Middlesex County state senator, in November. The governor received 4,602 votes in 2009, compared to Democrat Jon Corzine, who collected 2,942. There were 15,479 registered voters in Mahwah four years ago. The town has more than 25,000 residents. Continue reading

Posted in 2013 Election, Barbara Buono, Chris Christie | Tagged , , , , | Comments
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