Publishing Partner Program > The Newberry

Serving the public since 1887, the Newberry is an independent research library with collections spanning six centuries. The collections feature a diverse array of items such as illuminated medieval manuscripts, rare early maps, rich genealogical resources, and the personal papers of Midwest authors. Free and open to the public, the Newberry offers exhibitions based on its collections; lectures by and discussions with today’s leading humanists; seminars and workshops; fellowships and undergraduate programs; teacher programs; and other activities.

The following individuals associated with the Newberry have contributed to Britannica:

The following assets from the Newberry have been contributed to Encyclopaedia Britannica (some images forthcoming):

The Arts



History and Geography


  • Calligraphy Copybook, 1740-41
  • Calligraphy Copybook, 1740-41 (2nd image)
  • Rare Calligraphy Manual for Scribes, 1599
  • Ancient Roman Fonts, 1505
  • Jewel-bound binding of Milton’s Paradise Lost, 1758
  • Jean Grolier-bound commentary on Aristotle, 1504
  • Prairie Farmer magazine, 1852
  • Emblemes book of images, 1571
  • French Revolution Broadside, banning pamphlets, 1789
  • Rockwell Kent-illustrated Moby Dick, 1930
  • Yugoslav Edition of Moby Dick, 1954
  • Don Quixote, Rare 1st Edition, 1605
  • Candide by Voltaire, Rare 1st Edition, 1759
  • Shakespeare, First Folio, 1623
  • Roger Powell-designed Hamlet edition, 1930
  • The Anvil magazine, 1933
  • Oswald Bruce Cooper Typography Brochure, 1919