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Fog: Quiz


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More interesting facts on Fog

Include this on your site/blog:
  • the Atlantic Marine ecozone, with its dense fog and massive icebergs, has been feared by mariners who have dubbed its northern extent "Iceberg Alley"?
  • although the official cause of the 2007 Balad aircraft crash is fog, the insurgent group Islamic Army in Iraq says they shot it down?
  • ">
    Question 1: What does the following picture show?

      −25 °C (−13 °F) air temperature produces immense steam fog over Lake Ontario which is still above freezing.
      High speed photo of the above.
      Fog over San Francisco Bay is a famous San Francisco fog
      Light fog reducing visibility on a suburban street. The cyclist is very hazy at about 200m (219 yards). The limit of visibility is about 400m (437 yards), which is before the end of the street.

    Question 2:
    What role did Samuel S. Hinds play in the movie Fog?
    Lord Malvern
    The Rat

    Question 3:
    Who played Lord Malvern the movie Fog?
    Robert Brower
    Robert Brower
    G. Pat Collins
    Donald Cook

    Question 4:
    Who played The Rat the movie Fog?
    Marc McDermott
    John Sturgeon
    Robert Tobin
    Donald Cook

    Question 5:
    What role did Robert McWade play in the movie Fog?
    Alonzo Holt
    Dr. Winstay

    Question 6:
    Who played Nick the movie Fog?
    Marc McDermott
    Greg Good
    Donald Cook
    Greg Good

    Question 7:
    Who played 8 the movie Fog?
    Robert Brower
    Edwin Maxwell
    Marc McDermott
    Donald Cook

    Question 8:
    Who played Hon. Jack Penderberry the movie Fog?
    Reginald Denny
    Harry Eytinge
    Robert Tobin
    Marc McDermott

    Question 9:
    Who played Slogger Bill the movie Fog?
    Marc McDermott
    Donald Cook
    Harry Eytinge
    Greg Good

    Question 10:
    What role did Greg Good play in the movie Fog?
    Wentworth Brown
    Alonzo Holt

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