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Tick-Tock: AMPTP Makes “Last Best Offer” Before SAG Contract Expires At 12:01 AM

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Monday June 30, 2008 @ 6:30pm PDT

I wouldn’t get too excited about this 11th hour “Last Best Offer” by the Big Media cartel before SAG’s contract expires at 12:01 AM on July 1st. Because WGA exec director Dave Young had already informed his SAG counterpart Doug Allen that the AMPTP offered the writers “at least 10 last best offers” before a contract settlement was finally reached. SAG has said it will keep bargaining and has no plans for a strike. It said the AMPTP offer looks like the AFTRA contract but the screen actors agreed to examine it before the next negotiating session on Wednesday. So there will be no last-minute theatrics tonight by either side, which means Hollywood can get a good’s night sleep. (Although the British press headlines for Tuesday are blaring “actors strike” as if a labor action is as imminent as, say, tomorrow. Get a clue, people.)

SAG statement:

Los Angeles, June 30, 2008 – The Screen Actors Guild national negotiating committee has bargained with the AMPTP for the last 42 days and remains committed to negotiating a fair deal for actors as soon as possible.
The AMPTP today delivered a last-minute, 43-page offer that upon initial examination appears to be generally consistent with the AFTRA deal, particularly in its provisions relating to new media. The union is reviewing the complex package and will prepare a response to management once that analysis is complete.

The parties are scheduled to meet Wednesday, July 2, at 2:00 p.m.

“This offer does not appear to address some key issues important to actors. For example, the impact of foregoing residuals for all made-for-new-media productions is incalculable and would mean the beginning of the end of residuals,” said Screen Actors Guild National Executive Director and Chief Negotiator.

The Screen Actors Guild Codified Basic and Television Agreements covering television programs and motion pictures expire tonight at midnight. Work will continue and all SAG members should report to work and to audition for new work past the expiration date until further notice from the Guild.

AMPTP statement:

Our industry is now in a de facto strike, with film production virtually shut down and television production now seriously threatened.  In an effort to put everyone back to work, the AMPTP today presented SAG our final offer – a comprehensive proposal worth more than $250 million in additional compensation to SAG members, with significant economic gains and groundbreaking new media rights for all performers.

Our $250 million offer is consistent with the four other labor agreements already reached this year with DGA, WGA, AFTRA Network Code and AFTRA Prime-Time Exhibit A.  In addition, our offer addresses issues that SAG identified as being of utmost concern to its members, including tailoring our new media framework for SAG in areas such as feature films and significant gains for working actors.

In short, our final offer to SAG represents a final hope for avoiding further work stoppages and getting everyone back to work. That is our goal, and we hope it is shared by the members of SAG.  The economic consequences of a work stoppage would be enormous.  If our industry shuts down because of the unwillingness of SAG’s Hollywood leadership to make a deal, SAG members will lose $2.5 million each and every day in wages.  The other guilds and unions would lose $13.5 million each day in wages, and the California economy will be harmed at the rate of $23 million each and every day.

As SAG’s leadership considers our final offer, we will continue for now to work under the terms of the old contract as current productions wind down.

Background Materials

Negotiations History and the De Facto Strike

SAG’s Hollywood leadership has, by its own design, created the difficult predicament that SAG’s working actors now find themselves in.  Immediately after the WGA settlement, on February 14, 2008, we invited SAG to engage in early negotiations but the Guild’s Hollywood leadership insisted that only last-minute bargaining can bring notable gains.  Calls for early talks were further ignored as SAG engaged in a W&W process that got underway months later than usual because of the Hollywood leadership’s longstanding campaign against AFTRA.

Since talks finally began on April 15th, we have spent 42 days attempting to convince SAG’s Hollywood leaders that we should build upon the New Media Framework already established in four different labor agreements this year, with DGA, WGA, AFTRA Network Code, and AFTRA Prime-Time Exhibit A.

In early June SAG’s Hollywood leadership announced an anti-AFTRA campaign, and since that time SAG’s Hollywood negotiators have squandered almost a month of negotiating time trying to defeat AFTRA’s tentative agreement instead of making its own deal.

The result of SAG’s stalling is a de facto strike that is inexorably bringing our entire industry to a full stop.  Our final offer is designed to bring an end to this de facto strike and put our industry back to work.

The Economic Impact of an Industry Work Stoppage

If SAG rejects our offer and continues with its misbegotten anti-AFTRA campaign, SAG’s Hollywood leaders will unnecessarily harm not only SAG members and sister Guild members, but also the tens of thousands of below-the-line workers whose families depend on our industry and the millions throughout California whose businesses benefit from our industry’s growth.  With each passing day after June 30th, there will be less work for those whose livelihoods depend on our industry.

SAG participated in the WGA strike and saw first-hand the economic damage it inflicted on the industry and the thousands of workers and businesses that had no stake in the fight.  If our industry shuts down because of the unwillingness of SAG’s Hollywood leadership to make a deal, SAG members will lose $2.5 million each and every day in wages.  The other guilds and unions would lose $13.5 million each day in wages, and the California economy will be harmed at the rate of $23 million each and every day.  A halt in production will also bring economic harm to a number of communities around the country where film and television production bring millions of dollars into local economies.


The producers were put in a challenging position by having to bargain separately with AFTRA and SAG for the first time since 1980.  After 17 days of tough negotiations, we reached a tentative agreement with AFTRA but have yet to do the same with SAG after more than twice as much time at the negotiating table.

With four major agreements concluded with the Guilds this year alone, the Producers entered the SAG talks with eight narrowly tailored proposals meant to get an agreement that much quicker. Unfortunately, SAG came in with 36 proposals – including several true deal-breakers – and thus put itself in the position of having to work harder to find common ground.  While we have made some progress, SAG continues to hold to several of these unacceptable proposals including increases in DVD residuals, restrictions on product integration and excessive increases in money and schedule breaks, stand-in minimums and mileage increases.

In addition, SAG is seeking to undermine the New Media Framework that we have constructed with three other Guilds.  This includes a demand that SAG have exclusive jurisdiction in content made for the Internet, which would prevent AFTRA from having the shared jurisdiction that it bargained for only a month ago.

Making the Framework Work

So far this year, the Producers have reached four major Guild agreements – DGA, WGA and two with AFTRA – that build on a fundamental set of new media terms. These terms are groundbreaking for a number of reasons.  First, at no point has the industry ever established so many residual formulae and jurisdictional agreements in one negotiation cycle.  Through a series of major concessions, the Producers have established standards for permanent downloads, Internet streaming, made-for new media productions and the use of clips in new media.

The New Media framework offers terms that are rich by traditional standards but also gives the Producers some flexibility to adapt and experiment.  Most of the residuals are based on a percentage of revenue that matches the best existing residuals in the SAG contract.  Further, the New Media framework allows full access to the Companies’ un-redacted new media deal memos and includes a Sunset Clause so that the parties can revisit the terms in three years with a better understanding of how the market is developing.  The New Media Framework has been adapted to the unique needs of SAG by preserving performers’ right of consent over non-promotional uses of their clips in new media, and securing a definition for “covered actors” in low-budget original made-for new media.  In short, the Producers have now proven they can make the framework work for all Guild members, and there is no reason we should not be able to do the same with SAG.

The AMPTP’s Final Offer

Our final offer is worth more than $250 million to SAG members over the course of the three-year deal, over and above what SAG members would have made under their old contract.  Our final offer includes significant gains in minimums, pension and health contributions and terms for working actors.  In addition, we have offered groundbreaking new media terms – with fair and appropriate modifications for actors — that have already served as the cornerstone of four other major Guild agreements this year, including one that ended the 100-day WGA strike.

We hope that SAG’s Hollywood leadership will not make the tragic mistake of misleading their members by suggesting that additional stalling will lead to a better offer at a later time.  We have compromised again and again this year to reach four major labor agreements — agreements that satisfied the DGA, WGA and AFTRA — and we have now reached the end of this process.

AMPTP Final Offer Fact Sheet

The Producers’ final offer includes groundbreaking terms and residuals for actors in all forms of new media, as well as significant increases in minimums, pension and health contributions and terms affecting working actors.


Increase minimums by 10% over the course of the contract – 3.5%, 3%, and 3.5%.
Increase network primetime rerun ceiling by 2.5% in the first and third years of the contract.


Increase contributions by 0.5% in second year of contract, bringing SAG’s pension and health rate to 15% – the highest Guild rate in the industry.


Increase the premium payment over the day player rate from 7.5% to 10%.


Increase the number of covered background actors in television from 19 to 20 and on features from 50 to 52.


Increase the trailer money break from $2,500/week to $3,000/week.
Increase three-day performer overtime money break from $2,700 to $3,000.


Increase weekly salary figure for Schedule B performers from $4,400 or less per week to $4,650 or less per week for TV and from $5,500 or less per week to $6, 000 or less per week in feature film.


Establish residuals for streaming television programs and features.
Establish jurisdiction and residuals for derivative and original made-for New Media programs.
Doubling of residual rate for permanent downloads.
Preserve performers’ consent over non-promotional uses of clips in New Media.
Broad definition of “covered performers” in low-budget New Media productions.
Full access to Companies’ un-redacted New Media deal memos.
Sunset Clause to protect both sides in future negotiations.

Comments 57

COUNTDOWN TO JUNE 30TH: The Details That The Moguls Don’t Want You To Know


Part I: SAG/AFTRA/AMPTP Overview: Calm Down. There Will Be No Strike Sequel.

PART II: The Details That The Moguls Don’t Want You To Know

Every time I think of the way that Hollywood handles its guild negotiations, I’m reminded of that Jurassic Park 2Read More »

Comments 50

Warner Bros Will Embrace ‘The Women’

EXCLUSIVE: I’m told that Warner Bros will now aggressively push Diane English’s remake of The Women skedded for release September 12th with wider distribution and bigger marketing in the wake of the success of Sex And The City. This is an about-face Read More »

Comments (18)

SAG’s Alan Rosenberg Publicly Confirms My “Calm Down, No Strike Steps” Report

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Sunday June 29, 2008 @ 11:45am PDT

Los Angeles, June 29, 2008 – Screen Actors Guild released the following statement from SAG National President Alan Rosenberg: “We have taken no steps to initiate a strike authorization vote by the members of Screen Actors Guild. Any talk about a strike or a management lockout at this point is

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Comments (11)

Filmgoers Wild For ‘Wall-E’ And ‘Wanted’: Angelina Jolie Posts Best Opening Ever; Lonely Droid Debut Is Pixar’s 3rd Biggest



SUNDAY AM: North American box office numbers show that No. 1 Disney / Pixar’s futuristic Wall-E blasted off with a $23.1 million Friday and $22 million Saturday from 3,992 theaters for what was a $62.5 million opening weekend. This means arty Wall-E is big and … Read More »

Comments 142

COUNTDOWN TO JUNE 30TH: Calm Down. There Will Be No Strike Sequel. But When Will Hollywood Ever Get Back To Work?

Here is my COUNTDOWN TO JUNE 30TH package:
Part I: SAG/AFTRA/AMPTP Overview: Calm Down. There Will Be No Strike Sequel
Part II: The Details That The Moguls Don’t Want You To Know


The sense of panic … Read More »

Comments 67

Sony Pic’s Van Galder & Weinstock Upped

(Culver City, June 27, 2008) — Sony Pictures Entertainment has promoted Valerie Van Galder and Marc Weinstock to co-presidents of Worldwide Theatrical Marketing, it was announced today by Jeff Blake, chairman of worldwide marketing and distribution for the studio, to whom the two will report.

Van Galder and Weinstock will

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Comments (1)

Shame On Toby Emmerich…

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Friday June 27, 2008 @ 8:54am PDT

I’m told this is the last day of employment for as many as 550 laid-off New Line employees. But Toby Emmerich has been driving around in a shiny new car and parking in the 116 North Robertson lot since June 10th. Like the jackass couldn’t have waited until July to show it off to … Read More »

Comments 41

Wkd Prediction: Robot $70M, Angie $40M

wanted_nyccgalleryposter.jpg  walle_galleryteaser3a.jpg

I’m told that not only is Pixar/Disney internally hoping for a $70+ million dollar opening for Wall-E, but also a Best Picture Oscar nomination for the L’il Robot. It’s possible with 100% great reviews from top … Read More »

Comments (16)

‘Wall-E’ Orbiting Best Picture Oscar Nod?


I’m told that Disney and Pixar are going to push hard for a Best Picture Oscar nomination for Wall-E on the basis of its anti-toon moody darkness and rave reviews by critics who matter. Certainly many toons have tried for that high honor over the years, … Read More »

Comments 33

FCC To Curb Product Integration On TV: WGA Calling For “Real Time” Disclosure

While SAG has been fighting product integration in its ongoing negotiations with the AMPTP, Hollywood writers have been fighting it in Washington DC. For non-insiders, that’s when Aiden on Sex And The City keeps talking about KFC, or when The Office refers to real corporations like … Read More »

Comments 30

‘Hancock’: $115M Over Fourth Of July?


All my box office gurus think Hancock will be massive. So they’re predicting a floor of $100M all the way up to $115M over the 5-day holiday since the Sony pic is starring Mr Independence Day Weekend, Will Smith. Let the prognosticating begin… Meanwhile, Sony is rolling out its Read More »

Comments 22

Wasserman’s Slam Dunk At NBA Draft

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Thursday June 26, 2008 @ 9:26pm PDT

Wouldn’t Lew Wasserman be proud. With only a handful repping the entire basketball pactice, Casey Wasserman’s sports management agency had a cost-effective slam dunk at this year’s 2008 NBA draft. And there’s another showbiz connection: WMG principal and NBA player superagent Arn Tellem is married to … Read More »

Comments (0)

Obama Hardly A “Hollywood Candidate” — And Not Necessarily Sumner Redstone’s

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday June 25, 2008 @ 3:11pm PDT


News reports say Barack Obama raised nearly $5 million at yesterday’s celebrity- and mogul-packed fundraiser at the Dorothy Chandler Pavilion. The asking price for a ticket to the gala’s general reception for Obama’s campaign was $2,300. Tickets to the VIP dinner were $28,500 for the Democratic National Committee. The Center for … Read More »

Comments 32

Billy Crystal Has Exited ICM

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday June 25, 2008 @ 1:49pm PDT

ICM says it was an amicable parting of the ways. But one of my sources within the agency says it wasn’t because of a TV deal that didn’t happen. ”Name calling ensued and Billy had had enough. Lots of this kind of dysfunction happening.” I hear Billy Crystal is going back to CAA’s … Read More »

Comments (17)

Newspaper Publisher/Philanthropist Endows UCLA Center For Costume Design

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday June 25, 2008 @ 1:22pm PDT

UCLA announced:

An unprecedented gift of $6 million from newspaper publisher and philanthropist David C. Copley will endow a chair and an innovative new center for costume design at the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television (TFT). The center will be the first of its kind in the world.


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Comments (2)

Goldstein On Finke; Finke On Goldstein

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Wednesday June 25, 2008 @ 12:40pm PDT

I was surprised to see what the Los Angeles Times‘ Patrick Goldstein said in today’s New York Observer under the headline, “Make Nice, Nikki: L.A. Times Starts Hollywood Blog”:

When asked what blogs he reads, the first one Mr. Goldstein cited by name was Deadline Hollywood Daily, by Nikki Finke. … Read More »

Comments (9)

Big Actor vs Big Actor SAG-AFTRA Inanity

By NIKKI FINKE, Editor in Chief | Tuesday June 24, 2008 @ 6:28pm PDT

For days and weeks and now minutes ago, I’ve been bombarded with lists of name actors who are supporting either AFTRA’s AMPTP contract ratification or else SAG’s effort to get AFTRA to renegotiate. (Seriously, is someone going to choose how to vote just because AFTRA paraded … Read More »

Comments 97

“Mark Canton Wants A Word With You…”


Variety‘s Todd McCarthy has just reviewed Sony’s Hancock and hilariously said it has “a certain whiff of” 1993′s The Last Action Hero. Oy. Since that infamous pic brought down upper management of the studio way back then. If the Sony Pictures Entertainment toppers weren’t all heading … Read More »

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