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Complaint Forms

We welcome your complaints. For consumer type complaints, we offer a mediation service if we believe our intervention might assist in resolving disputes. Patterns of complaints involving the same company or a new issue often help us in allocating our law enforcement resources. We also try to assist members of the public in locating the government agencies that can best address their problems. For this purpose, we refer complaints that do not belong with us to the right agency.

We need complaints in writing. We prefer that you use our complaint form but you are free to put your complaint in a letter. Please remember the following:

  • For consumer type complaints, we encourage you to try to resolve the dispute with the company or individual before filing a complaint with us.
  • Please state your complaint clearly and concisely. You should enclose copies of all relevant documents.
  • Do not send us any original documents.

Please understand that in order to resolve your complaint we may send a copy of your letter to the person or firm you are complaining about.

If you have questions concerning your individual legal rights or responsibilities you should contact a private attorney.

Filing a false complaint is punishable as a Class A Misdemeanor.

These forms are available in PDF. Complaints regarding Hurricane Sandy price gouging (i.e., increased costs of essential items and services) or Internet-related matters (e.g., online transactions, Internet service provider issues, online privacy concerns, website or email complaints, etc.) may also be filed online.

For online forms: Submit your information online and upload supporting documents. Please see list of PDF forms for complaints on matters not identified below.

For PDF forms: Please download and print the form you need. Send the form and all supporting documentation to the address listed on the form.

Forms available:

For Adobe PDF files you can download Adobe Reader from Adobe Systems.

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